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Eight of Wands

Eight of Wands

Eight of Wands is one of the Minor Arcana cards in the deck of a tarot card reader. The card resembles action, freedom and breather. This suggests that the path is clear, and we have a full chance to throttle the vehicle and move ahead. The environment may be changing; there will be movement around you. Travel is likely on the card. The sky is clear, and the beautiful river is flowing smoothly. All in all, the situation is conducive to movement. Things will happen fast. Let us see the narrative description of 8 of Wands tarot cards.

The 8 of Wands is shown as eight flying wands that somehow appear suspended in the air. These wands look like germinating and are travelling at a fast speed. The surroundings of the wands shows a clear sky that gives a signal that the path is clear and nothing will stand in between you and your destination. It shows a charismatic landscape with a river flowing smoothly. The flowing water resembles fresh, breathing life. The wands are about to land on the ground, which suggests the end of the journey. Let us discuss how Eight of Wands indicate if it is upright or reversed.

If we check the Seven of Wands card, that means a continuation of difficult times. However, Eight of Wands signifies those difficult times are about to get over. This suggests that the energy level of a person will be high, and he will be in an overdriven mood with a full pedal on the accelerator. This indicates some new will come your way , and that will lead to positive growth. This also indicates at work, if you are waiting for some decision of result to come through, then it will come your way soon. Just show a little sign of patience. In a nutshell, an upright Eight of Wands indicates the readiness of an event, whether it is love, finance or career. Get ready to grab your opportunity.

This is a period of excitement. Love is in the air. You might see a confirmation of a love relationship in haste. If single, then there are chances that the dice of love starts to roll sooner than expected. Life once again is busy and in motion, and a new love interest may generate the much-needed spark. Things will happen too fast before you can even think. Make sure you are ready to take advantage of this volcanic energy. If already in a relationship, there will be pleasant surprises in store that can give the much-needed spark in your life.

In terms of career, an upright Eight of Wands represents fast and rapid movement. This movement, however, can be either literal or in a figurative sense. This indicates you will be travelling for work or, if not travel, then the progress in your career has spiked. This is a positive thing for you right now. You will be bubbling with energy and ready to get out of your shell. Ideas and innovative thoughts will come out of your minds. Take charge and move with confidence, and results will exceed everybody’s expectation.

While in terms of finance, upright Eight of Wands indicates that money will flow in and out. The faster you get the money, the faster it will move out of your hands. This is a general period of mixed result financially. So try to increase the inflow of money rather than the outflow. But we vary about overspending. This will resonate with the saying, easy come easy go.

Just like the upright card was symbolic of speed and agility, the 8 of Wands reversed advice to show patience. There might be a possibility that frustration and lack of movement in life are hampering your mood. There are obstacles in your path-time for you to change the strategy to achieve something. In terms of work, there will be conflicts between your members or with superiors. You will be surrounded by jealous peers, and relationships with your partners may take a hit. One needs to show patience, determination and be focused.

Reverse Eight of Wands love indicates misunderstanding, confusion and rifts in the relationship. Whether you are single or in a relationship, you should use caution about what you speak. Patience will be very important rather than taking any unnecessary hasty decision. Do not push forward; rather, give space to your partner. Communication is the key to sustain relationships. If you are in a relationship, then the air will be full of confusion. Life will be hectic. It is important to involve yourself in constructive dialogue rather than keeping quiet and confusing your partners. This will help in sailing the boat through the storm safely.

There can be two meanings for this Eight of Wands career when the card is in a reverse direction. Either you are moving too quickly in your job, or the progress in your work has slowed down. Stop to check how you feel. If there is stagnation at work, this means you have missed opportunities to grab it. However, if you have been uprooted, then it might mean you have moved quickly. If you are loaded with a heavy job, try to speak to someone who will guide you to resolve and handle the matter. You will become a multitasker, only thinking you need to be patient.

The slow down in money matters will make you frustrated and restless. There will be a disappointment, and you might feel that enough is not there in your pocket or there is a hole in your purse. Your small investment is likely to give you a good return in future. So just hold your horses and do not jump to any kind of conclusion in haste. The day will come when you will get your dues and will be rewarded handsomely. Trust in yourself and believe in your instincts. Good times are ahead as after night; there is always day.

8 of Wands signifies movement either too fast or slow. It resembles that a near resolution or a journey is about to come to its conclusion. It also tells about the abundant energy one may feel during the upright condition and about the helplessness regarding finance. The main takeaway of this card is to stay positive and be patient to get your due rewards.

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