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About GaneshaSpeaks.com

Company Profile

Initiated in 2003 with a definitive vision, GaneshaSpeaks.com is a pioneer brand in more ways than one. Back then, the E-commerce space was yet in its infancy, and the examples to follow were far and few. However, the aim and vision of the company were set from day one – to streamline a scattered, directionless astrology market. GaneshaSpeaks.com is a flagship brand of Wellness Technologies Pvt Ltd. The company has become the ‘Numero Uno’ astrology website in India, and now it also boasts an impressive portfolio of a number of products, services, and brands.

Founder’s Profile

The young, charismatic innovator and techno-entrepreneur, who never shies away from experimenting with novel concepts and uncharted territories, Mr Hemang Arunbhai Pandit has been the key driving force and the brain behind the foundation and creation of the entire GaneshaSpeaks.com business and its running/ upcoming subsidiaries. The architect of the website www.GaneshaSpeaks.com, Mr Pandit has powered the business with his eye-on-the-target approach and inventive spirit. He holds great respect and preference for high-quality service standards, and his vision and firm belief in tenets of hard yet smart work have, time and again, yielded spectacular results. His unique entrepreneurial spirit and dynamism have been instrumental in writing the success story of this organisation.

Our Services

  • Astrology Report
  • Astrology on phone
  • Spiritual Store
  • Matchmaking
  • Mobile Applications
  • Star Guide
  • Books
  • Vastu
  • Astroflix
GaneshaSpeaks.com Team

The organisation’s basic philosophy rests firmly on the belief that no true success can be achieved unless there is complete and concerted involvement of the entire staff in all its endeavours. No wonder the whole team of staff members and astrologers functions as one big, extended family at GaneshaSpeaks.com. The team of astrologers at GS has been personally trained and nurtured by the revered astrologer Shri Bejan Daruwalla, and it has also been proclaimed as the official successors of Shri Daruwalla’s astrological legacy.

Bejan Daruwalla’s Role

The world-renowned, revered astrologer and prophesier Shri Bejan Daruwalla is not someone who needs a lyrical and eloquent introduction. He had been associated with GaneshaSpeaks.com as its brand ambassador, promoter and fountainhead of wisdom right from the organisation’s inception before leaving for the heavenly abode in 2020. In 2003, it was he who formally inaugurated the website and its services. He officially named GaneshaSpeaks.com and its team of astrologers as his successors. We continue to work tirelessly each day to live up to the standards of the legacy of Shri Bejan Daruwalla.


News about GaneshaSpeaks.com, success stories and articles related to the organisation, predictions on various spheres and blogs written by the company’s dedicated team keep appearing in major websites, newspapers and journals regularly.

Internet Business

Internet and the world wide web have been instrumental in changing the face of the world. At GaneshaSpeaks.com, we have immense faith in the power and viability of this medium, and we believe that a universally sought subject like Astrology ought to be showcased via this hugely accessible medium. The website GaneshaSpeaks.com had been created with the primary aim to streamline a largely unstructured, cluttered astrology market. And thus, E-Space was the obvious choice, for on which other platform people from all over the world could connect with astrologers and astrology services without any hassle, in such a credible manner. Today, GaneshaSpeaks is the world’s third-largest astrology-based website and is, undoubtedly, the numero uno in India. Given its reliable, top-of-the-line content and services and a strong team of Bejan Daruwalla trained astrologers, there’s no wonder that today GaneshaSpeaks.com, the portal receives over 20 lakh or 2 million visitors every month.

Telecom Business

Internet and the world wide web have been instrumental in changing the face of the world. At GaneshaSpeaks.com, we have an immense faith in the power and viability of this medium, and we believe that a universally sought subject like Astrology ought to be showcased via this hugely accessible medium. The website GaneshaSpeaks.com had been created with the primary aim to streamline a largely unstructured, cluttered astrology market. And thus, E-Space was the obvious choice, for on which other platform people from all over the world could connect with astrologers and astrology services without any hassle, in such a credible manner. Today, GaneshaSpeaks is world’s third largest astrology-based website, and is, undoubtedly, the numero uno in India. Given its reliable, top-of-the-line content and services and a strong team of Bejan Daruwalla trained astrologers, there’s no wonder that today GaneshaSpeaks.com, the portal receives over 20 lakh or 2 million visitors every month.

Fortune Mantra

Over the years, the stock markets have come to assume a vital place in the world’s economy. The fortunes are mended and broken, regularly in this volatile and shifty world. With due respect to the stock market experts’ views, it has to be accepted that it would be hugely useful if the market’s trends could be accurately foreseen. Astrology, by reading into the planetary trends (of a particular country, time period, company and scrip), can calculate and predict the probable movements of the market. GaneshaSpeaks.com read into this trend, and so was born Fortune Mantra. A specialised and personalised astrology-based stock markets’ consultation service, Fortune Mantra aims at helping individuals and firms increase profits and reduce losses in speculative dealings, especially those related with stock markets. It is here where GaneshaSpeaks’ strong astrology base merges with a deep understanding of the financial markets to create a breathtaking combination that’s Fortune Mantra.


Astroflix.com, the world’s first 4K Zodiac channel, is a dedicated Astrology videos channel. Watch your Daily forecasts to Weekly, Monthly and Yearly for the future. Our branded video portal also offers Live Videos based on Astrology where users can get Live answers from astrologers. These high-quality videos offer the viewer comfort and a feeling of a personalized Astrology experience. We intend to benchmark this space with various versions of video content which will also help demystify Astrology to the masses. Our branded Video portal offers Videos based on Astrology and allied subjects for entertainment, learning and planning your life. With our modern hi-tech studio, we can generate any Astrology content for syndication.


Books are the greatest and most apt repositories of knowledge and wisdom. Being a knowledge based organisation, we, at GaneshaSpeaks.com, maintain dissipating relevant and authentic knowledge as one of our primary aims. Besides, as a premier astrology-based service, we take it on us to leave behind the legacy of the age-old wisdom of astrology and its application for the generations to come. What better way than through Books. Our foray into books’ creation and publishing domain is a relatively new, yet we have already taken giant strides towards success. All our books promise supreme quality and credible content, and they are lucid, well-compiled and superbly written. Last but not least, all our books bear the hallmarks of accuracy, reliability and trust associated with GaneshaSpeaks.com.