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A favourable day as any can be, says Ganesha. You are happy and content with what you have, and you’ve planned and are working towards what you want. A romantic date may prove interesting or throw up a controversy — decide where you want to take it.

There is every possibility that you will enjoy a good rapport with people around you, predicts Ganesha. You will think with your stomach today, craving for delicacies. Such a feeling might be because of repressed hunger. Something refreshingly different might be on the cards today, says Ganesha.

Your highly competitive nature will push you to perform better and better. You don’t even know what being second best means. Getting in touch with like-minded people will only make your resolve stronger. Your desire to be the best will make you take interest in everything that can help you improve. You may even study new subjects. Your efforts will bear fruits, says Ganesha.

Your business acquaintances will come forward in the manner that may seem nothing short of some divine intervention. This means that they will virtually save your neck from the guillotine, predicts Ganesha. You will grow wiser in your spending ways, as you will know what to buy and what not to buy. At work, you will impress everyone with your skills and efficiency.

Motivating people through your own actions is one way; the other is to let your words do the talking. Both are equally effective, says Ganesha. With a bit of help from the stars, today, it is your words that shall hold more weight than your actions, as you make optimum use of your presentation skills. It seems like a good idea to keep an open mind and learn new things that will go a long way in improving your communication skills. So, reconsider taking another look at the latest that technology has to offer to you. Remember, good communicators make better managers at any given opportunity.

It is quite possible that you will love financial challenges that are thrown at you, as they whet your appetite for success. You will come up with innovative ideas and improved methods of problem-solving. Ganesha assures you that your current business ideas will work wonders.

Trivialities should be the least of your concerns today. Do not let the small things faze you out. Remember that it is the overall picture that matters, and not one small stroke of the brush. Bear this is mind, since you may come under some pressure from subordinates at your workplace. Just remember to consider all possibilities before making any decisions. Also, take time to relax and maybe even meditate. It is the key to finding some peace of mind on this hectic day, reminds Ganesha.

You will live the day in two dominant shades, feels Ganesha. One part of your day will be tinted in nostalgia and thinking, while the other will be spent in making up for the time you lost while star gazing and ignoring your work. Do not let the ghosts of your past haunt you because some things are best left behind while making a new beginning, says Ganesha.

Look before you leap, says Ganesha. Cupid has strung his bow and aimed an arrow at you. Love’s labour will easily aid you to woo a young, tender heart. But don’t be swept away by easy prospects and guard your reputation at all costs.

It will be one of those mundane days with nothing remarkable happening on any front. But don’t be disheartened, advises Ganesha; planetary movements indicate there may be a change coming soon, most likely a good one. So, perk up and look forward to tomorrow.

You do have a way with words and today, you may succeed with your gift of the gab! But Ganesha says that your confused feelings may come in the way of your triumphant achievement. Also, sentiments may lead to a disastrous outcome. Sounds familiar?

The fount of your creativity spurts today like there is no tomorrow. For lesser mortals, it takes inspiration, perspiration and a lot of desperation to come up with something creative. You, on the other hand, keenly remember the lessons from your past efforts, and use them today to scale new heights, says Ganesha.

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The impact of Jupiter will help you to get some opportunities for progress in your career. But, rash decisions driven by the Mars may land you in troubles. If you are doing business, you are likely to get some good opportunities to expand the foundation of business. There would be gradual financial growth along with increased gains during this week. You would receive better results from around the middle part of this week which would add happiness in your life. Mercury indicates that your hunger for intellectual fulfillment, to discuss some new and engaging ideas to dwell on will come to surface strongly this time around. Perhaps, you may pull someone back into your life who you haven’t spoken to for some time. Your vitality will remain good this week and if you have any health issues, you may start recovering from problems that you have dealt with. Your confidence level may remain good but be cautious, as some personal and emotional problems can have an adverse effect on your education.

You should be feeling good about where you are and where you believe you are headed in your career. If you are in business, new ideas will be important in the second half of the week, and it might be up to you to evaluate some new plans. Mercury will help you to get out of some long standing problems and money-wise you will feel better with your conditions. Friendships and relationships will blossom during this week and romance will be in the air as you will be blessed by Venus. This week will energize and will also make you feel good with your health status. You will have enough planetary support to make progress in your studies but at times you will be somewhat confused. In such cases, you should take someone else’s suggestion and implement it.

The impact of Jupiter will be helping you to take charge of some important projects at the office and using your creativity to elevate your status. If you are doing business, there will be some excellent opportunities amid some teething problems this week. Do not let anything get the better of you and avoid all the negativity. You must also try to listen to the advice that people around you have to give you while you will be in a process to take some vital financial decisions. Also, the impact of South Node will make you prefer a secluded environment to think more deeply about various issues in your life which might create some distance in your love life and relationship. This phase will force you to focus on improving your habits and switching to a healthier lifestyle. You will do well in your studies. You may emerge top of your class as you will do well in your examinations.

Jupiter is likely to provide you with some good opportunity and options to strike some good deals particularly if you doing business. Make good use of this supportive time to enhance your growth. But you may have to face unexpected expenses due to the complex energy of South Node. If you are planning to invest money in land or property, you should think twice. Venus will bring excitement and happiness in your love life. You will have the opportunity to meet new and interesting people, and you may even develop a new relationship. Some errors or omissions in your preparation for exams foreseen due to the impact of Mercury during this week. Also take extra care while dealing with authorities around the middle of this week. Though your energy level may remain good you need to have better work-life management to have stress levels under control and to remain fit and fin during this week.

The week looks set to encouraging, especially from the growth point of view in your profession. Be prepared to accept new challenges due to the influence of Mars. Overcoming hurdles in routine work will remain difficult around the latter part of this week. You will be able to enhance your financial status. However, the Saturn may force you to work hard to achieve what you have set out to. This week is going to bring a mixed bag of emotions for you on the relationship front. You may develop a romantic relationship but, you will not be able to talk to your mate freely. This week may provide you with ample opportunities to expand your horizon by developing associations with people those with excellent academic background in your studies. Most of the part of this week may remain favourable for your health and fitness.

Arguments with peers and superiors might affect your progress hence you must keep your cool during this phase. Mercury is likely to enhance your career prospects gradually. You will have the major progress in terms of business and management related activities. You are to have enough funds available to meet your financial commitments during this week. This also seems supportive period for investments. In the beginning of this week, some positive changes brought by Venus in your love may enliven your spirits, but as the week progresses due to the impact of Mars, the things may turn bit bitter, if you don’t pay attention. Your creativity will be on high and your enthusiasm to learn new subjects to expand the knowledge may lead your way to success and satisfaction in your studies. In the beginning of this week, your energy levels will not be up to the mark but gradually, the supportive planetary influences will help you to regain your fitness level.

Saturn will not allow you to make much headway. So, just lie low for some time. Conditions may begin to improve from middle of this week. If you are doing business, you may also have much better planetary support to make new tie ups as the week approaches its end. There may not be much of problems for you to manage your money. However, you shall incur expenses, on account of some social or religious ceremony. Relationship matters look set to be encouraging as well as smooth and reasonably sorted during this week. You will be able to improve your knowledge and skill set with the help of your mentors and parents. So, your progress in studies will remain good. As the week progresses, robust health is foreseen for you. Due to favourable planetary influences you may be able to lead a healthy life devoid of pressure.

During this week, you are likely to remain very optimistic about your career and Jupiter will bring a lot of positive ideas within you. Expansion of business shall pick up the pace and you are likely to find much awaited positive news around the week end, suggests Mercury. The impact of Mars is likely to make you very anxious for financial gains but, you must think twice before making any major commitment. The period around the week end would lead you towards the financial growth. This could be a favourable week for your love life and relationship and, Venus will shower blessings and you may find some good opportunities to express your feelings. You are all set to perform well in your studies this week. Your performance is going to boost your confidence level. Your energies will be up to the mark this week and hence you will be more comfortable and confident with your health status.

The combined impact of Jupiter and Mars is likely to aspire big this week. Try to take maximum advantage. If you are in business, someone important and influential may get in touch with you which will in turn help you expand your business. This week looks set to be encouraging and progressive for financial realm. The planetary alliances may bring a major positive change in order to fulfill your financial goals as the week progresses. You might experience some disruptions and discontent in your relationship due to the impact of North Node this week. Here you will have to be patient while dealing with your beloved ones. Also, you may not find the going smooth now and may have to struggle hard before getting desired results in your studies. The positive influence of Jupiter shall help you maintain your health efficiently during this week.

Mars may prompt you to take ambitious decisions in order to increase the pace of your progress but, you must understand that the impact of Saturn is not comprehensively in your favour for any such big moves. Don’t do that! It will be a good phase for investing money in fixed assets, like a shop, vacant land or a residential property. This phase may lead to disturbances in matters related to love and relationship. Remain in tune with the requirements of your beloved ones, especially if you are in committed relationship. Overall the week should be reasonably good for the educational and intellectual pursuits. Proper concentration and hard work may make you able to get good results. Your health will remain good during this week. But, you may end of scattering your energies behind lots of activities.

The impact of Mars indicates very good career prospects for this week. You will have the support of family members and friends for your career growth. You can utilize this period to expand your business and to increase the volume of your business. The money flow will be wonderful as the week begins. But it indicates some alterations in the financial pattern as the week advances. Venus will induce plenty of passion and romance in your love life. There may be some distances or dissatisfaction in the beginning but, love life will be more romantic as the week advances. As the impact of Mercury is not helpful for your academic development, the effort required to pass examinations will be much more and you may also face stiff competition at every stage. This week may remain better for your health. You will be able to recover well and may also be able to prevent any illness.

This week, you shall be preoccupied with making a smart strategy for your progress. You may be drawn to activities that bring pleasure and diversion. Some disruptions, due to the impact of Saturn may slow down the pace of your progress as the week progresses. If you are in business, you will be facing a very tough competition. However, you will receive financial help from varied avenues. Partnership-related matters will be beneficial but family-related matters will incur expenses. This week may begin on a somewhat negative note. You notice a slight lack of intimacy and love at your partner’s end. This might make you somewhat frustrated. This week is going to be favourable and progressive for your education. Jupiter is likely to motivate you to take interest in other important courses which can also help you build your knowledge. Your resistance level will be good but, you may feel very much occupied and there can be some unknown stress on your mind. This might affect your energy level to an extent.

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Venus may bring productive as well as profitable results but, professional life may become very challenging. If you are in business, some impulsive actions or decisions might bring problems, indicates Mars. Venus indicates that with the zeal to achieve your full professional potential, good results will eventually come during this month. The impact of Jupiter will help you to get some good opportunities for progress in your career. You will be facing many obstacles to carry out your financial planning but you are likely to adopt a proper strategy to negate the challenges. You have the potential for achieving your financial goals provided you implement some corrective measures. Some difficulties of an elder member from your life or your partner’s may loom large during this month. Due to various other commitments, romance may need to take a backseat. You will be newly interested in joining social groups or just interacting with new people during the latter part of this month. Perhaps, you may pull someone back into your life who you haven’t spoken to for some time in order to fulfill your desires. Your emotional and physical wellbeing will be vital now. There will be some delays if you try to adopt any new health regimen though. The planets will help you to regain your energy levels gradually but there will be some laziness or lack of motivation. In your studies, your performance in all subjects is going to improve this month. Also, your knowledge is going to increase and your skills will be more refined. You will be rewarded well for your excellent performance, knowledge and skills.

As the month begins, Jupiter will bring good fortune at your work place. You may have some good luck in an important business deal. An unexpected opportunity might land in your lap. Now you will look for new sources that will help your finances grow and you will do very well financially. Your relationship will take time to grow, hence keep patience. As the month advances, Saturn suggests to you that a change in course is necessary, but keep this in mind that your task will be somewhat difficult now. You will have a financial loss in some cases, if you take undue risk around the mid of this month. Lethargy, decreased sleep time and appetite, decreased mood may most likely be the consequences of some disturbances or improper diet this time around. As far as your studies, you are about to see a lot of success in your life through your honest work and you will earn appreciation as well. During the latter part of this month, you should be feeling good about your career. Mercury will help you to get out of some long standing problems and money-wise you will feel better with your conditions. Friendships and relationships will blossom and the planets will energize and will also make you feel good with your health status. But around the month end, you might have to change your career plans as the impact of North Node can be highly complex. But your financial condition will not be so bad as you are thinking it to be. If you are already in a serious relationship, you will wish to tie the knot but the period around the month will not be a good time if you are interested in casual flirtation. You will be facing many roadblocks in your educational journey but you will have a good support from your mentors.

The beginning of this month will end your lethargic approach to work and kicking off a phase of success. Jupiter indicates prospective time for your business as well. Things will start looking up when it comes to your financial status. Saturn will force you to quit addictions or at least reduce your addictions. Some health issues will be evident due to the addictions. As the month advances, the impact of North Node can create havoc at work. So beware. If you are in business, the period around the mid of this month can be a very tricky phase. It can be highly volatile phase for your financial status. Also, getting into a serious relationship is not advised. You will suffer from some minor illnesses due to your weak immune system. During the latter half of this month, the impact of Jupiter will be helping you to elevate your status in your job. If you are doing business, there will be some excellent opportunities amid some teething problems. The impact of South Node might create some distance in your love life. This phase will force you to focus on improving your habits and switching to a healthier lifestyle. You will do well in your studies. You may emerge top of your class as you will do well in your examinations. Around the end of this month, impact of South Node may make you feel as you were backtracking in your career instead of moving forward. Now is the time to keep alert to vulnerable areas in your close relations. Changes are on the horizon for you in relationship issues. There will be many challenges in your studies but you need to accept them, smile and learn from your mistakes again and again.

Mars in the beginning of this month indicates that there will be just so much happening at your work place to be particularly productive. It will be more engaging than usual, if you are in business. Some unplanned expenses will increase at the same time income will also surge but the financial situation will require tactful handling. Venus will provide you the chances to have some connections beyond your own social circle. Some old health issues might resurface this time around. However, gradually you are likely to regain your vitality as the month advances. Mercury will make you able to put in action long conceived plan to push ahead your career prospects around the mid of this month. The planets may lead you towards financial growth and prosperity. It will be an important phase to take some vital decisions regarding your love life. Saturn indicates that the time to let go of a connection that is not serving you well. Jupiter is likely to provide you with some good opportunity and options to strike some good deals particularly if you doing business during the latter part of this month. But you may have to face unexpected expenses due to the complex energy of South Node. Venus will bring excitement and happiness in your love life. Some errors or omissions in your preparation for exams foreseen due to the impact of Mercury. Though your energy level may remain good you need to have better work-life management to have stress levels under control and to remain fit and fin. Saturn will demand you to exert more to achieve your objective in your career around the month end. Jupiter will help you in studies.

Overall planetary positions seem to be aligned in your favour as the month begins. You will have luck by your side, if you are doing business. Jupiter will bring an opportunity to enhance your overall turnover. You are likely to work harder too which will help you make your financial status stronger. You may be able to find your new crush this time around. Venus indicates that your love life will be buzzing but some demanding projects in your studies might make you nervous. Health-wise, some nagging issues may bother you. Be prepared to accept new challenges as the month advances due to the influence of Mars. However, the Saturn may force you to work hard to achieve what you have set out to. The period around the mid of month is going to bring a mixed bag of emotions for you on the relationship front. You may develop a romantic relationship but, you will not be able to talk to your mate freely. The impact of South Node may bring some challenges at career front during the latter half of this month. It may call for building new strategies and reviewing plans to begin afresh without taking impulsive financial decisions. Jupiter will make you calmer and happier and that sort of state of mind will reflect in all your relations. It may also provide you with excellent opportunities to showcase your talents in your studies. Around the month end, you are likely to be entrusted with an additional responsibility and seems favourable for striking profitable deals if you are doing business. Mercury will steadily lead you towards the financial growth and Mars will keep you energized and active on relationship front. You are likely to learn things satisfactorily and also able to resolve some pending issues in your studies efficiently. The impact of South Node may however make your health vulnerable around the month end.

As the month begins, there will be many positive developments in your professional life. If you are doing business, Mercury may bring some good opportunities to strike some big deals. It will bring good planetary support and hence there will be ease at your financial front. However, some issues will stir your emotions to the core. However, you will be able to manage the issues efficiently. Some encouraging results are likely to motivate you to take interest in your studies with greater enthusiasm. Jupiter is likely to boost your career prospects as the month advances. However, disruptions caused by some of your associates may raise your stress levels. But Mercury might help you in generating desired progress amid some stiff challenges. The middle part of this month will be tricky and your relationship may suffer a blow if you unable to manage your relationship. Though you may have good planetary favour your performance in your studies may remain mediocre during the latter half of month as you may remain engaged with irrelevant matters here. Arguments with peers and superiors might affect your progress hence you must keep your cool during the latter half. Mercury is likely to enhance your career prospects gradually. Also, some positive changes brought by Venus in your love may enliven your spirits. But keep in mind that one wrong decision may disturb your financial stability around the month end. The favourable planets will help you to cement your relationship and re-kindle that old fire. The impact of planets may remain favourable for your education and your fitness level will improve significantly as the month approaches its end.

In the beginning of this month, you need to handle your career related matters carefully. It would best if you could be patient and wait a while as your hasty or abrupt decisions may backfire, indicates Mars. In matters related to your relationship, you may have to exercise utmost caution. If you are not aware of some tricky situations, the South Node can make your life somewhat distressful. Also, you may have to struggle more before getting desired results in studies. Saturn will not allow you to make much headway in your career during the first half of month. So, just lie low for some time. If you are doing business, you may also have much better planetary support to make new tie ups after the mid of this month. There may not be much of problems for you to manage your money. However, you shall incur expenses, on account of some social or religious ceremony. Relationship matters look set to be encouraging as well as smooth and reasonably sorted during the latter half of month. You will be able to improve your knowledge and skill set with the help of your mentors and parents. So, your progress in studies will remain good. If you intend to buy a residential place or invest money for long term, Jupiter seems supportive on this count. But you will have to deal with some complicated issues as the month approaches end, indicates the South Node. Your health may remain somewhat mediocre, and there are possibilities that you may suffer from water-borne or seasonal diseases. There may be some disruptions due to unavoidable expenses but still Mars surely will keep your financial position solid and strong.

As the month begins, there will be some good opportunities for the betterment of your career. If you are doing business, Mars will bring some good deals to enhance business prospects. Pace of your financial progress is likely to start picking positive momentum thanks to Jupiter. Your beloved may start getting attracted to you. However, you need to keep patience as this may happen in a slow and gradual manner, suggests Saturn. As your mental position and concentration levels in terms of your academics is expected to be better. Your success is virtually guaranteed. This period may remain good for your health and fitness. As the month advances, Mercury will guide you towards better productivity. Financial flow would be gradually increasing. But, you must avoid over ambitious move for rapid financial growth under the influence of North Node. You must tread carefully as influence of South Node could lead to an increase in misunderstandings even when you are trying to have healthy conversations. On education front, Mercury will also motivate you to take up other courses which can build your knowledge. You are likely to be very cautious about your health and well-being that will help you to maintain your health. During the latter half, Jupiter will bring a lot of positive ideas within you. The impact of Mars is likely to make you very anxious for financial gains but, you must think twice before making any major commitment. Venus will shower blessings and you may find some good opportunities to express your feelings. You are all set to perform well in your studies. Your performance is going to boost your confidence level. Your energies will be up to the mark and hence you will be more comfortable and confident with your health status. But around the month end the North Node may bring some complex situations at your career front. However, good income flow may help you to manage this issues. Venus also calls for careful measures like tactfully handling relationship. With your determination and focus, you can rightfully make good progress and development in in your education. You might confront some health issues due to laziness or overindulgence around the month end.

In the beginning of this month, the impact of South Node may bring challenges in your way. Pressure to perform may increase. Also, your extravagance side may come to the fore. You are likely to try out new mediums in your life in order to stimulate your love life. But, be careful and take each step at a time. Mercury will be helpful for your progress in studies. You may have to accord due importance to your health in the beginning of this week as some uneasiness could lead to headaches and mood swings. As the month advances, the combined impact of Jupiter and Mars is likely to aspire big. Try to take maximum advantage. If you are in business, someone important and influential may get in touch with you which will in turn help you expand your business around the mid of this month. But you might experience some disruptions and discontent in your relationship due to the impact of North Node this time around. Jupiter will bring a favourable time for you with many more opportunities to show your abilities on the career front during the latter half. Business expansion is also foreseen. You may get help to launch new products. This is also a good time for planning ahead, suggests Mercury. Mars will make your love life very exciting and you may be receiving positive response from your mate. Your creativity will be on high during this week but, your wayward approach may cause problems in education. The phase seems good to regain vitality and adopt a healthy life style to ensure excellent energy levels and stamina. There will be increase in your earnings around the month end. Venus is going to favour your efforts, and likely to bring you some new opportunities to establish a stronger relationship.

Uncertainty on business front may manifest in the beginning of this month. Expect things to start rolling in your favour gradually due to the support of Venus. You shall get some encouraging opportunities to boost your earnings. This phase is indicative of favourable impact on relationship and matters related to love. From the beginning of the month, you will get a lot of favour of Mercury and Jupiter in your studies. Your immune system and vitality will remain good but there is also the possibility of digestion problems.As the month advances, Mars may prompt you to take ambitious decisions in order to increase the pace of your progress but, you must understand that the impact of Saturn is not comprehensively in your favour for any such big moves. The period around the mid of this month will be a good phase for investing money in fixed assets, like a shop, vacant land or a residential property. During the latter half, you must try your best to maintain cordial relations with your co-workers and your business associates. Gradually, you will be able to climb up the ladder of success. You will be able to get your thoughts together and financially productive. This period requires proper rest or sleep for internal healing. However, Yoga or any other spiritual activities can revive your energy. The period around the month end may be a bit overcast but it is likely to push you to shake off your complacency as the impact of South Node can be complex. Favourable planetary influences will be helping you perform with renewed efficiency and boost your financial prospects. This phase may not spell well for you getting into a serious or long-term relationship. If you are doing higher education is likely to ward off distraction and remain focused for long hours while studying. Your mental and physical health will be cooperating you so you will be able to perform tasks in a better manner around the month end.

As the month begins you will have ample of support from Venus to make progress in your profession. The first half of this month will be very important for your career progression. Mercury may bring some good earning opportunities but, you are to exert more to achieve your financial objective. It will be full of turbulent or conflicting emotions. There can be lack of harmony in your relations due to the impact of South Node. It will be a good phase to organize your schedules more efficiently to make progress in your studies. The impact of Saturn will not be encouraging for health. If you have been suffering from any lingering health issues, you may have to take extra care now. As the month advances, Mercury will favour you and it is likely to boost your career prospects. But, planetary impact is likely to bring some sudden changes around the mid of this month. If you are doing business, you may get opportunity to have a tie up with new clients. This will be the right time for you to put in action long conceived plan to push ahead your financial prospects despite many obstacles in your way, indicates Saturn. During the latter half of month, impact of Mars indicates very good career prospects. You will have the support of family members and friends for your career growth. You can utilize this period to expand your business and to increase the volume of your business. Venus will induce plenty of passion and romance in your love life. Mercury indicates a profitable phase around the month end. Family and social contacts will also help you to boost your financial strength. You will have good support of Mercury and hence you will be able to seduce your partner with your communication skills. But the stars do not foretell encouraging signs for your fitness and well-being. If you are suffering from any chronic diseases, may require more attention around the month end.

The beginning of this month seems good for career growth and enhancement. Your seniors would give much importance to your opinions. But you should not become over-confident under the influence of Mars. The monetary investments you make during this week will yield benefits in the future. If you are not involved in relationship yet, Venus may help you to pursue your dream. You will work more efficiently and will focus on your specific goal to attain success in your studies. Now you can expect to regain your vitality gradually. You will start recovering from problems that you have dealt with, in the past. As the month advances, Saturn may slow down the pace of your progress. If you are in business, you will be facing a very tough competition around the mid of this month. However, you will receive financial help from varied avenues. Partnership-related matters will be beneficial but family-related matters will incur expenses. You notice a slight lack of intimacy and love at your partner’s end. This might make you somewhat frustrated in your relationship. Your resistance level will be good but, you may feel very much occupied and there can be some unknown stress on your mind. This might affect your energy level to an extent. The latter half is going to be a win-win situation for you since the Jupiter and Mars are on smooth sail again. It may bring some favorable results for your career and business in which you will accomplish your undertakings successfully and on required time. Around the month end you must not take any step in your profession or otherwise that affects your financial results directly or indirectly. Due to the impact of Venus, your relationship matters start getting better. This will be a much better phase for your education. You are likely to learn complicated subjects well enough. The ending part can be negative for the health segment. Thus, you should ideally follow a disciplined lifestyle.

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In the beginning of this year, you will have ample support of the transiting Jupiter and hence you will be able to carry out your plans, but Saturn will demand you to work hard. You need to little lower your professional ambitions. Also, you may feel that your finances have become stagnant and on a slightly downward swing. But, you must keep yourself motivated as the positive impact of Venus will begin to be felt and will start giving you good rewards as the year advances. In the beginning of the year the Sun, Mars conjunction may not allow you to enjoy your love life and the dullness may frustrate you at times. But as the year advances, Venus-Mercury conjunction will help you to make a big romantic step right away. Due to the impact of Venus-Mars conjunction, your sensuality will be very much in the forefront from around the month of February. So get ready for some hot romance. In the beginning of the year, positive energy of Mars will help you in terms of your health. Remember whatever your mind will say, your body will follow. Hence keep your mind balanced and positive. Hectic schedules may burn out your energy. General health issues will be present frequently during this period till the end of March. You will get good planetary support by the conjunction of transiting Venus and Mercury in the beginning of this year. This can help you progress well in your studies, perform well in your examinations as well, and rise to good levels. Also, there are chances for a favorable turn of events if you are intending to pursue studies abroad. The favorable impact of Venus, Mars and Mercury will bring growth in your career from around the mid of February. You can now achieve the most favorable results. However, you will need to be very cautious with your money matters from around mid of March as the Mercury’s conjunction with North Node can be very complex. If possible, go for some meditation or yoga camps to help you find peace for a few days and the period around the month of April will be good for that. The period from around April will also be a good phase to join short-term courses which will give you additional knowledge apart from your regular studies. The impact of the shadow planets can be highly complex around the month of May hence you should not get involved in a dubious or risky adventure for quick gain. Your thinking will be clouded by the impact of North Node. Also, your energy levels may not be up to the mark hence, you need to remain more careful about health here. From around the month of June, the benevolent Jupiter will bring ease and good fortune. Some previous investments may also bring higher return and important financial dealings may have strong positive impact around the month of August, indicates the Jupiter-Mars conjunction. The impact of the South Node around the month of September will remind you that balance and moderation is the key for a healthy and fulfilling life. Due to the strong support of transiting Venus the period after mid of September seems good supportive time for development of some pending plans for achieving higher financial status. Exalted Mercury will act in your favor and there may be some important events taking place with regard to your educational matter around the month of September. Under the influence of Venus-Mercury conjunction, you will be looking for higher meaning of love and sense of purpose in your relationships around the month of October. Go for what you want in life now as opportunities will be there for you this time around. You will have ample planetary support to implement your plans and to find positive momentum in your career during the last quarter. The strong support of Venus will also boost your financial strength around the year end. The Mars’ impact on Venus can be a refreshing and likely to bring positivity and harmony in your love life around the month of December.

Venus will bless you with success and prosperity in the beginning of this year. If you are in business, Mars will make you feel a sudden surge of energy and may also have many ideas to expand your business. Keep patience as Venus will bring successful phase for you and a good time to look for additional income around the month of March. Venus will bless you with the perfect time to enjoy intimacy with your partner but Mars will give you some shocks and surprises in the middle of February hence get ready for a wild ride in your love life. From the beginning of the year Jupiter could prove to be a blessing for you in your studies. Your hard work is likely to get you one step closer to your dreams. The impact of South Node suggests you to devote more time to your health. From around the month of March, the benevolent Jupiter will bring good times as there are chances of promotion at your work place. You will have strong positive momentum, if you are doing business. A tangible increase in profits is possible around the mid of March. Jupiter will bring some new opportunities your way around the month of April. There will be some misunderstanding, doubts or insecurity in your love life around the month of March. Keep yourself balanced and positive as some long distance travel opportunities with friends and beloved ones will come your way and the impact of Venus may boost your love prospects gradually. Mercury around the month of April will bring a lot of balance within yourself which can help your studies. From around the month of April, the impact of stars will make you understand how important doing regular exercise for health. However, it will be very much important for you not to overdo it. In the beginning of May, the impact of North Node might cause some stress in your mind. Try to modulate your emotional responses to avoid unnecessary issues at your work place. Do not lose hope as there will be opportunities to earn extra money and the Venus seems pouring golden rain on you from around the ending part of May. Your love prospects look exciting and there are chances that you will find a fun partner but the impact of South Node will lead to confusion and obstacles hence you need to put in efforts to achieve conjugal bliss particularly around the month of June. Around the month of July, you will be in the position to achieve what you wanted to achieve in your career. Although South Node will not give you easy passage. Saturn could change the way you see your life, personally or professionally during the latter part of year. But there will be some disruptions in your financial planning due to the impact of North Node around the month of August Venus will also help you to be ready to make a long term commitment with your partner this time around. As the period advances, your love life is likely to be very rewarding and you are likely to receive gratification from all spheres of life. The period around the month of September can be an important phase for your studies and future growth. Jupiter during the last quarter will bring good fortune at your work place. You may have some good luck in an important business deal. Jupiter will bring good fortune and you will look for new sources that will help your finances grow and you will do very well financially. You need to take care of your health around October as lethargy, decreased sleep time and appetite, decreased mood may most likely be the consequences of some disturbances or improper diet this time around. Things will remain good for your health around the year end. Saturn will demand you to act with patience and also with the positive approach in your studies. The better you feel, the better you will do in your studies during the latter part of this year.

This year will remain highly productive for your career related matters. The beginning of this year will be good for your financial status. It can be the ideal time to put in action long conceived plan to push ahead your financial prospects. The impact of Jupiter will help you to make steady progress. Venus indicates that your creative vision will set you apart from the rest at your work place. If you are willing to put extra efforts, you will be fully supported by the Jupiter in your studies. But South Node can disrupt the harmony of your love life. In relationship matters, you need to find some time and space for each other regardless of your other commitments. Gradually around the mid of February, Venus will bless your love life and if you are not in relationship, you will come across a person who you will be interested in you. In the beginning of this year, your health will be sensitive due to some old or existing health issues. But the impact of Mercury may keep you in good cheer and improved health status from around the month of April. Mercury will also bring positive momentum and likely to be favorable for making some important career moves from around the month of April. Change is in the air, if you are doing business. Mercury will also give you chance to go out and interact with experts and that will also make you able to expand your skillset which will help your growth in studies. Venus will make you full of love and you will be celebrating the good moments around the end of April. You will have comfortable stability around the month of May and you should not worry regarding money matters. Mars will help you to stimulate your love life and take relationship on a fresh new level. You should be ready for a romantic time around the month of June. If you looking for a new relationship, Venus will bless you to find your match. From around the month of July, things will start getting better at your working place. Due to blessings of Jupiter, you will get a lot of opportunities for the expansion and good gains in business. If you are desirous of pursuing higher education abroad, you could find your wish fulfilled around this time. But the phase around the August can be highly disruptive for your love life under the influence of Mars. Also, all the health issues even if they are minor should be attended to immediately so as to prevent them from becoming serious this time around. Some old health issues may resurface and can affect your activities continuously around the month of September. Saturn will force you to quit addictions or at least reduce your addictions. North Node may bring some change at your work place and if you are in business, you may see some good deals coming your way around the month of September. Things will start looking up when it comes to your financial status from around the month of October. But there can be highly volatile phases as well. So, you will have to act with a clear vision. At times you may feel somewhat insecure or impatient with regards to some important projects in your studies. Gradually, your confidence in your studies will rise and you will do well in your studies during the last quarter of year. Changes are on the horizon for you in relationship issues around the month of October. Venus will offer you a unique experience in your love life which can be worth exploring around the end of this year. Jupiter will bring some amazing possibilities when it comes to your career progression during the last quarter of year. Saturn may make you feel temporarily stuck. But, you will be able to power through. Your unique and brilliant ideas can bring strong positive growth around the end of this year.

In the beginning of the year, the impact of North node might not allow you to break the shackles so easily. If you are in business, something may go wrong in your planning. However, there will be plenty of openings for improving your financial status as the period advances. The beginning of this year may also remain highly auspicious for you to take up higher education. Venus may also help you to achieve higher level of intimacy with your sweetheart. Mercury might bring opportunity to meet someone, if you are not involved in any relation yet. Your immune system will remain highly efficient and hence here will not be any serious health issues this time around. Around the month of February, Mercury indicates that someone could approach you with a particularly inventive idea for career growth. Venus will boost your financial strength through innovative ventures. But, the impact of North Node could bring some emotional frustration in your love life. Around the month of March, some excellent options as well as reasonable solutions will make you able to find higher elevation in your work. Some good earning opportunities will be facilitated by the favorable aspects of Venus and Mercury. Venus may bring wealth of feelings and romance in your life. But the South Node may bring some complex conditions and may not allow you to enjoy the true colors of love. Your health status will be fragile this time around. From the month of April, planets will inspire you to think big, with a perspective for the future. Venus may bring amazing harmony in your love life and relationship matters. But North Node may make over ambitious and force you to take undue risk which can be very disruptive for your financial planning. Your education is going to be blessed by the favourable impact of Jupiter. This can be a good phase for your overall health as well. The impact of North Node can change the equations of your relationship hence you must trade carefully around the month of May. Mars around the month of June indicates the perfect time to really make a statement at your work place and in your business too. Venus will give an upward push to your finances. Some recent issues might cause a bit of a disruptions in your love life. Saturn will bring your focus on improving your habits and switching to a healthier lifestyle. Mars will help you to maintain enthusiasm by engaging yourself regularly in some physical activities or exercise. Saturn will bring some fresh challenges at your work place and if you are doing business, some difficulties are likely to frustrate you around the month of August. The environment looks set to be challenging for your financial status as well. Good thing is that the Venus will provide you enough strength to deal with some complicated matters effectively as the period progresses. Presence of malefic influences of shadow planets may keep you worried about your relationship though. Saturn indicates the time to take a pause in your personal life. Venus will provide you the chances to have some connections beyond your own social circle during the latter part of this year. Around the end of this year, Jupiter would bring some moments of amusement and bliss and it could also lead you towards growth in your profession. Saturn demands to you to be ready to accept the new challenges and tasks in your studies. If you are suffering from any ailments, this phase will help you to recover fast. This period may provide you the opportunities to resolve some pending matters if you are doing business. Venus can make the period around December a special for love and relationship. It would be a good opportunity to display your love and devotion. Mars will bring enthusiasm and you will be feeling flirty and ready to embark on some new romantic experience.

In the beginning of this year, the impact of shadow planets as well as Saturn do not foretell a good time for your career but the combined impact of Jupiter and Venus indicates beginning of a delightful phase from around the mid of January. You must keep patience though. Mercury indicates that you may have many ideas and strategies floating around in your mind to strengthen your financial but, it can be misleading. If you are doing business, some impulsive actions or decisions might bring problems. The movement of South Node will not be so favourable for you around the month of February. Increments or promotions are hard to come. Also, there will be some serious differences with the elder members of the family. Some negative thoughts and anxiety around the month of February may cause digestion problems. Mercury may however bring constructive changes from around the mid of February. It will bring plenty of good things to happen in your personal life. It will be highly romantic as well as passionate phase due to the combined impact of Mars and Venus. As the year advances, due to strong support of Jupiter, you will be able to focus better and you will have stronger chances to achieve your goals in your studies. Mars indicates the period around the mid of March will be highly productive for career progress. If you are in business, it will remain good for the completion of previously started projects. Jupiter will make you able to strengthen your position so the period till June may bring some good growth opportunities amid problems created by Saturn. Planets can bring additional income through inheritance, joint ventures or from old investments in property or assets around the month of March. If you aspire to international opportunities, this phase can also give you positive results. However, Mars indicates that you will be in a hurry to get into romantic relationship which may prove to be a mistake. There will be some fierce agreements and disputes with your beloved as a result of Mars’ impact around the month of April. Take things in stride and rectify as needed. Venus indicates that romance and passion will dominate your mental horizon and likely to make you feel happy around the month of May. But during the latter half of year, the impact of planets may give birth to fatigue factors. There will be a feeling of laziness and stress. Give sufficient rest to your mind and physique both to keep yourself healthy. North Node could cause some problems in the workplace around the month of June. You will also face some difficulties at financial front. You will however have plenty of support from the Venus so expressing your love and emotions will become easier and that might bring soothing impact in your relationship as the year advances. But the period around July will be very sensitive for your love life. The impact of South Node can change the equations of your relationship. Also, as the impact of North Node may bring some sudden changes at your work place around the month of August. Some matters shall look uncertain till mid of September. Overall planetary positions seem to be aligned in your favour as the month of October begins. You will have luck by your side in your career. Mercury will steadily lead you towards the financial growth. Venus indicates that your love life will be buzzing around the month of October. It would bring some moments of amusement and bliss and it could also lead you towards financial gains around the month of November. It may also provide you with excellent opportunities to showcase your talents in your studies around the month of October. But Mars is going to bring in a lot of disturbance in your studies around the month of November. Thankfully, your sense of responsibility and focused approach towards your studies may help you to achieve good success around the end of this year. Your health may remain good barring some minor fluctuations in your energy levels during the ending phase of this year. Saturn will make your working conditions bit challenging but future growth prospects will keep you preoccupied. Jupiter will bring a sense of passivity around the year end on the career front.

The year looks progressive for you but in the beginning of this year, career related matters shall look uncertain due to the complex impact of South Node. Things shall start to fall in place gradually due to the Mercury’s support. The movement of Venus will give an upward push to your finances. But there may be some issues where you may have ego clashes with your mate and disturbances due to the impact of South Node which may hamper your mood. Saturn will demand you to keep check on your energy levels and adopt necessary discipline to keep yourself healthy. You may be somewhat lazy and tend to ignore self-discipline in matters related to your health regimen. From around the ending part of January, your performance in studies would begin to take a positive turn gradually but you may have to struggle hard to get expected results. The positive impact of Venus will begin to be felt gradually around the month of February and hence an investment that you make during this phase will start giving you good rewards as the year advances. Your personal life is likely to be a roller-coaster due to the disturbances caused by the impact of South Node in routine matters till mid of February. Month of March is likely to bring many opportunities for growth and gain. Jupiter will facilitate gains and new ventures as the year advances. You will have ample support from Venus to empower and manage your finance efficiently. In existing close relationships, some kind of boundaries or walls may develop due to the impact of South Node. But Venus may help you to take the relationship to the next level of understanding and satisfaction from around the last week of March. From the ending part of February, you are to make progress towards your fitness goals as well. The period around the mid of April can be a very important and sensitive phase of your love life. North Node can be damaging. Thankfully, the favourable impact of Venus will help you to strengthen your relationship and bring pleasure and satisfaction around the month of May. Here, Jupiter is likely to open new avenues to find higher elevation in your career. If you are doing business, you will be able to resolve some pending issues. The period till the month of July would be a period of fortune to achieve your financial goals. In your studies, you are likely to step up your efforts and prove your talents around the month of June. Here, you will experience an entirely new energy and refreshment in yourself, suggests Mercury. So, there may be many positive developments in your studies. The period from May will be better for your health and Mercury indicates that your stamina and fitness will improve significantly. If you are suffering from any ailments, this phase around the month of June will help you to recover fast. You will be supported by Mercury and Venus and hence you are likely to make good progress at career front. But as the month of September advances, it seems a challenging time for you. If you are doing business negligence in business-related matters would not go down well in this phase. The period from September can be a promising phase for you to improve your health status. Also, there may be a good opportunity for you to make development of some news skills in your studies. Your productivity and performance will be excellent and hence you can earn better place and appreciation in your studies. There will be many positive developments in your professional life around the month of October. But keep in mind that one wrong decision may disturb your financial stability particularly around the end of October. Due to ample support of Jupiter, you will be able to push things ahead around the year end. It can be a good period to carry out the business plans and to communicate the new ideas and to launch new products for the business growth. Some positive changes brought by Venus in your love life may enliven your spirits around the month of October. If you are waiting to get a nod from the person of your choice may get so around the month of December. Hence the year may end on a positive note.

Your career will get positive momentum in the beginning of this year. If you are doing business, it may bring major boost to business prospects due to the impact of Mars. Mercury also indicates a good phase to carry out the business plans. Saturn might help you get some good financial gains from your past investments. But some unexpected expenses may also disturb your financial planning to an extent around the mid of January, indicates the North Node. Venus may bring scopes for a happy encounter with your beloved one. But the period around the end of January may bring some complex situations in your love life. As the period advances Venus may help you hold on to old and existing relationships. Your energy level and vitality will be good but you may have fluctuations in your energy levels around the end of February. Mercury suggests that it will be good time to cross the frontiers of the mind by expanding knowledge and skills. The impact of North Node may bring some stress at your work place around the month of March. If you are doing business, you may be able to expand the customer base with some extra efforts. Uncertainty will reduce gradually and Mercury will give you a chance to deliberate and review of your career prospects. The impact of Jupiter may make you able to strengthen your financial position as the year advances. Mars will also do its bit to help your financial vision. Gradually, you will be clearer about how to achieve your goals and hence the pace of your financial progress is likely to start picking positive momentum. The period around the month of May will be the time to make solid financial plan and implement it in stepwise manner to strengthen your financial status. The impact of Venus will bring love in your life and if you are in committed relationship, the period from around the last week of April will be ideal to take the relationship to the next level. You will be making all the efforts on increasing your fitness level and that is likely to lead you towards a more stable and healthy lifestyle as the year advances. Minor health issues or some seasonal health problems may arise around the month of May though. Around the month of June, your mental strength and level of concentration would be better and hence you will be able to perform well in your studies. If you are doing business, you will have enough funds to undertake development oriented activities during the latter half of this year. The North Node will drive you towards taking new risks and trying out new ideas around the month of July. Such overambitious attempts may backfire though. Keep patience as you can expect some good chance to explore new territories to boost sales around the latter part of August. There may be some good earning opportunities around the mid of September indicates the Mars but, some unexpected expenses may drain out your finances slightly. There may not be much of problems for you to manage your money from the month of October. Some thrilling romantic moments may bring back fresh air of joy in your life around the month of September. Relationship matters look set to be encouraging as well as smooth and reasonably sorted during the latter part of this year. However, the impact of South Node suggests that there are possibilities that you may suffer from water-borne or seasonal diseases around the month of October. Conditions will remain good for your health as the year approaches its end and hence your health may remain good around the year end. You are likely to make good progress in your education and related endeavors as your efforts shall be favoured by Jupiter and Mercury from around the month of November.

In the beginning of this year the impact of North Node may bring added responsibilities at your work place. Also, the impact of Mars may bring some complicated matters. If you are doing business, you must not take undue risk till mid of February. You may get financial opportunities around the month of February but not all opportunities will turn out to be promising. Jupiter however indicates that your income will be stable, meeting your expectations. The complex energy of South Node indicates that this is not the right time to propose or to express your feelings. However, if you have recently started seeing someone, there will be opportunities for developing the relationship further during the month of February. You may at times face uncomfortable situations in your health around the middle of February. Not to worry though. Mercury shows a favorable phase for your studies from around the mid of February. If you are doing business, it will be supportive to explore new territory or launch a new product around the month of March. At career front, you may feel much more supported as around the month of April. The impact of Jupiter may bring new opportunities for progress in your career. You and your beloved are likely to enjoy your fair share of love due to the blessings of Venus around the month of April. But some personal problems seem to be creating a divide in your relationship due to the complex energy of South Node. So, you need to remain alert around the month of May. Due to the strong support of Mars around the month of May, you will be able to defeat the rivals, as well as get new and rewarding news in the workplace. Things may look little tight at financial front around the month of June but it will be good to pay more attention to long-term investments and savings. Some issues related to joint finances or inheritance may come to fore. The favourable impact of Jupiter could boost your immune system. However, the period around June also looks injury prone hence you are advised not to take any physical risk. Also, some wrong move can disrupt your progress in studies around the month of June. Do not worry. Concentrate and give your full attention to your studies as you have enough planetary support as the year advances. During the latter part of year, the impact of North Node can be detrimental for your career. Jupiter’s impact may however help you to quite an extent amid some stiff challenges on the professional front. So not to worry, Mercury and Jupiter will help you around the month of September for the development of your career. If you are doing business, Mars will bring some good deals to enhance business prospects around the month of October. The period around the month of August will help you to get your pending dues and hence your financial strength may become stronger. Positive vibes will follow due to the support of Jupiter and, as a result you will be able to manage your money matters efficiently during the latter part of this year. Your beloved may start getting attracted to you around the month of October. However, you need to keep patience as this may happen in a slow and gradual manner, suggests Saturn. Your energies will be up to the mark around the month of October and hence you will be more comfortable and confident with your health status. If you are suffering from any ailments, it will help you to recover fast. You must be careful around the month of September as your interest in studies might wane as lethargy and indulgence in entertainment will be apparent. A dip in your performance is expected here. Luckily, your mental position and concentration levels in terms of your academics is expected to be better during the latter part of year. A lot of things will be happening in your career around the month of December. Jupiter is likely to bring positive results in your endeavors as the year approaches its end. Also, your balance sheet shall witness financial gains gradually around the year end. If you are currently not involved with anyone, love and romance may come into your life as the year approaches its end, suggests the Venus.

The impact of transiting Sun and Mars may help you to perform well and strengthen your position at your work place in the beginning of this year. If you are doing business, you will be able to grab important projects. The period around the end of January will be a good period to make investments for financial security, indicates Mercury. But there may be some heated arguments with your mate under the influence of Mars and a certain unrest will be brewing if you are in committed relationship. Your support system will be stronger and assistance of friends or mentors will be quite helpful in your studies. Jupiter may mostly remain in your favor and hence you are likely to have good health status. As the year advances, pace of progress is likely to start picking positive momentum due to the support of Jupiter and Mars. The period around the month of March can be a good period to carry out the plans that you may have in your and if you are in business, you may be able to implement your planning which may increase growth tremendously. Saturn will however demand strict financial discipline. If you make the mistake of squandering your money, you are likely to face the results. The period around the month of March will remain favourable for you if you are in committed relationship. You may proceed with your studies with interest around the month of March. But, you are likely to face some demanding situations due to the adverse impact of South Node. Thankfully, from around the mid of April, Mercury may make you able to grasp complicated subjects very efficiently. Some stress around the month of March may however affect your health every now and then. But good planetary support may also help you improve your stamina and fitness after mid of April. Around the end of May, the impact of Mars will help you march forward in your career. It may bring some good offer as well. Jupiter will make you able to achieve some important milestones in your career as the year advances. Saturn will demand you to keep patience around the month of June, and if need be, consult an expert, before making a major financial move. Under the influence of Mars during the month of May, disagreements may erupt in your relationship. Positively, planets will help you to understand the root cause of problems and dynamics of your relationship. Mercury could prove to be a blessing for your studies around the month of May. It can be a good time for appearing for any competitive examinations as well. You are likely to register major improvement in your strength and stamina around the month of May. If you are suffering from any ailments, the month of June will help you to recover fast. If you are in business, the latter half of year will be beginning of a new chapter of growth and gain. However, the impact of South Node indicates a lot of hurdles hence as a matter of caution, refrain from taking any decision related to a major financial involvement in haste till the end of September. Also, the impact of South Node may bring challenges in your way around the month of October and pressure to perform may increase. Saturn during the latter part of year will make you aware of your weaknesses and will help you to learn what exactly you are lacking in your relationship. Be ready to manifest your emotions and feelings as you will be blessed by Venus around the month of September. The period around the end of November could be disruptive phase and hence just make sure you don’t risk your relationship. Jupiter will bring a favourable time for you with many more opportunities to show your abilities in your career as the year approaches its end. Your creativity will be on high during the latter part of year but, your wayward approach may cause problems in education around the month of October. Mercury is likely to motivate you towards study and hence the year may end on a positive note. You are likely to be more attentive about your health and well-being as the year approaches its end and that will help you to maintain your health.

Venus is likely to bring some good opportunities for growth and gain in the beginning of this year. Some complicated issues may keep bothering you due to the impact of North Node but if you have your basics right, you may eventually get the success that you always deserve. Mercury’s impact suggests that you may need to review or recreate your financial plan. Gradually, your efforts might bring positive results and financial gain. But refrain from borrowing or lending as the impact of North Node indicates a somewhat tricky time around the end of February. Venus is likely to bring joy and harmony in your love life and relationship in general. If you are in committed relation, the period around the end of January will be good to take the relationship to the next level. Your love life will be exciting but, at times your stubborn approach is likely to make your relationship vulnerable during the month of February. A new relationship is likely to be formed, somewhere around the middle of February. Your creativity will be on high but, your lack of concentration may cause problems in education, indicates Mercury. Saturn will force you to bring more discipline in your life to improve your results in exams. Mars indicates that there may be some fluctuations in your health status around the month of February so you must avoid extremes at emotional or physical levels. However, you need to keep a close watch on your productivity and performance around the month of March so that you can earn better place and appreciation in your career. Saturn indicates some unexpected expenses around the month of April which might disturb your financial planning to an extent. Due to the impact of North Node, your interactions with your beloved ones may become somewhat difficult around the month of April. Planets may help you strengthen your financial status from around June. The impact of Jupiter will direct towards high productivity and better performance in your studies as the year advances. Venus indicates that you may also make good progress by taking part in cultural and other activities around the month of May. Mercury indicates that there will be the possibility of digestion problems and intestinal weakness affecting your efficiency around the end of May. Your career graph to go up gradually from around June and if you put in more efforts to improve your relations with coworkers, the growth will be even faster. If you are in business, you may have to adjust your sails according to the wind on the business front. The period around the month of July may help you to manage your financial efficiently but, some commitment pressure may keep bothering you. Due to the impact of North Node, a very dear relationship may undergo a major change around the month of June. Mars indicates that the period around the month of July can be a good period to try out new mediums to stimulate your love life. Also, from around the month of July, you may remain highly focused which is likely to make a positive impact in educational circles. Mercury indicates that inspirational ideas of your mentors may help you to finish some important project in your studies around the month of August. Mars will make you feel excited about some new opportunities and would feel fresh at your place of work around the month of September. Uncertainty on business front may manifest in the beginning of October. Expect things to start rolling in your favour gradually due to the support of Venus. From around the month of November, you may feel sorted enough to make right career choices due to the support of Mercury. Your immune system and vitality will remain good but there is also the possibility of digestion problems around the month of October. Use the period around the month of November to review and revise your monetary strategies. The period from around the month of October is indicative of favourable impact on relationship and matters related to love. Venus seems suitable for love relationship. If you are waiting to get a nod from the person of their choice may get so around the month of November. The period around the month of November will be a good phase to learn new subjects and develop your skills which will enable you to make progress in future. However, you might face some difficulty to keep up your health to usual scale during the first half of December. But as the year approaches its end, your health may remain good and your productivity and fitness is likely to increase. The period around the end of this year may prove to be much better for your career. If you are doing business, you may also get better opportunities for growth and gain.

The year will remain progressive but Mars indicates a hectic phase in the beginning for your career related matters. The beginning of this month may bring disruptions and may not augur well for accumulating wealth. Also, Mercury may bring some uneasy moments in your relationship. The impact of stars may remain favourable for your health though. The impact of Saturn will force you to become extra attentive to financial matters. Jupiter and Mercury are likely to help you make improvement in your performance in studies. As the year advances, Jupiter seems supportive for increasing earnings around the month of February. The combined impact of Mercury and Venus will boost your love life. However, Saturn indicates your low resistance may make you prone to some seasonal health problems. If you are in business, you could make some impressive advances around the month of March. The impact of Venus around the month of March will make you able to meet some of your old friends. If you are not happy with the job, this can be the right time for you to look for a new job. The impact of Mars and Mercury foretells happy times for professional activities around the month of April. Finances are boosted with the help of family and social connections. But you need to watch for over-sensitive reactions while dealing with some important relationship matters. There may be some problems in your studies. Whatever defects are there in your financial planning; Saturn will show up this time around. This phase may boost your love prospects but, you must keep in mind that some unexpected issues can change the equations of your relationship. Saturn indicates that money flow will be slow around the month of May. There may be some tricky issues to face in your personal life. Also, it does not look good times if you are pursuing higher education. The impact of Saturn may not be promising for your health as well. Jupiter around the end of this month indicates gradual improvement in your personal and professional life. Mars and Venus seem highly beneficial for your career around the month of June. But if you are already in a committed relationship, do not take impulsive decision to tie the knot under the influence of Mars. The favourable Jupiter will give an upward push to your finances. Your awareness for health and fitness will be noteworthy. There will be both romance and sensuality in your relationship around the month of July. But Mars and North Node are going to bring in a lot of obstacles and disturbance in your studies. The impact of Venus and Mercury will be favourable for you and professional prospects and will be cheerful and highly beneficial phase as the year advances. Your career growth will be stupendous. You can expect promotions or rewards of your hard work. It will be particularly good if you are doing business. But your relationship will be affected by the North Node and you may feel some distance in your relation. Mars indicates hectic work schedules may raise the stress levels around the month of September. It will be a tricky phase hence you need to execute due caution while extending credit or making any important financial deals. If you are trying to get admission in some reputed collage, you are likely to get success this time around. The stars will be favourable for you and it will be a delightful phase for health as well. The impact of Mars will be highly encouraging for career prospects as the year approaches its end. It is equally good phase if you are doing business. The stars for finances suggest exceptional money flow. Love will be in full swing. Around the end of this year, the impact of Mars foretells a fabulous period for career-oriented people. It will be a highly supportive time for making investments and also for those engaged in trading activities. Mercury may make you able to march forward in studies around the year end. It will be a good phase for future planning of your educational journey, discussing some fresh ideas with your mentors. Relaxation will help you to maintain your good health.

In the beginning of this year Jupiter will open up doors for new opportunities for your career advancement. If you are in business, you may improve your level of productivity. This could be a good time for long-term financial planning and strengthening your financial status. Venus indicates that you will have joyful relationship. Gradually, Mars will bring fresh opportunity for benefits through your social network as well as new contracts. But South Node around the mid of this month might make you uncomfortable with your health. From around the month of February, Mars will be disruptive for your career advancement. Venus may bring opportunity to enter a relationship. Mercury will make you very much focused and mentally sharp in your studies. For business people the period around the end of February will be important as there will be some positive development in some of the pending matters. Jupiter will remain supportive and your income will be quite decent but may tend to feel some pressure due to some old commitments. Around the month of April, Saturn may demand you to work for extended hours to cover up your acquired commitments. Venus will bring positivity and optimism in your love life. Mercury will not be so advantageous for your studies and this will make your somewhat lazy. As the period advances, Jupiter will help you to think about development and put in action a long-conceived plan for achieving higher growth. North Node indicates a possibility of some minor injury this time around hence need to take adequate precaution and do not do things in a jiffy. Around the month of May, Mercury may make you aware of the opportunities coming your way. This phase may remain favourable if you are doing business as well. Chances of new projects are also expected. Mars may denote good times for your finances and investments too. Venus will bring harmonious impact on your love life. It may also bring opportunity for a romance or fresh relationship if you are not involved with anyone currently. The latter part of year could be a very hectic period for you. The expansive impact of Jupiter may act in your favour and likely to boost your love prospects. But, there will be certain periods wherein North Node can disrupt the harmony of your relationship. You will now focus more on your health and will make it a priority which could be a positive health signal. If you are in business, Mercury may help you to aim big to build the business around the month of September. Investments made in the past will present good returns, but it is always a good idea to make an informed decision. Venus will set in fresh developments in your love life. Jupiter suggests auspicious phase for pursuing higher education. But increased pressure at work or hectic schedules in this period may drain your energy around the month of July. Under the influence of South Node, some sudden problems will be occurring in your relationship around August but, you are likely to maintain a good heart and healthy attitude. North Node may bring some tough conditions at career front around the month of September. You may have to be constantly focusing on your financial matters. Your wish to bring about some dynamic and impressive changes in your love life will be fruitful. Jupiter will motivate you to perform well in your studies. Partnership-related matters will be beneficial but family-related matters will incur expenses around the month of October. You notice a slight lack of intimacy and love at your partner’s end. This might make you somewhat frustrated in your relationship this time around. Also, your resistance level will be good but, some unknown stress on your mind might affect your energy level to an extent. Jupiter is going to bring a new light to your life around the year end. Your hopes and desires will also materialize and overall, your career prospects seem to be very good. If you are in business, you will also accomplish deals and projects within required time. Mars indicates financial situation may change for the better as you are able to find a new sources of income. Jupiter is going to bring in a lot of positive changes in your education and will also help you get anything that you desire in terms of your studies. It will also have a positive impact on your mood. However, overdoing anything can work against your health.

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