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Stars Speak – on Union Budget 2015-16 – Focus on urban development, affordable housing and heavy industries….

Stars Speak – on Union Budget 2015-16 – Focus on urban development, affordable housing and heavy industries….

From hoping for profound reforms, grants for agricultural research and infrastructure, cash subsidies, credit augmentation and insurance for farmers to an enhanced, keen focus on digital and e-commerce sector, reforms like excise roll-backs in the auto sector to extremely defined expectations from the banking budgets, the wish-list for the Union Budget 2015-16 is unending and very ambitious. And, should the credit for such a surge in expectations go to a slew of promises for Achche Din? Purchase The Ask Any Question Report And Get Answers To Any Concern

The previews say that this year’s Union Budget 2015-16 shall be aimed at spurring domestic economic growth, maintaining fiscal discipline and improving centre-state relationship. Aiming to strike a balance between economic growth and fiscal discipline – the honourable Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley will present the Union Budget 2015-16 on 28th February 2015. The Budget shall be instrumental in effectively channelizing the government’s or rather the nation’s resources to achieve the double digit economic growth rate under the leadership of the PM Shri Narendra Modi – thus, taking a concrete step towards fulfilling the dream of Achche Din.

But then, these are just speculations! What exactly should one expect from the upcoming Union Budget? Will the Indian Finance Minister, Mr. Arun Jaitley, have good news for all? Or, will only a few chosen ones and sectors get the special treatment? Ganesha analyses the Horoscope Chart of the Independent India, juxtaposes it with the planetary picture applicable on the day of Budget announcement, and puts forward some interesting observations. Read on to find out the astrological analysis of the Union Budget 2015-2016, and its possible impact on various sectors.


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  • In the Horoscope of independent India, Sun is in the Moon Sign Cancer, and the transiting Sun is passing through the 10th House in the Moon Sign Aquarius and in the Shata-tarka constellation. Such planetary positions indicate that the Finance Minister may take some harsh decisions regarding the gold policy, public sector units (PSUs), GDP growth rate, taxation, income tax and sales tax.
  • The 5th House represents the mutual funds, speculators, brokerage houses/ companies, education sector and universities. On the day, 2015-16 Annual Budget shall be presented, the Lord of the 5th House – Mercury shall be transiting through the Fortune House in Sharavan Nakshatra – which is a good indicator. However, a planet like Rahu that is known to cause confusions, illusions and mirages is moving through the House signifying the Stock Markets. Thus, despite a favourable move of Mercury through 5th House, overall the coming month may remain negative or unpredictable for the markets.
  • The transiting Mars forms a conjunction with positive Venus as well as the adverse Ketu at this time. Thus, we may expect to see some new schemes related to the real-estate sector in this budget.
  • Mercury, a planet that’s considered very positive for the financial realm, shall be transiting through a friendly Zodiac Sign. This favourable movement, thus, shall boost the chances of reforms in sectors like transportation, Navy, Students’ Visa, Financial services etc.
  • The benign and generous Jupiter has been transiting through its Sign of exaltation i.e. Cancer. And, in independent India’s Chart, 5 important and positive planets – Mercury, Moon, Sun, Saturn and Venus – are posited in Cancer in the 3rd House itself. Thus, Ganesha had predicted in the last budget itself that we may hope to get good results from 2015-16 Union Budget. You can have a look at the stock market indices to get a real proof for the same. In the coming times, the transiting Jupiter shall continue its journey over all these 5 planets in India’s Horoscope till the time around mid-July 2015. The following sectors shall benefit, owing to Jupiter’s positive movement through India’s 3rd House – Railways, Postal Services, Telecommunications, Print Media, Courier and Cargo etc. The Union Budget 2015-16 is likely to bring beneficial schemes for these areas.
  • Venus, the Lord of India’s Ascendant Sign as well as the 6th House. On the day of Budget, it shall be passing through its Sign of exaltation, Pisces, in the 11th House of Independent India’s Chart. This is another good news. Owing to this positive planetary movement, sectors like/ related to textiles, dairy products, – butter, milk etc., liquid medicines, liquor, betel-nut etc. shall benefit or remain in focus. Plus, since Venus is in a combination with fiery and lively Mars – we can expect a surge in focus towards areas like Public Development, Travel and Tourism, Science and Technology etc.
  • On the day, the Budget shall be presented, Moon shall be passing through Gemini – in Finance House – in Independent India’s Horoscope. This is a good planetary movement. However, the fact that the Moon shall be in Ardra Constellation on this day shall considerably weaken this positive effect. Hence, it is quite likely that the Finance Minister may also consider tax accumulation, revenue deficit, fixed deposits and foreign direct investment flow, while preparing the Union Budget. The Finance Minister will definitely try to play safe and make efforts to maintain the growth rate.
  • After mid-July 2015, the benign Jupiter shall start its transit through the 4th House in Independent India’s Chart, which shall shift the focus towards sectors like Agriculture, Infrastructure, Auto-mobiles, Petroleum Products, Dairy Products and Silver Products.

  • In the Horoscope of the Independent India, Taurus is the Ascendant’s or First House’s Sign.
  • Ganesha foresees that on the day of Budget presentation, in Independent India’s Chart, Saturn shall have a weightage strength of 1.58, Venus shall have the weightage strength of 1.52, while the Sun shall have the weightage strength of 1.39. Keeping this in view, Ganesha feels that first of all, the sectors typically ruled by the planet Saturn should gain focus. They include Auto-mobiles, Cars, LCVs and HCVs, Ancillaries, Building Materials like cement, concrete etc., Mining and Minerals like iron, coal, zinc, lead, zinc, Metal Castings and Foundry, Compressors, Pumps, Electrodes, Graphite, Engineering products, Fasteners, Rubber, Tyres etc.
  • Further, keeping in view the transiting planets’ position on the day of Union Budget 2015-16 presentation, Ganesha foresees new reforms and schemes coming up/ being announced in the following sectors –
  • The Lord of the Ascendant House as well as the 6th House (also, the House of Diseases) – Venus – shall be transiting through its Sign of exaltation – from Pisces – in the House of Gains in Independent India’s Chart. Thus, we may see a surge in policies and budget allocation related to multi-speciality and super speciality hospitals, new medical colleges, medical and para-medical facilities etc. Overall, this planetary movement shall have a positive bearing, says Ganesha.
  • Jupiter, signifier of higher learning and philosophy, is passing through its Sign of exaltation – Cancer. Thus, under the effect of this transit, we may witness a renewed focus in the Union Budget on policies and schemes pertaining to areas like education, higher education, new schools/ college/ educational institutions set-up, skill development, vocational training and also trusts, religious institutions, improvement of infrastructure in popular pilgrimage destinations etc.
  • Venus is also considered as the planet that is feminine, with distinct focus on adding to overall happiness quotient and social development. Thus, under the influence of Venus’ positive transit on the day of Budget presentation, we can expect to see a renewed focus on areas related to girl child and women empowerment, health and wellness of women, education and wage equality, women safety and security, work-place equality etc.
  • Currently, the strong and persuasive planet like Saturn is passing through a Zodiac Sign ruled by the fiery Mars (Scorpio), which happens to be the 7th House in Independent India’s Horoscope. The 7th House signifies associations and partnerships, especially the lasting ones. This planetary activity indicates that the Union Budget 2015-16 shall focus on areas like housing, infrastructure and urban planning and development with a vengeance. Plus, at the time of budget, Saturn shall be passing over India’s Natal Ketu, which further indicates that these developmental efforts shall also be aimed at slum removal, fighting poverty, poor or low wage classes etc. Thus, this Budget may announce some schemes for low cost, affordable housing to replace slums, better sanitation and toilet facilities in slum areas etc. But, there is a strong possibility that the government may associate itself with the private sector organisations to implement many of such reforms and schemes.
  • The transiting Mars and Ketu (which are from the same element) shall be together in a combination on the day of Budget presentation. Mars is the signifier of electricity/ electric waves. Thus, this Budget may focus on launching schemes to increase energy efficiency, finding ways and means to enhance the use of renewable sources of energy and overall power generation. Thus, the power sector may benefit from subsidies and grants in this Budget, feels Ganesha.
  • The transiting Moon shall be passing through the House of Finances in Independent India’s Chart around the days of Budget presentation. Mars is already posited there. This planetary alignment indicates that there may be an increase in the tax benefit on home ownership or home loans. It is likely that the home loans’ tax exemption may be increased from 1.5 lacs to 2.0 lacs per annum.

Speaking of the Stock Markets, as aforementioned, currently, the adverse planet Rahu is passing through Stock Markets’ related House in Independent India’s Horoscope. Rahu may lead to illusions, volatility and unpredictability.
The dates likely to be highly active, wide-fluctuation and volatile dates in the month of March shall be 9th, 10th, 11th, 26th and 31st.

Here, Ganesha also gives you a list of the zero weightage dates, around which the times and trends are likely to be highly volatile, fluctuating, erratic and unpredictable at Nifty. Some undesirable events, such as earthquakes, tsunami, terrorist attacks, floods, etc. may happen around these dates, which would clearly and directly affect the stock market. These volatile dates are :

  • 09/03/15
  • 26/03/15
  • 31/03/15
  • 13/05/15
  • 20/05/15
  • 26/05/15
  • 29/06/15
  • 16/07/15
  • 17/07/15
  • 24/07/15
  • 19/08/15
  • 01/10/15
  • 15/12/15
  • On 28/02/2015, Moon will be in the Ardra constellation, in Gemini – an Air Sign.
  • Till now, it has been six times in the past, when the Union Budget had been presented, while the Moon was in an Air Sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
  • During these 3 times, the market closed in the positive zone on 3 occasions, and once it closed in the negative zone.
  • When the Moon had been in the Zodiac Sign Gemini during an earlier Budget presentation, at that time the market had closed in a negative zone. Details on that and more are there in the table of analysis below –

Following analysis and table shall give you an idea, as to what had been the actual effect of Moon’s placement on the Budget day, and what had been the scenario the following day –

Budget No. Year Finance Minister Date MOON DATE OPEN HI LOW CLOSE point SENSEX % Trend
29 2015-2016 Arun Jaiteley 28/02/15 Mithun-adra 28. Feb. 2015
22 2009-2010 P CHIDAMBARAM 16-02-2009 Tula-visakha 16. Feb. 2009 9637 9637 9279 9305 -332 -3.44 negative
19 2006-2007 P CHIDAMBARAM 28-02-2006 Kumbha-satarka 28. Feb. 2006 10309 10423 10206 10370 62 0.6 positive
meen-p.bhadra 1. Mar. 2006 10369 10573 10344 10565 197 1.9 positive
18 2005-2006 P CHIDAMBARAM 28-02-2005 Tula-chitra 28. Feb. 2005 6584 6721 6546 6714 130 1.97 positive
16 2004-2005 JASWANT SINGH 03/02/04 Mithun-adra 3. Feb. 2004 5715 5715 5550 5621 -94 -1.65 negative
Mithun-punarvasu 4. Feb. 2004 5633 5770 5575 5757 124 2.19 positive
6 1996-1997 MANMOHAN SINGH 28-02-1996 Mithun-mrugsirsa 28. Feb. 1996 3536 3539 3492 3494 -42 -1.19 negative
Mithun-adra 29. Feb. 1996 3474 3474 3388 3392 -82 -2.37 negative

May Lord Ganesha bless our nation and people.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Dharmeshh Joshi,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team