Predictions Business Ganesha foresees enhanced success for Facebook and its IPO post mid-2013

Ganesha foresees enhanced success for Facebook and its IPO post mid-2013

Ganesha foresees enhanced success for Facebook and its IPO post mid-2013

Few will disagree with the phenomenon – Facebook, world’s most successful social networking website – is today. As of May 2012, Facebook, the website has over 900 million active users, and its bank of users has been growing at a tremendous pace. Facebook, as a business model, also has been raking in millions.

Hence, when Facebook or rather its founder -the genius Mark Zuckerberg- announced to the world that they, as an organisation, were coming up with an IPO, the excitement was obvious. Yet, ironically, even before the scrip was listed in NASDAQ, it generated a good amount of speculation from across the world. The whole IPO issue faltered on certain accounts, what with changing listing dates and last minute increase in number of stocks. And then, amidst much hype and fanfare, the Facebook IPO was finally released on 18th May 2012.

Why, then, did Facebook’s initial public offering (IPO) on Friday, pegging a share at $38 and expected to rake in a historic $16 billion, fail to perform as expected? Its performance on day 1 of trading, though it climbed up to $45 at one stage, closed flat at around the offer price. And on the 2nd and 3rd days of trading, the shares’ prices fell nearly by 18%. It is now being alleged that the lead underwriters of the IPO, Morgan Stanley, made last minute revisions in its forecast about the performance of the IPO – based mainly on fears of Facebook’s inability, so far to come up with a revenue model for its increasing number of mobile users. It is also being alleged that Morgan Stanley shared its negative forecast only with a select few big clients, while small

investors were kept totally in the dark. Now, what is the future of this IPO, and what lies ahead for its investors?

In short, speculations galore! While authorities do their best to investigate the issue, even as the analysts rip the matter threadbare, Ganesha with the help of Vedic astrology, attempts to predict the future performance of Facebook’s IPO and share prices.

Date: 18/05/2012

Time: 09.30 am (local time)

Place: New York City, New York, U.S.


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Facebook’s IPO was launched in NASDAQ on May 18th 2012. Ganesha has constructed Facebook’s Kundali (astrological chart) keeping in perspective this important day. Ganesha observes this horoscope, and notes that the scrip has been launched in the Gemini rising Ascendant. However, the Ascendant is located between the mid points of Gemini and Cancer, and hence this aspect may not bring any gainful results for the company.

In an organization’s horoscope chart, typically the 11th House is said to represent the revenue or net worth of the company, its group of allies and friendly/ fraternal group of companies. This House also signifies the social side of an enterprise, and hence the inter-company relationships and even development programmes. In Facebook’s case, the long-term aims and objectives of the organisation, its achievements can also be ascertained from this House. In the aforementioned chart, Moon, being the Lord of the 2nd House of finances is conjunct with Mercury (Ascendant Lord) in the House of gains (11th House). Hence, Ganesha feels that this combination may remain hopeful for the long term financial prospects of Facebook. Moon posited in the 11th house is said to be quite helpful for the general work force, and is known to produce spectacular results (in future).

Besides, Mercury’s presence in the 11th House may also be considered quite favourable. It is said to bear an effect on the profit yielding trade contracts or assignments. As a result, the trading activities of Facebook may be expected to improve remarkably and many opportunities may sprout for the organisation, in the longer run.

Ganesha observes that the 5th House of the company’s horoscope represents speculation and stock market activities. In the said chart, Venus is the Lord of the 5th ouse, and it is retrograde in the 12th House. It is debilitated in its Navamansha Chart also. Hence, Ganesha feels that these combinations may bring some negative results for the company’s share price. Owing to the same, the share prices of Facebook may keep fluctuating. Typically, Venus in the 12th House is said to lead to heavy expenditure, and this may be expected in the developments related to Facebook. In the said natal chart, Venus is afflicted, and hence agreements may suffer. If Venus is afflicted, then it induces activities related to speculation. This may even encourage gambling, which then may turn out to be a losing proposition.

Besides, the Natal Sun and Jupiter are also conjunct with Ketu in the 12th House in Facebook’s chart, which is an other negative sign for the investors. Although, investors shall, in all probability, get long term returns on their invested capital on this scrip, in short term, they may not be happy, as the share price may remain volatile. There is another possible indication.

The mighty Jupiter, posited currently in the first House of Ascendant in Facebook’s IPO’s natal chart, shall make a move from 30/05/2013 onwards. This aspect may bring prosperity and success for the company. Jupiter may also prove fruitful for the organisation’s gains and expansion plans. The overall financial status of Facebook may escalate to newer heights, post the mentioned time line. The overall performance of the company’s share price may be expected to remain satisfactory. Around the same time-line, the company may also successfully execute its expansion programmes. The Facebook as an organisation shall be doing a profitable business all this while, feels Ganesha.

During the phase of Jupiter’s transit over the Ascendant, FB shall also be completing a Ketu major cycle, and will thence come under the influence of Venus Mahadasha, post 10th May 2015. Note that Venus is Lord of the 5th House in company’s natal chart. Hence, this planetary event shall be
considered as highly auspicious for the company. It denotes overall success, and a hugely gainful period for both the company and the investors. This aspect may also greatly improve the overall financial position of the investment (Stocks). Post this phase, the good performance of the company will attract the bankers and the other financial institutions to lend helping hands for development and expansion activities of the company, says Ganesha.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Dharmeshh Joshi,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team