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Ganesha’s observations about LIX 15 Index

Ganesha’s observations about LIX 15 Index

LIX 15 Index is a new initiative by The National Stock Exchange (NSE). This index commenced online dissemination from 8th July 2013. It is designed to provide exposure to the liquid stocks while making the index easily to replicate and trade. In order to achieve this objective, the LIX 15 index includes a limited number of stocks and the criteria for selection is based on the minimum turnover ratio and free float market capitalization. Currently, the index includes 15 stocks, which are available in the Future & Option (F&O) segment. The weight of single stock in the index is capped at 15 percent to avoid concentration risk. This index will be calculated daily. It has a base value of 1500 and a base date of January 1st 2009. The index would be reviewed once in six months.

Currently, the 15 stocks included in the LIX 15 Index represent a total of nine sectors. These 15 stocks have a turnover of 34% of all stocks traded value in F&O segment and 22% of all stocks traded in the cash segment of National Stock Exchange. This points out the highly liquid nature of the index. State Bank of India has the highest weight in the index at 12.94% and JSW Steel has the lowest weight in the index at 2.52%. It may be noted that the banking sector has more than one third weightage in the index and is represented by 5 stocks. This is followed by the auto-mobile sector, with a weightage of 21%. Steel and steel products, distilleries, oil exploration, financial institutions, Telecom and construction are the other sectors represented in the index.

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Astrological DetailsBase date: 1st January 2009
Base value: 1500
Launch date: 8th July 2013
Launch Time : 09.15
Launch Place: Mumbai


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According to the principles of Vedic Astrology, the Kundli of LIX 15 Index has a Leo Ascendant and Gemini Moon sign. This index was launched on a new moon dark half phase, in the constellation of Punarvasu. A combination of Sun-Moon-Jupiter-Mars-retrograde Mercury are placed in the House of Gains and is aspecting the Stock Market House.
The main drawback in the Kundali of LIX 15 Index is the fact that as it was launched on an Amavasya or New Moon, hence it is devoid of the support of the Moon. The support of Moon is essential for starting any auspicious project. Due to this factor, the kind of involvement which was expected from the Foreign Institutional Investors (FII’s) in this index will be less than expected. The support of FII’s will be slow to come and not in an adequate quantity. Additionally, Kalsarpa dosha is present in the chart of the index, due to which it will suffer from frequent fluctuations and will be unstable.
The positive factors in the Kundali of LIX 15 Index are that a combination of SunMoonJupiterMars-retrograde Mercury are present in the House of Gains and all these planets are beneficial and positive, imparting overall strength to the Kundali of the index. Presently, Jupiter Mahadasha and Jupiter Antardasha is going on till 9.1.2015, which imparts positivity to the index. However, this is good for only for long term gains, and short term gain cannot be expected from these Dashas. Amongst the number of sectors which constitute the LIX 15 index, there may be some hurdles/obstructions associated with the steel and construction sectors, while the banking sector will be good.
Axis Bank, Bank of Baroda, Carin, Hindalco, IDFC, Jindal Steel, JP Associates, JSW Steel, Maruti, McDowell, RCOM, SBI, Tata Motors, Tata Steel, Yes Bank
Investment in the scripts mentioned above can be made in every downfall trend till April 2014. Exit from such scripts can be made after the year 2015.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Dharmeshh Joshi,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team