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Ganesha explains the importance and effects of Mangal Dosha

‘Mangal Dosha OR Manglik Dosha’ and why is it significant while Match-Making

Horoscope matching or Kundali Matching is an ancient tradition in India, and is given due importance before marriage between two individuals is finalised. Many Hindu families generally act according to the dictates of the horoscope. ‘Manglik dosha’ becomes a major issue in the settlement of marriage of a girl or a boy because it is considered to be the most important parameter in match-making. Marriages, at times, get unduly delayed due to such problems.

The placement of ‘Mangal’ (Mars) in the horoscope is the main parameter for consideration of ‘Manglik dosha’. A person can be considered ‘Manglik’ if Mars is placed in his horoscope in the ‘Lagna’ (Ascendant), the Fourth House, the Seventh House, the Eighth House or the Twelfth House. Some astrologers and astrological texts consider the Second House also for judging ‘Manglik dosha’.

There may be reasons why these Houses have been given importance in match-making. The ‘Lagna’ represents the self. The placement of Mars in the ‘Lagna’ may make a person aggressive and violent. The Second House represents ‘Kutumb’ (immediate family). Placement of Mars in the Second House may cause problems in adjustment with the family. The Fourth House is the House of comforts. Placement of Mars in the Fourth House can mar family comforts. The Seventh House is the House of marriage and the placement of Mars in the Seventh House may create misunderstandings in marital life. The Eighth House is the House of ‘Ayu’ (longevity) and also the ‘Suhaag Bhava’ (House indicating longevity of marriage). Hence, placement of Mars in this House indicates danger to self as well as spouse. The Twelfth House is the House of marital happiness and placement of Mars in this House is also not considered good.

The counting of Houses should be done from the ‘Lagna’, the Moon and the Venus. With so many Houses and parameters involved, it becomes hard to find a horoscope without a ‘Manglik dosha’. However, in case where ‘Manglik dosha’ is severe i.e., when Mars is heavily afflicted with no benefic associations or aspect, ‘Manglik dosha’ can cause problems in marital life.

For elaborating ‘Manglik dosha’, we have taken reference from ‘Jatak Bharnam’ which happens to be a trusted astrology classic dealing in Vedic astrology. We have translated some of the verses of this book dealing with the effects of placement of Mars in the ‘Lagna’, the Second House, the Fourth House, the Seventh House, the Eighth House and the Twelfth House.

a) If Mars is placed in the ‘Lagna’, the native may be prone to mental illusions, may have a diseased body, may be courageous but violent and may travel far and wide.
b) If Mars is placed in the Second House, the native may be poor and may befriend evil-minded people. He may be devoid of wisdom, merciless and inimical to kith and kin.
c) If Mars is placed in the Fourth House, the native may have problems from friends, vehicles, fear of fall from vehicles, prone to diseases and general weakness.
d) If Mars is placed in the Seventh House, it may cause several types of sufferings. The native may have problems from enemies, unnecessary worries, body weakness and sorrows produced by attraction to opposite sex.
e) If Mars is placed in the Eighth House, the native may suffer from eye disease, bad luck, problems due to blood-related diseases and inclination for mean works. It may also cause general dullness of mind and make the person critical of holy people.
f) If Mars is placed in the Twelfth House, the native may have enmity with friends, eye disease and a restless body. He may indulge in unwise expenses of wealth, may lose self-esteem and suffer from bondage.

People often quote the following verse showing the veracity of the ‘Manglik dosha’.
“Lagne vyaye cha patale jamitre chaasthame kuje,
kanya bhartri vinashaaya bharta kanya vinaashaka”

Meaning: If Mars is in the ‘Lagna’, Fourth House, Seventh House, Eighth House or the Twelfth House of the horoscope, the spouse can be a cause of death.

Can Mars alone cause such tragedies in marital life? Normally, it has been observed that if Mars is without any malefic association or aspect, it may not cause havoc in marriage. Therefore, the verse cited above cannot be followed blindly. Sometimes, divorce or separation may also result from ‘Manglik dosha’, if the afflictions are severe.

Cancellation of ‘Manglik dosha’

There are some situations in which ‘Manglik dosha’ gets cancelled.

a) If there are similar afflictions in the horoscopes of the boy and the girl, the ‘Manglik dosha’ gets cancelled.
b) If one of them has Mars in the ‘Lagna’, Second, Fourth, Seventh, Eighth or the Twelfth House and the other has Saturn or ‘Rahu / Ketu’ in the ‘Lagna’, Second, Fourth, Seventh, Eighth or the Twelfth House, then too, the defects get cancelled.

Reduction in ‘Manglik dosha’
In some cases the effects of ‘Manglik dosha’ get diluted considerably if other parameters of the horoscope are matching. Marriage may be recommended on account of such dilutions also.

a) Benefic planets in ‘Kendra’ (quadrant) and ‘Trikona’ (trines) increase the happiness in marital life.
b) Malefic planets in Third, Sixth and the Eleventh House make the horoscope strong. This helps in checking the negative factors with respect to marriage.
c) If Mars is placed in its own House, it generally does not cause any adverse effect to it. Hence, if Mars is placed in Aries or Scorpio and placed in the ‘Manglik’ position as described earlier, it may not be harmful.
d) Aspect of Jupiter on Mars or placement of Jupiter with Mars is said to reduce the ‘Manglik dosha’.
e) Mars placed in conjunction with Saturn or ‘Rahu/Ketu’ is said to reduce the ‘Manglik dosha’. However, this is debatable, as malefic associations may multiply the problems.

It remains a point of contention that if the ‘Manglik dosha’ gets cancelled, will it ensure marital happiness or only prolong the duration of unhappy married life.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Anand Sagar Pathak,
Celebrity Astrologer,