Piles Treatment in Ayurveda

Piles have become a common problem nowadays. It was usually prominently found in people above 60 and 70-year-olds. However, the age group has dropped in the last decade, and now individuals from their late 30s to 40 face piles.

Piles are also known as Hemorrhoids, which are swollen veins found in the anus and rectum. There are two types of Haemorrhoids depending on their position.

The modern, hectic world has set a breakneck pace in our lives. Our lifestyles have become a breathless journey from one place to another without any time to wait and relax.

Sitting at a desk for endless hours and consuming back to back cups of coffee to either drive away sleep or hunger has just become all the more normal.

The result? The unimaginable toll it takes on our body and the gradual damage that takes place daily. The piles developed in the rectum are internal haemorrhoids, whereas the external ones lie below the anal region skin.

Because of the rise of fast food consumption and irregular eating habits, digestion is affected. Weak digestion is one reason for piles because even the youth are suffering from this issue. Other reasons for piles barring weak digestion are sedentary lifestyle, family history, obesity etc.

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Ayurvedic Kitchen Cure for Piles

Pitta is associated with the fire element, Kapha to water and Vatta to air. Each of the governing dosha in the person displays specific physical and emotional characteristics.

Know more about the characteristics of each dosha and how each dosha should balance and maintain its health.

The goal for good health is to balance all the doshas with diet, lifestyle changes and herbs. Depending upon which dosha is dominant in a person, the types of piles vary accordingly.

Ayurveda revolves around three body types or doshas: Pitta, Vata, and Kapha. Each of these body types relates to the elements such as air, water, space, fire.

  • If the body is dominant in Pitta, they may face bleeding, inflammation and red hemorrhoids. Other symptoms of piles can be fever, always feeling thirsty and constipation.
  • Individuals with high Vatta may go through unbearable pain, constipation, dark, rough, and rugged haemorrhoids.
  • Kapha individuals face poor digestion, whereas their hemorrhoids are white, soft, large and slippery.

Ayurvedic Medicine for Piles and Fissure

Ayurvedic Medicine for Piles and Fissure – Lemon Juice

Lemon juice helps immensely with piles, as the nutrients present in the fluid of lemon strengthens blood vessels and capillaries. Squeeze the lemon juice in a bowl, dip the cotton ball in the lemon juice and apply it to the affected area. Initially, it will cause a burning sensation and inflammation but would be a relief over time.

Ayurvedic Medicine for Piles and Fissure – Whole Grain Food

Food rich in fibre helps with symptoms of Piles and even pain. Whole grains are particularly good as they retain the germs, bran, fibre. Fibre-rich food helps with digestion and reduces the pain associated with pain.

Ayurvedic Medicine for Piles and Fissure – Ice Packs

This is one of the simplest remedies and can be easily found in every household.

Rubbing ice narrows down the blood vessels that help reduce the pain and inflammation. You can take ice packs or wrap ice in a muslin cloth and gently rub it. This is very beneficial for large hemorrhoids.

Ayurvedic Medicine for Piles and Fissure – Radish Juice and Bottlegourd

Two vegetable juices that are good for piles are Radish and Bottlegourd. Drinking these juices twice in a day helps in reducing the pain.

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Ayurvedic Remedy/ Home Remedy for Piles

Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel is only of the active ingredients of facial toner, anti wipes and used to treat acne because of its natural anti-inflammatory properties. Witch hazel can treat hemorrhoids, itching and pain.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel is perfect for various skin conditions such as sunburn, tan, acne, peeling of skin etc. Alongside it is also very beneficial to treat hemorrhoids as well. Aloe Vera can be directly applied from the plant to the affected area. People allergic to aloe vera should refrain from using it.

Ayurvedic Cream for Piles

There are various ayurvedic creams available in the market for piles, do check with your ayurvedic doctor before using it.

Soft Wipes

Toilet paper could aggravate the pain and may even cause skin rashes. It is a perfect choice to switch toilet paper with soft wipes free of alcohol and perfumes.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Hemorrhoids

Before starting an ayurvedic treatment, first, the dosha is determined to curate an appropriate approach towards treating piles.


Most of the cases of piles are treated with medicines. Unless the process has gone extreme, you can continue with medications. Otherwise, additional procedures are started. Treatment depends upon your prominent dosha, and changes are made to the diet and the lifestyle.

Following the correct medication stops the recurrence.


Kshara is a combination of alkaline and acidic properties which helps manage piles. Kshara is a herbal blend that is considered one of the best approaches towards hemorrhoids. Kshara has a cauterizing action, and it is applied using a slit proctoscope on the affected area.

Sastra Chikitsa

Sastra Chikitsa is considered when no other treatments work. It is a surgical treatment where the practitioners use a particular medicated thread to take a haemorrhoid from the base itself, which cuts the blood supply to the veins allowing them to shrink and detach on their own. After the treatments, there are changes in the diet, and lifestyle which the doctor recommends. Some of the changes could be permanent as well.


Another ayurvedic treatment for piles is Agnikarma. However, this is a treatment for external hemorrhoids only as the ayurvedic expert will burn off the hemorrhoids. The process may be pretty painful and will take around 5 to 6 weeks.

Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants for Piles


Lajjalu is an ayurvedic herb that helps treat piles and reduce pain, as well as inflammation. The strong antioxidant and phenolic properties present in Lajjalu increases healing. External application of the leaves is recommended.

Elephant Foot Yam

This humble root is popularly used as an ayurvedic remedy to treat haemorrhoids. It helps to regulate bowel movement because of the vast amount of fibre present in it. It improves metabolism and also treats Vata dosha problems.


Triphala contains specialized phytoconstituents such as tannin, gallic, vitamin C.

These ingredients are perfect for bowel movements and also stop the recurrence of piles. Triphala is made from three trees that are found in India. Triphala fruits are dried, grounded, and blended.

Triphala is not only effective for Kapha but also for Vata and Pitta. Triphala has healing and cleansing properties. It gently detoxifies without irritating the colon. Also, it strengthens bones, nourishes the nervous system.


Haritaki is a fruit that helps to balance all three doshas in our body. The fruit itself means removing all the diseases and makes your skin shine. It has anti-inflammatory properties as it detoxifies and improves digestion.

It is used to treat piles as it eases pain and pressure from the affected and improves bowel movement.


Bibhitaki is also known as Terminalia belerica, derived from the Sanskrit term Vibheetaki which translates as lack of fear. This fruit makes you fearless from all diseases.

You name it, and this fruit has it all. It is antibacterial, antihypertensive, anti-inflammatory, and mild laxatives. Bibhitaki helps balance Kapha and Pitta doshas as well.


Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry, is an active ingredient in many traditional medicines. Amla helps balance all three doshas in our body. It is an immunomodulator, astringent, rejuvenating and healing.

Amla is also effective in lowering BP. The vitamin C that is present in amla helps reduce cholesterol and widen the blood vessels as well. Having Indian Gooseberry juice on empty helps with hypertension, hair fall, and various other Ailments.

Guggal Resin

Guggal Resin is also known as Balsamodendron Mukul. This is precisely one of the best medicines for piles, as per Ayurveda. The gum resin helps reduce inflammation in piles. It has laxative and sharp properties, which helps metabolize the ama and the compound of piles. It also helps to balance all the three doshas in the body. It is one of the most wound healers in Ayurveda. Alongside, this helps increase metabolism and reduce cholesterol.


Turmeric has bitter, sharp, and heating properties. It treats multiple diseases and has detoxifying properties.

Turmeric helps reduce the symptoms of PMS =such as backache, breast pain, headache etc. This golden herb helps relieve the pain associated with wisdom tooth surgery as well.

Turmeric was one of the staples in many Indian Women’s beauty regimes as it helps to purify the skin and improve the complexion.

Originated in India, Turmeric has anti-cancer properties and anti-inflammatory properties as well.

Turmeric works on anything and everything under the sky. It is a highly beneficial spice as it is a powerhouse of goodness.

In haemorrhoids, it reduces anal itching and also helps shrink haemorrhoids because of alkaline and astringent effects.

Ayurvedic Cure for Piles

Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, kale, radish, cabbage are high in insoluble fibre. The insoluble fibre makes cruciferous vegetables a good fruit for preventing piles.


Artichokes are friendly to the gut and help the good bacteria within the body. Just like

Cruciferous Vegetable artichoke is also high in insoluble fibre that diminishes symptoms of piles.


Eating habits and lifestyle changes have taken a significant toll on people’s health. We prefer quantity over quality and also have given preference to everything but health and sleep. Health is wealth has started to feel like a decades-old philosophy that is not prevalent today.

Skipping breakfast, gobbling lunch, snacking endlessly at odd hours has strain on digestion and body metabolism. The digestion cannot function correctly, leading to irritable bowel, putting pressure on rectum while passing, leading to piles.

Hence, it is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle, maintain eating practices. Try to include more vegetables and fruits. Eat as per your dosha so that it works for your digestion and metabolism of the body.

Know more about what food you should eat as per your dosha to maintain weight, healthy and a good immunity system.

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