Vata-Kapha Dual Dosha: Ayurvedic Guide For Its Resolution and Wellness

Ayurveda is a healthy lifestyle system that people in India have used for more than 5,000 years. Ayurveda emphasizes good health, prevention of illness, and, wherever needed, its treatment through lifestyle practices (such as massage, meditation, yoga, and dietary changes) along with the use of herbal remedies. Some people use ayurvedic practices to maintain health, reduce stress, and improve flexibility, strength, and stamina. Ayurveda highlights the way through proper diet for maintaining good health and treating disease right from its root cause. The basics on which the Ayurvedic framework has evolved are congenitally valid for all age groups. Thus, it has been effortlessly embraced on numerous occasions – years after years and century after century.

Narratives from various ancient Indian books suggest that the Tri-Dosha proposition in Ayurveda started from the concept of the five important and inevitable elements of the Universe – Space, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. These five substances conjugate together to confect the human body. It is done by engendering three imperative energies, commonly called dosha. These are the forces that direct all psycho-physiological capabilities in the body and mind independently. They nurture the body and serve to keep it in total wellbeing. In any case, when these essential energies are exasperated, because of inappropriate variables, the body-mind association starts to endure and the infection interaction starts. The Tridosha of the human body are:

Vata – This is the most powerful amongst all three doshas. Solidified by the duality of space and air, Vata is mobility, the body in motion.

Pitta – Created by the combination of fire and water, the extremities of these two components assume a significant part for Pitta, which manages the body’s digestion and changes in the body’s structure.

Kapha – Framed by the underlying properties of earth, with water playing its part as a healer for the various tissues of the body, which additionally helps strength and adds endurance to the body.

In an individual, when there is the presence of Vata-Kapha Dosha, it means the culmination of Vata and Kapha, their respective components i.e. the air and earth behest the individual with the light and grounded qualities, which is a significant fluctuating mix. This Dosha is known as either Vata-Kapha or Kapha-Vata, depending upon which one of the two is more dominant.

The body of Vata-Kapha type individuals can either be extremely delicate and small like a typical Vata or tall and slim combining both the Prakriti or can even be huge and large like a characteristic of Kapha. Individuals with Vata-Kapha Prakriti, from a wellbeing point of view, are especially fascinating. They are like those car drivers who push the accelerator and apply the brakes at the same time. These people are not just worthy of ideation but are great executioners too. They are wonderful at tasks that require huge (Kapha) information and its redemption (Vata). They are congenital consiglieri, for they comprehend human feelings like compassion and have excellent talent with words. They are wise and furthermore inventive. Vata energies when balanced with Kapha make one an energized individual and expert on the subject matter.

Deep down, the Vata-Kapha type individual is, to some degree, restless and somewhat lazy. Rather than taking an evening walk, they prefer to take a rest. These individuals frequently suffer from migratory pains, absence of control over oneself and confusion which further translates to schizophrenia-like problems and depressions. Vata Dosha, whose nature is very innovative, is combined with the Kapha, which is huge and reluctant to change, When Vata Dosha, who is very innovative by nature, is combined with the Kapha, which is huge and also reluctant to change, creates internal conflicts. There is a high possibility that the Vata-Kapha type needs to grip with dissatisfaction inconsistently.

As the constitutions of both Vata and Kapha are cold in nature, inverse to the fire controlling the metabolism, individuals tend to have a disturbed digestive system with gas, bloating, and heartburn issues. As Vata causes dryness while Kapha produces a lot of mucus, the result is a blockage in the respiratory structure of the body and the outcome can be asthmatic conditions. Further, the activities of the Kidneys and urinary systems are controlled by Vata Dosha but with the association of Kapha Dosha, there are chances of the individual facing troubles like a kidney stone or other urinary issues.

As both Vata and Kapha are cold by nature, there are high chances of individuals being prone to spasms or difficulty in movement. Furthermore, the Vata-Kapha combination reduces the metabolic rate of the body due to which the individual may gain weight and also gets prone to diabetes, obesity, and liver problems. Other than these, the Vata-Kapha combination influences the immunity framework of the body antagonistically and makes one inclined to immunity-related issues.

In a nutshell, Vata-Kapha people freeze viably, have awful assimilation, frequently feel bloated, and overall have constipation. The Vata-Kapha types are fairly agitating, generally slow, need excessive sleep, lack discipline, are disoriented, and may experience hypomania.

The Vata-Kapha individual should adjust their continually changing condition with adequate warmth, receptiveness, and Sensitiveness. The digestive system, which needs fire for metabolic activities, is one of the weakest aspects as both Vata and Kapha are cold. A regular diet should consist of warm and well-cooked food. If the Kapha is excessive, ginger water is recommended. Though, the same should be utilized moderately if the Vata is excessive.

Fruits such as mango, apple, peach, cherry, etc. should be taken regularly. Dry fruits should be avoided as much as possible. Any fruit should be consumed at least one hour prior to or after the main course, but not after sunset. Green vegetables and sprouts should be made part of the diet while starch-containing vegetables should be avoided.

While whole grains like Oats, Millet, barely will help reduce the imbalance, eggs, chicken, and turkey will improve and further enhance the overall balance. Choices in sweets should include jaggery and honey whereas fresh milk with reduced fats, soy milk, and cottage cheese (paneer) should be the preferred milk products in the regular diet.

“Change is only Constant” is a very famous saying. Here, to ensure that the Doshas are properly balanced, it is important that a daily routine should be set and religiously implemented to set off the negatives and enhance the positives of the Vata-Kapha Dosha. Guidelines that should be taken into consideration and followed daily are as below:

  • To get your Lymphatic system moving, wake up before the sun rises and exercise as much as you can. Take a 20 min walk, if possible, among nature.
  • A warm glass of water taken on an empty stomach will solve many of your digestive concerns.
  • To remove the mucus build-up from the nasal passage, clean it regularly with saltwater. Also, use salt water for gargles to clean up the throat.
  • Do a 5 min body massage with mustard oil daily before bath. It is known that mustard oil not only smoothens the skin but is also good for cardiac health and has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties along with being a good blood stimulator.
  • Protect yourself from the cold and wind. Wear warm clothes with caps/scarves in winter.
  • Sunbath for around 20 min every weekend. It will enhance the Vit-D levels keeping the body warm.
  • Do not skip meals and try to maintain a specific time for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • To eliminate toxins from the body and to help solidify respiratory, cardiovascular, urinary, regenerative, and sensory systems, take a spoonful of Triphala with lukewarm water.
  • Sleep early and wake up early. Avoid long sleep.
  • Stay emotionally attached to family and loved ones.

Recall that your headway toward harmony and prosperity is comparative with how well you stick to the standards of diet and lifestyle. Propensities, on occasion, don’t effortlessly permit one to change their method of living and schedule. There will be many challenges, the biggest one being the fight between the mind and the heart, but how well those are managed will be the drawing path of the future results. At first, the movements may be moderate yet to achieve the advancement, required changes ought to be made. You and No one but You can choose the speed of your advancement towards great wellbeing and prosperity.

It is vital to follow the right treatment and right eating regimen. For that, you can generally counsel ayurvedic experts or ask for your itemized dosha investigation by specialists.

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