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Thailand caught in red rage

Thailand caught in red rage

Thailand, one of world’s most popular tourist destinations, has been a victim of political unrest since former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra was ousted in a non-violent coup, giving way to current incumbent PM Abhisit Vejjajiva.

The cancellation last weekend of the ASEAN meet was the highpoint; in a rally of support for Shinawatra, several anti-government protesters wearing red shirts stormed the venue of the ASEAN conclave, demanding that prime minister Vejjajiva be removed so that the populist Shinawatra can be reinstated to the post.

A similar scene was witnessed when Shinawatra was in office: thousands of yellow-shirted supporters of the Thai monarchy had occupied Bangkok’s main airport, saying that they won’t budge unless Shinawatra is removed.

While present PM Vejjajiva has clamped a state of emergency and postponed the ASEAN summit, his problems are far from over. As predicted by GaneshaSpeaks’s team of astrologers when he took oath, Vejjajiva is indeed facing difficulties during his term. In this article, Ganesha takes it forward by predicting what lies ahead for both Thailand and its present premier.

Abhisit Vejjajiva’s Surya Kundli

As mentioned in my earlierarticle,Thailand’s new Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva is struggling to remain in power after thousands of anti-government protesters stormed the venue of ASEAN summit. Though he is still holding fort, transiting Rahu may continue to present challenges for him.

Thailand is undergoing a period of major transformation. Transiting Jupiter may safeguard Vejjajiva but transiting Mars may ignite some issues from 17th August, 2009. The Democrat leader may face more upheavals and may not, in fact, be able to battle the anger of the opposition party.

To make matters worse, members of his own party may take up cudgels against him by becoming disobedient, particularly after September ’09. Also, the last quarter of 2009 may be very stressful and decisive for Vejjajiva’s political career.

The present volatile situation in the country poses risks for both Thailand and its PM. Vejjajiva must step up his own security as the period looks threatening. In fact, Ganesha also sees another military coup in the offing, mostly between October 2009 and January 2010.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Tanmay K.Thakar,