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Astrological Benefits and Effects of Ruby Stone

Astrological Benefits and Effects of Ruby Stone

Ruby is said to be the king of gemstones and is associated with the Sun, the king of Zodiac. Ruby is also known as Manek is a precious stone and anyone can get attracted towards it. It has spiritual power and is associated with true luxury. The Sun is said to be the nurturer, gives vital energy to everyone and is also the soul of Kalpurusha.

Natural Ruby is costlier than colourless diamond and is also known as July birthstone according to the tradition in Western Countries.

Ruby is the gemstone associated with the Sun. Sun is the signifier of name, fame, success and health. It blesses the wearer of this gemstone with good health, greater courage, self-confidence, success, name and fame. It also helps in improving relations with superior authority. It also helps in improving relations with your father.

You are likely to see an increase in confidence after wearing a Ruby. The Sun is considered as Aatamakaraka, and so the wearer of the gemstone is likely to see a boost in self-confidence. Individuals are likely to have support from the state, authority and administration after wearing a Ruby.

a) If you are having the Sun in a favourable position in a natal chart, have chances to live a life full of luxuries like a king.
b) If you are unable to set goals or can’t foresight your work are probably to see the difference in that direction.
c) It is recommended to those who want to attain financial gains and enjoy luxury and materialistic things.
d) You can be more focused and determined in your work by wearing this stone.
e) The gemstone is associated with love and passion, and so it can help to strengthen your bond with your loved ones.

a) You are more likely to have success in competitive exams after wearing Ruby and so the wearers of the stone are mostly medical practitioners, agriculturists, politician and government personnel.
b) Individuals born between August 16 and September 17 are likely to have the prominent benefit of Ruby.
c) Individuals on first, tenth and twenty-eighth date of any month can also avail the prominent benefit of Ruby.
d) Ruby stone benefits the students, stockbroker, geologist, engineers, doctors, judges, lawyers and policymakers. By wearing Ruby they are more inclined to the path of success in their respective career.

a) You can restore your energy after wearing a Ruby.
b) A Ruby can also be helpful to you if you have issues related to eyes and blood circulation.
c) If you are suffering from chronic depression, there are fair chances to overcome the emotional and mental setbacks by wearing a Ruby.
d) You are advised to wear Ruby if you are suffering from ailments like rheumatic problem, lack of confidence, unstable mind and problems related to bones. Wearing a Ruby is likely to negate such problems.
e) The skin problems are likely to be eased after wearing this gemstone.
f) If one is suffering from Tuberculosis related to bones, then Ruby is more advisable.

Aries ascendant, Leo ascendant, Cancer ascendant, Scorpio ascendant and Sagittarius ascendant can wear Ruby.
a) Ruby is termed as the birthstone for Leo, and hence it is highly beneficial to Leo ascendant. The Sun is the lord of Leo ascendant and so you are recommended to wear Ruby whole life to get beneficiary results throughout your life.
b) For Aries ascendants, the Sun is the lord of the fifth house which is beneficial to Mars and the lord of the ascendant. You are advised to wear Ruby along with Red Coral to get beneficial results. It can also likely to give beneficial results during the Mahadasha of the Sun.
c) For Cancer ascendant, the sun is the lord of the second house. The lord of the ascendant is Moon and it is friendly to the Sun. So you can wear Ruby and likely to overcome eyes problems and blessed with wealth by wearing it. You are advised to wear Ruby along with pearl as the Sun is the Marak planet for Cancer ascendant.
d) For Scorpio ascendant, Ruby is highly beneficial for your career as the Sun is the lord of the tenth house and gain exclusive results if your running Mahadasha is the Sun Mahadasha.
e) The lord of Sagittarius ascendant is friendly to the Sun and the Sun is the lord of the second house which is associated with fate and fortune for this ascendant. You can yield spiritual gain, name, fame, fate and fortune by wearing Ruby gemstone.

Taurus ascendant, Virgo ascendant, Capricorn ascendant, Aquarius ascendant, Libra ascendant, Capricorn ascendant and Pisces ascendant should never wear Ruby.
a) For Taurus ascendant, the Sun is the lord of the fourth house. The Sun is an enemy of Venus, the lord of Taurus ascendant and so you are advised not to wear Ruby. If the Sun is placed in the tenth house and in its sign Ruby can give you the strength to be focused.
b) For Gemini ascendant, the Sun is the lord of the third house and so you should avoid wearing this stone as it is not likely to give you beneficiary results. You can wear stone during Sun Mahadasha only if the Sun is posited in its sign in your birth chart.
c) For Virgo ascendant, the Sun is the lord of the twelfth house and so you should avoid wearing Ruby. You can wear Ruby along with Emerald if the sun is posited in the twelfth house in its own sign during the Mahadasha of the Sun.
d) For Libra ascendant, the lord of the ascendant is Venus and it is inimical to the Sun and so you should avoid wearing Ruby. But if the Sun is afflicted and ill-disposed in your birth chart then you can wear Ruby.
e) The Sun is the lord of the eighth house for Capricorn ascendant, and this house is an inauspicious house for the ascendant and so you are likely to get negative effects of wearing Ruby gemstone.
f) The Sun is the lord of the seventh house for Aquarius ascendant and this is inimical to Saturn, the lord of Aquarius ascendant and so you are likely to get negative effects of wearing Ruby gemstone.
g) The Sun is the lord of the sixth house and this house is associated with the disease, debt and enemy for Pisces ascendant and so you are likely to get negative effects of wearing Ruby gemstone.

a) Ruby gemstone strengthens the energy of positively placed Sun in your birth chart.
b) If in the natal chart the Sun is afflicted by the malefic effect of Rahu, Mars, Ketu and Saturn and the Sun is placed in the sixth, eighth and twelfth house probably have more chances to receive maximum gain in life by wearing Ruby.
c) If the Sun is helped in between Rahu and Ketu and the Sun is conjoined with Ketu then you are recommended to wear Ruby gemstone.

Get a Janampatri erected by our well-versed and expert astrologer in order to fix your ascendant and know the position of the Sun in your birth chart.

d) It is very important to know the position of the Sun and lord of the ascendant; otherwise, it is like to give negative results to you on wearing a Gemstone.

a) Ruby must be worn on Sundays in the first hour from the sunrise. One can wear it at home by performing certain rituals in a place where puja is done regularly.
b) You should wear the original, highest quality and certified Ruby stone.

You can explore Gemstones online to get the highest quality and certified Ruby stone

c) Before wearing a Ruby you must activate a stone by dipping it Panchamrut (a mixture of milk, curd, ghee, honey and sugar) for washing away all the impurities and negativities incorporated with gemstone.
d) Then in the first hour from sunrise burn incense stick in your temple and pray Lord Sun and chant Surya mantra “Om Suryaha Namah” for 108 times.
e) After that, you should take the blessing of your family deity and wear a ring on the ring finger of any hand.
f) You can wear a ring made up of 18k gold or bronze or copper metal.
g) The wearer should wear Ruby gemstone between four and twelve carats.

a) Synthetic and duplicate Ruby can cause harmful effects in your life.
b) If the position of the Sun is in negative houses it likely invokes negative forces which can be harmful.

So get proper consultation from Our Expert Astrologer before wearing a Ruby stone.

a) Hot soapy water is recommended to clean the stone and has to be rinsed properly.
b) You can use an old toothbrush to clean the dirt and grease on the stone.
c) Don’t use chlorine contained cleaning agent.

The ring with Ruby gemstone has to be worn on the ring finger of any hand.

For any questions or queries related to your personal and career problems, you can contact Your Personal Astrologer and get immediate solutions.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team