Akshya Tritiya, also known as Akha Teej, is celebrated on the Tritiya (third day) of the Vaishakh Shukla Paksha and bears great significance in the Hindu calendar. The word Akshay means imperishable, inexhaustible. This is one of those three and a half pious Tithi in the Hindu calendar on which any auspicious event, be it a wedding, yagya, charity, buying of gold and property or a project, can be initiated without taking into account the Muhurt. No need to refer to the Panchang on Akha Teej, because every minute of this particular day is favourable. It is also believed that deeds carried out on this day never go wasted.
Akhshay Tritiya holds high importance in the Hindu mythology as well.
- Akshay Tritiya is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Parshuram, the sixth incarnation (avatar) of Lord Vishnu.
- It is believed to be the day on which Treta Yuga begun.
- Legend has it that the holy River Ganga descended on Earth on Akshya Tritiya.
- Maharshi Ved Vyaas started to compose Mahabharata, which was penned by Lord Ganesha, on Akshya Tritiya.
- During the course of their Vanvaas, Pandavas were presented an Akshyapatra, a utensil that would always have some food in it, by Lord Krishna.
- It was on this day, Draupadi Cheerharan had happened and Lord Krishna had made her clothes never-ending.
- Lord Krishna had freed His childhood friend, Sudama, from poverty on Akshya Tritiya.
- Kuber had worshipped Lord Shiva on this day, in Shivapuram, and had gotten back his riches and prosperity.
- In Orissa, an Indian State, the preparations for building Ratha for Ratha Yatra are initiated on Akshya Tritiya.
All in all, Akshya Tritiya is an occasion associated with harmony, happiness peace and prosperity. Since gold symbolises wealth and people want that their prosperity never diminishes, they buy gold on Akshya Tritiya. Besides, the Goddess of Wealth, Goddess Mahalakshmi, and Lord Vishnu are also worshipped on this day. Lord Kuber, the Lord of Wealth, is also worshipped on Akshya Tritiya. Devotees also offer prayers to Lord Shiva, Parvati and Lord Ganesha and worship them wholeheartedly to seek their divine blessings on this auspicious day. Many people conduct Jaa, Tap, Havan, Yagya and help the needy on Akshya Tritiya so that they are blessed with imperishable Punya.
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Akshya Trititya 2024
In 2024, Akshay Tritiya will begin on May 09 at 06:47 PM and continue till 05:20 PM on May 10.
Since it will be in progress at the time of sunrise on May 10, it will be celebrated on May 09. On this auspicious day, there will be a Stellium of three planets – Jupiter, Mercury and Venus – in the Moon Sign Taurus. Mercury and Venus in a conjunction indicates material gains and comforts. And this time Jupiter joins them and thus a Stellium is formed. Therefore, chant Lakshmi Narayan Mantra and worship Lord Vishnu and Goddess Mahalakshmi together on this Akshya Tritiya to increase your wealth and prosperity.
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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Bhavesh N. Pattni & Tanmay K.Thakar
The GaneshaSpeaks Team