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Physical compatibility, unconventional camaraderie: Saif-Kangana in upcoming film!

Physical compatibility, unconventional camaraderie: Saif-Kangana in upcoming film!

Despite mismatch of energies, Saif-Kangana may pull the show off in style!
Saif Ali Khan – lovingly called the Chhote Nawab, is a royal charmer, with the majestic stubble and those chocolaty looks topped with that trademark ‘flirtatious’ charm! On the other hand, Kangana Ranaut is unconventional, unusually beautiful and unbelievably talented! When thought of together as a pair, this jodi may not immediately fit into the frame that our mind may create on lines of the famous pairings of Big B-Rekha, SRK-Kajol and such on-screen wonders, but it does create a sense of curiosity as to how this pair may look on-screen. So, to give you a better understanding of the probable camaraderie between this ‘couple’ in an upcoming film, Ganesha, with the help of the stars, presents to you an exclusive analysis of the Bond-factor between the two. Check out the article!

Saif Ali Khan
Date of Birth :- 16th August, 1970
Time of Birth :- Not Known
Place of Birth :- New Delhi, India


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Kangana Ranaut
Date of birth :- 23rd March, 1987
Birth Time :- Not Known.
Place of Birth :- Mandi, HP, India


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[Owing to the unavailability of credible birth-time of both the celebrities, the analysis and predictions have been done on the basis of the Solar Chart/ Surya Kundli with the help of his birth-date and birth-place only.]

  • Saif is born with Venus in Virgo and Kangana has Venus in Capricorn sign.
  • Saif’s Saturn in Aries falls on Kangana’s Mars in Aries.
  • There is Mercury to Mercury opposition. Moreover, Saif’s Rahu falls on Kangana’s Mercury.

Bonding and Mental Wavelengths…

  • Astrologically speaking, this pair is a very unusual pair and on the surface, comes across as an average pair. The planets indicate that both of them are different when it comes to performance and working together. Their views about creativity and expression may be very different from each other, but for the viewers this may make an unexpectedly wonderful pair, as it is famously said – ‘Opposites Attract’!

  • As there is a trine connection of Venus, in case of love sequences, they may not face much discomfort or that feeling of awkwardness! Sensuality and comfort levels between the two will be high!

Dialogues and Verbal Connect…

  • Ganesha foresees that the dialogues between them and their chemistry on and off screen may not be highly delightful. They may not bloom and dazzle as per their individual standards suggest, while working together!

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  • Born with Mars in Aries, Kangana is a highly energetic performer. Saif’s Saturn in Aries will restrain Kangana’s energy levels unwittingly or unconsciously.


  • To enjoy working together, both will have to remain more cooperative and accommodative, says Ganesha.

Final Word…

  • In short, it’s not a perfect ‘on screen pair’, but they may charm the audiences with their offbeat connect!

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Ganesha wishes a great time ahead to Saif Ali Khan and Kangana Ranaut .

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks Team