Predictions Business These Planets Helped David Julius Get the Nobel Prize

These Planets Helped David Julius Get the Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize 2021 has been given to David Julius of America in the field of medicine. He has received this award for discovering the receptors (molecular mechanisms) that sense temperature and touch-related pain sensations.

David Julius is a professor at the University of California, San Francisco. Along with him, Ardum Patapocian, a Lebanese-born American has also been given the Nobel Prize in the field of medicine.

In David Julius’s horoscope, the Sun is in Libra, but there is an exalted Saturn. This Neech Bhang Raja Yoga of Sun and Saturn has always been helpful for David to move ahead in the field of research.

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At the same time, his Moon is in Gemini. Gemini’s Moon makes his analytical skills strong. In the future, he will continue to engage in his research and can also achieve success in making medicine that will prove to be very useful for humankind. 2022 could be even better for his research.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,