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Signs of Good Luck and Fortune

Signs of Good Luck and Fortune

Many of us believe in signs of good luck coming. To look for and find symbolism in everything, particularly in aspects of nature are interpreted as good and bad omens. Now, what is an Omen?

An omen is viewed as a sign from the natural world that delivers a message of some sort indicating coming good or evil events. Omens and signs can be found in all aspects of nature.

Here is a list of good luck omens to look for if you want to have good fortune on an unlucky day:

Golden cats signify good luck hidden in bad luck. They are believed to be an auspicious sign of good fortune. But it is better to chase Black & White Cats away as they signify betrayal and death respectively.

Giving birth to kittens by a cat is considered to be a good Omen for the head of the house owning the cat as it is believed that evil spirits will never enter such house. It is also believed that there will be prosperity in the family within three months. So it is considered highly auspicious for better fortune.

If a butterfly flies to your home, it signifies good omen. This is commonly interpreted to mean that you are about to receive good news from some important guests. So never chase a fluttering butterfly out of your house as it is a symbol of receiving good news.

Auspicious signs for prosperity coming your way. It is really yucky, annoying and a major inconvenience, when something like this happens to you, but now don’t be as this is described as prosperity being just around the corner. It signifies prosperity coming from paradise. So always welcome birds with open arms as they spell good fortune.

A lucky day is usually a new moon or full moon day. It is the surest sign that you will enjoy a significant rise in money. 15 days of the New Year’s first moon are regarded as “Days of Miracles”. Money received on these days is considered as lucky.

The simultaneous appearance of the sun and the rain is a very good sign indeed. It is supposed to be good for your career. You will receive the support of some very important people. Also getting married or the birth of a child on such a day is considered as auspicious.

It’s time to close your eyes and make a wish! Yes just make a wish immediately when you see a shooting star. Whatever you wish for will manifest within the next 30 days. A shooting star is considered as the auspicious sign for fulfillment of a wish.

It is an indication for good luck forever. Finding your initials on a spiders web signifies that all your obstacles blocking your projects will be dissolved.

It is one of the best signs of good fortune. It signifies financial and professional gains. So the next time when bats come and nest in your home, be happy because this brings good fortune.

It tones down all the malefic effects on your path. The king cobra is described as a snake of extreme good fortune. So never ever try to harm or kill a snake when confronted with one.

Below are some other common events in everyday life believed to be powerful indications of good fortune:

  • When Your Palm start to Itch – Signifies financial gains
  • When someone sees an Elephant on his path – It signifies victory
  • If a person sees his wife’s face after waking up in the morning – Monetary gains
  • If a person sees his mother’s face after waking up in the morning – Better fortune
  • If a person sees his sister’s face after waking up in the morning– Signifies Good Luck
  • If a person sees his own palm after waking up in the morning – Success in attempts
  • If a person sees his own face in mirror after waking up in the morning – Googluck charm
  • If a person sees a Cow after waking up in the morning – Everlasting Success
  • If a person sees Divine Image after waking up in the morning – It showers God’s grace
  • If a person sees Milk in a bowl after waking up in the morning– Auspicious signs
  • If a person sees a “Kurukshetra Image” after waking up in the morning – Signifies mentor will come in his life
  • If a person sees a “Ram Darbar Image” after waking up in the morning – Signifies protection against all evil signs
  • If a person sees any four legged animal after waking up in the morning – Signifies healthiness & fitness throughout the day.
  • If a person sees the sun after waking up in the morning – Signifies all planetary blessings throughout the day.
  • If a person sees any Balika (girl of 6 to 8 years old) after waking up in the morning – Signifies all Nakshatras’ blessings throughout the day.
  • If a person hears the sound of either “Shankh” or “Ghant” or “Damaru” after waking up in the morning – Signifies highly auspicious signs for victory
  • If a person hears the sound of Flute after waking up in the morning – Signifies mental peace throughout the day
  • When starting any journey, if any Brahmin (Wearing traditional Brahmin Uniform) crosses the path – It signifies success and auspiciousness in Journey
  • If any traveller sees any Cow feeding her calf, it signifies success in Journey
  • If any traveller sees any pilgrims in his way, it signifies success in Journey

Talk to our astrologers to know Good Omens for career and business.

Omens may be considered either good or bad depending on their interpretation. These omens should happen naturally and not be made to happen; only then the signs can be interpreted as true.

Bad omens are a way of telling us that something bad may occur and that we should become alert to the bad times. If we do the remedies or become aware, then either bad time doesn’t come or the bad time isn’t as bad as it was supposed to be.

Know remedies for a bad omen. Talk to our astrologer now!

With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team