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Know All About Eclipses And How They Influence Us

Eclipses are usually associated with beginnings and endings – internal as well as external. An Eclipse or Grahan always indicates a remarkable change or a meaningful event. And, the event or change maybe for the better, and might as well lead to positive results. However, from ancient times several people fear eclipses and consider it a bad omen that leads to an untoward incident like war, famine, etc. But, today astrologers view eclipses as an opportunity for development. Astrologically, an eclipse is regarded as a very important phenomenon, especially if it occurs in significant places in the horoscope of a person, or a country.

Eclipses generally occur 4 to 6 times in a year, and many individuals feel anxious during the eclipse period. Although the eclipse energy mostly prevails for a week before, or after the eclipse, the influence on events continues much longer, that is, up to 3 months in advance, and also 3 years later. Astrologers advice shunning about 3 days on either side of the eclipse or Grahan for starting any new project. Our Astrologers may provide you with many solutions associated to your wealth, health and career as well with our Janampatri Report that can help you live the best of your life.

The signs of the zodiac that contain the eclipse and its planetary rulers, along with the constellations of its governing stars – signify the impact of the eclipse. For zodiac signs related to the sea – it affects underwater creatures and shipping, whereas for signs connected with humans, it influences men and political issues. Moreover, for animal signs, it affects cattle and beasts, while for terrestrial signs it influences crops and the earth.

Eclipses in Fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) indicate conflicts, wars, fire disasters, and the death of prominent personalities. Furthermore, Earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo) denote agricultural problems, Air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) signify stormy winds, disease, and famine, and Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) suggest marine hazards, floods, war, and high mortality amongst common people. Read more on how different Zodiac signs are affected by the annular Solar Eclipse.

An astute astrologer can determine the placement of an eclipse in a person’s horoscope, and predict the effects of a solar or lunar eclipse on a personal level. To add further, he can also guide the individual in making the most of its positive effects. During a Solar Eclipse, the Moon casts a shadow on the Earth, whereas during a Lunar Eclipse, the Earth casts a shadow on the Moon. Also, get to know more about Full Moons and how each month is connected to it!

Solar eclipses signify beginnings that may come as a surprise and are usually related to external events in the world around us. Things that are started between a Solar Eclipse and the next Full Moon with the likes of taking decisions, initiating projects, sowing seeds and establishing contacts have a significant impact for the following 6 months.

On the other hand, a Lunar Eclipse suggests internal changes and discoveries about ourselves and others – we let go, make decisions, and conclude things – during the waning period of a Lunar Eclipse, which has significance soon. Therefore, the eclipses may have a strong impact on various aspects of your life like career and business too! Although you may want our experts to guide you thoroughly with your business and how will it run with the assistance of our Business Report too!

Astrologically, an Eclipse or Grahan is a signal that indicates global trends or events. Since an eclipse is caused by a shadow passing across the Sun or the Moon, it generally suggests events and issues related to the affected nations, their rulers, and international politics. Moreover, for individuals, the astrological house in which the eclipse takes place will be affected for up to 6 months. If the eclipse falls around the same degree as a planet in the individual’s horoscope, then it affects the planet, and everything it represents in that person’s horoscope.

Besides, when the eclipse falls on the individual’s Natal Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or ruler of the Ascendant, then it severely affects that person. If you are going through a Sade Sati period, it may also cause a lot of disturbances in your life related to health, wealth, business, career and relationships. Avail our Sade Sati Report 2023 and combat the negativities during this unfavourable time.

Additionally, the constellation in which an eclipse falls also gives a hint about its effect on countries and individuals. Usually, it will have an impact on the constellation, and whatever it signifies for the next six months after the eclipse. Thus, since olden days various remedies were suggested by astrologers to neutralize the negative effects of an eclipse in each constellation.

In the eastern parts of the world, especially India, several people fast during the eclipse period, and also chant mantras related to the constellation in which the eclipse is occurring. Whereas in the western regions of the globe, many people meditate and utter religious hymns.

From ages, eclipses have signified changes in our life. So, next time when an eclipse occurs, just get ready to face the challenges and grab the opportunities. Remember – when one door closes – another opens!

Find below the upcoming eclipses witnessed in India:

  • 26th December 2019 Partial Solar Eclipse
  • 10th-11th January 2020 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
  • 5th-6th June 2020 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
  • 21st June 2020 Partial Solar Eclipse
  • 26th May 2021 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

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With Ganesha’s Grace,

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