Wind Relieving Pose (Pawanmuktasana)

Wind Relieving Pose (Pawanmuktasana)

Pawanmuktasana, also recognized as Wind Relieving Pose, is a reclining position. Pawanmuktasana is derived from the Sanskrit words Pawan+Mukta+Asana, where Pawan denotes wind, Mukta denotes release, and Asana denotes pose.This asana is beneficial in eliminating digestive problems and pressure from the stomach and intestines, thus the name; however, there are many other advantages of Pawanmuktasana. First, let us learn how to properly do Pawanmuktasana.


Pavanamuktasana is a therapeutic posture that helps to expel gas from the belly when rubbing the entire back and backbone. The name comes from the Sanskrit words pavana, which means “wind,” mukta, which means “to free,” and asana, which means “pose.”

What is Pawanmuktasana?

The practitioner folds both knees and pulls it into the body from a supine posture, arms folded around the shins. The head tucks against the shoulders at the same moment. The head will either be resting on the floor or raised toward the knees. You can also do the posture in three sections, pulling one leg into the chest at a moment, then pulling both legs simultaneously.

In the manipura chakra, Pavanamuktasana stimulates the wave of prana. Personality, inspiration, and excitement are all boosted as this chakra is enabled. It is the source of divine strength and the source of determination and vitality emotions. The yogi feels self-assured, inspired, and positive when manipura is aligned. This chakra is now in control of feeding and metabolism.

The two-legged and one-legged parts of the position are often referred to as distinct poses: dwi pada pavanamuktasana (two-leg wind-relieving pose) and eka pada pavanamuktasana (one-legged wind-relieving pose) (one-leg wind-relieving pose).

In English, Pavanamuktasana is known as wind relieving posture, wind releasing pose, or wind withdrawing position.

Pavanamuktasana – How To Do It

Take full advantage of an asana and reduce injuries, make sure the body is well aligned. To perform Pawanmuktasana, follow these steps:

Base position: Lie flat on your back with your legs straight and close together. Have your arms at your knees, palms down. The spine, collar, and head should all be in a single direction.

  • Throughout the basic spot, relax the muscle.
  • Lift your right leg, bend your knee, and lift your right thigh to your stomach.
  • Interlock the fingertips of both arms and keep the right leg slightly just below the knee to pull the hip nearer to the belly.
  • Raise the chin, taking the nose nearer to the right knee while straining, when inhaling strongly. Through weeks of practise, instead of touching the forehead, one can now extend the chin to the knees.
  • Mostly on deck, the left leg must be flat. That will be the last and most important spot.
  • Holding the place for as long as you feel like.
  • To return to the starting spot, place the head back on the yoga mat and relax the arms and knee.

The Position Of Asana

The wrists or elbows are clasped as well as the thighs are pushed against the belly. The spine is bowed more toward the knees, and the nose or chin touches the knees if necessary while breathing is still.

Getting Out of the Asana Position: Straighten your spine and return your arm down.

Allow the arms to fall to the side of the body. Straighten both legs and rest them at 90 degrees from the floor while breathing.

Anatomical Focal Point: Thighs, shoulders, and buttocks (especially the lower abdomen)

Recognize: The abdomen, calves, hips, and buttocks should all be relaxed while breathing normally.


  • Try to bring your head to your feet.
  • Holding the legs together as far as possible.
  • In this posture, relax the body and breathe naturally.
  • Toes can be pointed.

And Don’ts:

  • Put a strain on your throat.
  • Overstretch, inducing discomfort when pulling the legs so tightly together.

Pavanamuktasana is a Science

Pawanmuktasana is an outstanding asana for reducing the pressure that builds up in the body and system on a regular basis. For the brain, body, and soul, this will be profoundly calming. Itself from the inside, the asana slowly and effectively restores the body. This asana can always be done first thing every morning before waking up. The physical processes will run more smoothly and efficiently during the day as you softly awaken your body with that same asana.

Pawanmuktasana’s Advantages

The below are some of the beneficial effects of practising Pawanmuktasana on a daily basis:

  • Improves circulatory system in the pelvic area
  • Relaxes the spinal column and reinforces the spine and lower back muscles
  • Massages the abdominal muscles, resulting in constipation relief
  • Strengthens the genital organs, which may assist with menstrual issues, miscarriage, and impotence
  • It aids in the removal of extra fat from the belly and thighs

A Word of Warning:

If you have high blood pressure, hyperacidity, a hernia, a slip disc, a heart defect, a testicular condition, or neck and back problems, you must stop performing this yoga position. Throughout pregnancy and menstruation, women should avoid performing Pawanmuktasana.

Pawanmuktasana Precautions

The following are some Pawanmuktasana precautions to take into consideration for a better activity.

  • Unless the neck starts to hurt, it is necessary to lower the head to avoid strain.
  • Work without lifting the head if you have a neck injury.
  • Don’t put too much weight on the thighs in the chest. It has to be relaxing.
  • People with masses, heart attacks, hernia, any serious back injury like slipped disc and sciatica, or elevated blood pressure must stop doing this asana.

In a Nutshell,

Practise Pawanmuktasana with utmost precaution to gain more benefits for your health. This traditional yoga asana also comes with its own science helping to improve overall health and wellbeing. So, it is good to go with this yoga pose for maximum gain.

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