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The Beijing 2008 Olympics – game of Life and Death

The Beijing 2008 Olympics – game of Life and Death

It seems that the games have political implications depending on the host country. When they are held in places like Atlanta or Sydney, the games are seen as one big party for athletes and fans alike. But when they are held in places like Tokyo (1964), Seoul (1988), or today’s Beijing, no one can ignore the huge political implications. The political situation in China is instable, due to the Tibet issue. The Olympic torch is supposed to convey a message of international peace and friendship. But the images of repressive violence in Tibet are still fresh, and protesters say it’s a matter of “life and death”. Protesters demanding independence for Tibet have boycotted the Olympics games scheduled to be held at China in August 2008.

The Olympic Torch is scheduled to pass through Tibet’s capital Lhasa in May, but Students of Tibet have called for a boycott of that leg. Amidst this chaos let’s grope into the future of Olympics games, in China, through our astrological torch.


China is showing signs of strain as a series of rolling protests began due to transiting Mars moving over the natal Uranus placed in the 6th house of China’s country chart and Pluto opposing Mars.

Olympic Torch in Lhasa
China will be under the influence of Saturn-Venus-Moon period and the natal Moon will be under the shadow of transiting Rahu. The transiting Mars will conjunct natal Mars and Pluto in the 7th house of foreign affairs and also the transitingSaturn would be moving in the 8th house over the natal Saturn. This
combination reflects growing external pressure on China and China’s
attempt to control everything, especially through military and government orders. And such activities will increase especially between 28th June and 3rd September 2008 during the Summer Olympic.

Mercury signifies the runner carrying the Olympic torch, but when the torch reaches Tibet on May 25, Mercury turns retrograde and also squaring Uranus, indicating disruption in the Tibetan leg. It will bring more clashes and possibly suppression. Despite the growing political pressure China might try to control the situation aggressively, so escalating military confrontations are also possible.

Planetary influences during Olympic
China’s chart indicates growing confusion and discouragement, worsening dramatically from 28th June and also suggests global and internal resistance is rising. That could be a brutal time with many people injured or killed. Confusion and real depression reigns thereafter across the Olympics till late

The Beijing Olympics is scheduled during an awkward, tense and risky period. The Lunar month August will begin with Sagittarius Ascendant and Jupiter the Lord of Ascendant strongly placed in the Ascendant shows the strong
composition of host China. But 10th house Lord Mercury placed in the 8th house and Sun along with Moon placed in the 8th house with Ketu suggesting strong opposition and depression in general public. so the run up and first half will be undoubtedly challenging and stressful and the Olympics will test China’s patience. China will feel under attack and agitated, perhaps responding aggressively to any signs of unrest amongst the population.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Tanmay K.Thakar,