- Consider 10 minutes plus and minus in each prediction, and act accordingly.
- Ganesha advises you to compare every prediction with the prediction of the previous time slot.
- You might have received the files regarding the monthly and yearly view. Now, take short-term positions accordingly.
- Now, let’s talk about what intraday traders should do during the coming week.
- If you look at the weightage for the period between opening to 9:30, you will get an idea that Nifty may remain dull during this particular period.
- From 9:30 onwards, there may be marginal buying at Nifty. This trend shall continue till 10:20.
- Nifty may experience tremendous jobbing during the period from 10:20 to 13:30, helping you earn substantial profits on both the sides. All you need to do is make frequent entries and exits.
- During 13:30 to 15:00, there may be gradual buying at Nifty.
- Nifty may experience selling pressure during the last half an hour of the trading day.


Our expert astrologers can guide you about your birthstone as per your zodiac sign. Feel free to contact us.
With Ganesha’s Grace,
Dharmeshh Joshi,