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Transiting Jupiter’s effect on Bollywood movies

Transiting Jupiter’s effect on Bollywood movies

Transiting Jupiter entered Sagittarius, a very target oriented sign which also indicates higher amount of ‘sense of freedom’. On 22 November, 2007 at 5.23 am the great Jupiter entered in the Moola Nakshtra of Sagittarius Moon sign. It is according to sidereal position of the Zodiac, and Sagittarius will host Jupiter, the Guru, for around 13 months and 9 days and then the great planet will enter its next sign Capricorn in 4th week of December, 2008. Till that time, it will give its good and bad effects to various Lagna and Moon sign.

As our readers are interested to know the effect of this extraterrestrial event on the great Bollywood, Ganesha gives his reading for the same.

Jupiter’s Direct and Retrograde Motion in Sagittarius

22nd November 2007 to 8th May 2008 Jupiter Direct

9th May 2008 to 7th September 2008 Jupiter Retrograde

8th September 2008 to 9th December 2008 Jupiter Direct

Movies you can expect during this phase:
Considering India’s National Horoscope and Bollywood both together, Ganesha strongly feels that while Jupiter passes through Sagittarius, new and highly creative films may be produced and released. Indian audience can expect more ‘motivational films’ during this period. These films may also cover political figures, great personalities, martyrs and foreign connections. Many films may be shot in foreign locations and many ‘Anglo’ stars may glitter on Bollywood silver screen while Jupiter operates in Sagittarius. The never-before ideas and subjects may have a scope to find free expression with a mixture of English and Hindi. The movies may give boost a Hinglish culture in India.

The bold and beautiful has always created ripples, and so would be the scene during this transit. However, human emotions would not be neglected altogether. You can also expect some psychological flicks with lot of experimental and fresh stuff. Audience, do not get shocked. Our film makers are creative enough to produce psychological movies. Bollywood may also invite you to the world of mysteries and occult, but don’t expect any horror films from Ramsay Bros.

On the other hand, idealism may hit the screen during this phase. The age-old theme of conflicts between power and idealism may rule the reel world. At the same time, number of magazines appreciating these efforts might increase. Jupiter’s transit through Sagittarius is also the time when middle aged and older actors may also be presented heroically. The time is good for story writers and directors both.

Special note on Retrogression:
While Jupiter will be retrograde, there may be some changes in norms of Bollywood. This time is a little crucial for workers and producers as they may have difference of opinions with one another; long back in 1996 there was a ‘wage hike’ issue in Bollywood, something similar may appear again but with a better solution. Any such opposition or difference between money-lenders and talents may not last longer and subside sooner with a positive note. More directors will come out in the market to present their talents. Low budget films may also be encouraged.

Outstanding moveis may release between following dates:

3rd December 2007 to 29th December 2007

28th January 2008 to 30th May 2008

30th June 2008 to 26th July 2008

4th November 2008 to 27th November 2008

Overall period of Jupiter’s transit through Sagittarius may remain favourable for the business in Bollywood. Ganesha also finds some ‘star sons’ and ‘star daughters’ coming up in this period, gaining more acknowledgement. At the same time, Ganesha also foresees some ‘prodigies’ shining brighter while Jupiter operates in Sagittarius. Many directors and other skilled personalities, who have been apprenticing the ‘greats’ of Bollywood may have scope to present their talents. In short, it’s a year of good going in Bollywood.

Ganesha wishes all the Good Luck to entire Bollywood.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Bhavesh N. Pattni