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Will the movie– Welcome Back help in boosting Shruti’s popularity in Bollywood? Ganesha finds out…

Will the movie– Welcome Back help in boosting Shruti’s popularity in Bollywood? Ganesha finds out…

help in boosting Shruti's popularity in Bollywood

Shruti Rajalakshmi Hassan or Shruti Hassan as we know her as, is an ethereal beauty, with a captivating charm and a refreshing smile. She is the daughter of Kamal Hassan and Sarika – who themselves happen to be prominent actors. The former happens to be a superstar and the heavyweight of South Indian Cinema who also won a lot of acclaim for his performances in the Bollywood and the latter has acted in various films and has won awards for her performances. Shruti is basically extremely talented, and her talent includes her prowess in acting, singing and music. She will be next seen as the love-interest of John Abraham in the movie – Welcome Back and seems set to charm the movie-goers! But what does the future, at least the coming year or so indicate about the Southern Beauy? Find the answers in Ganesha’s article…

Shruti Hasan – Actress and Model
Date of Birth :- 28th January , 1986
Time of Birth :- Not Known
Place of Birth :- Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


Owing to the unavailability of credible birth-time of the celebrity, the analysis and predictions have been done on the basis of the Solar Chart/ Surya Kundli with the help of her birth-date and birth-place only.

Astrological Predictions :-

The South Indian star hasn’t really impressed Bollywood audiences till now. Will she be able to do so in future?

  • Ganesha notes that Shruti will be under the positive influence of transiting Jupiter’s positive aspect to her Jupiter in the 2nd house and Rahu in the 4th house of her Solar Chart till 11th August 2016. But the transit of Saturn over her Mars and Saturn in the 11th house, which will also be aspecting her Sun, Mercury and Venus in the 1st house of the chart will be adding negative influence till January 2017. This indicates that she may be putting in her best efforts in the films currently and till above said period but she may not be able to impress Bollywood audiences comprehensively.
  • She would be working hard and putting in her best efforts, but she may not get the complete results in return and she may have to face some dissapointment, due to the negative influence of Saturn.
  • The transit of Ketu over her Jupiter in her chart post January 2016 may add adversity for her including even financial problems.
  • As such her efforts till January 2017, may not give her any fruitful result due to the transit of Saturn in her chart. She may be deprived of great offers for new films till this above said period.
  • But the effect of Saturn will make her get more refined in her choices as a n actors and she will get good chances to develop a sharper perspective towards her life and her career.

How will be her performance in Welcome Back?

  • Her performance in the movie may be average and not very remarkable, as the transit of Jupiter and Saturn will be giving mixed influence in her Solar chart, besides this on the day of release of the film, transiting Saturn will be aspecting the 5th house of her chart and transiting Mars and retrograde Venus will be in opposition to the Sun, Mercury and Venus of her Chart ,which will give negative influence to her chart. However, the audience will be taking notice of her whole hearted efforts in her performance in Welcome Back.
  • On the whole, the upcoming period of more than a year or so, seems to be average for her and to some extent she will have to face some challenges.

Ganesha wishes a great time ahead to Shruti Hasan and also for her role in Welcome Back.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks Team