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Planets and Crude Oil Market Outlook

Crude Oil rates have been cause of concern for USA. Prices have been like ‘never seen before’. This has not only shaken the USA but many other countries too. There has been lot of speculation on this by Astrologers and market analysts. Ganesha would like to throw light on the subject with help of Astrology.

Crude Oil is primarily ruled by Sign Pisces. It being liquid, planetarymovements in Watery Signs would have more influence on it. As per Western Astrology System, Mars is transiting through Cancer at present. On 18th
March 2008, prices of Crude Oil were very high. Interesting point to observe is, 18 number is ruled by Mars being total of 9. Complete total of the day was 22. Number two is ruled by Moon and it is repeated twice here. If we boil this down to single digit, it comes to 4 which is ruled by Uranus. So Mars and Uranus played Major role
as per Numerology too. Uranus is passing through Pisces at present so we have seen major activities in the oil markets with Mars in Cancer and Uranus in Pisces.

Between20thto 26thApril 2008 there may be major change in the trend of Crude Oil prices, states Ganesha. This is because Mars and Uranus will formTrine Aspect with each other. AstroTechnically speaking, Trineaspects are liable for bearish trend but natural malefic planets are
responsible for bullish trend. Mercury and Venus both would have crossed Pisces within first week of April 2008. Sun will be in Aries. In such case, major influence on Watery Signs would be of Uranus andMars. In such case, Ganesha’s analysis says that crude oil is to reach climax in the month of April. Throughout the month we may see
bullish trend barring some minor bearish moments. After 26thApril 2008 prices may start going down a bit but it may come down noticeably only after 10thMay 2008, says Ganesha.

wishes all the good luck to Oil Traders.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Bhavesh N. Pattni

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