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Effects of Saturn Transit for Gemini Moon Sign

Effects of Saturn Transit for Gemini Moon Sign

Saturn Transit 2018 For Gemini Moon Sign

During the period of last two and a half years, you may have handled things in a very responsible manner. You not only worked hard, but you didn’t care about your health much. You were just paying attention to the demands that you had in front of you.

Ganesha feels that the rewards that you received for your hard work may not have been so great. However, they would have been relatively less satisfying than your own expectations. Overall, it was a sort of a rough patch for you indeed.

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Summary of Last 2.5 Years

There are chances that you could still be carrying the after-effects of what happened to you in the last two and a half years. Circumstances didn’t treat you well although you deserved the best. Ganesha feels that the time is going to change now.

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Saturn transit effect on Gemini after January 2017 till 24th January, 2020

Saturn Transit in 2017 will cleanse the areas of your life that require attention. It will make you cautious about your public image if you were careless, and you will be made to be the fame or recognition that you may get.
The married individuals will be made to pay more attention to their life-partners and the single ones will be given chances to make the necessary changes in their personalities. You may have to face trust issues, and it would be better if you prefer to be clear in your dealings, rather than trying to don a mask of superficiality.
This is the period, during which you may remain worried about your image in the society. Taking things granted may prove to be costly. If someone is doing something for you, value it. Remain clear about your priorities, advises Ganesha.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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