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Know how the Saturn-Mars conjunction affects you

Mars aligns with Saturn roughly once in two years. However, occasionally, due to retrograde motion of one or both the planets, such alignments will occur just a few months apart. In Mundane astrology, this conjunction brings forth some form of widespread misery. The Mars-Saturn conjunction of 1968 took place just two weeks before the My Lai Massacre.

But for individual, Mars – Saturn conjunction denotes a conjunction of hot and cold. Mars gives the ‘energy’ to fulfill needs and Saturn is the ‘control’, which is necessary for eventual efficiency in our expression and growth. During the Mars – Saturn conjunction, the essential energies fight with necessary controls. This conjunction often results in a stalemate or indecision. Occasionally this can also make the person prone to accidents.

On the positive side, this conjunction is a time when you can use your energies constructively. Any tendency shown elsewhere in your chart to act on impulse is tempered with restraint now due to the effect of Saturn. This produces capacity for hard work, enduring strength and resourcefulness. On the negative side, this conjunction often produces a tendency of anger or hard feelings that you must control.

It cannot be said that all sufferings and ailments afflicting us have human solutions. There are many things, which are beyond the human understanding. These were the areas where divine intervention was sought by the ancient seers.

If you would like to make use of the conjunction (either in your chart or during the transit, whenever it occurs) you can keep the following in mind and even use it to your advantage:

  • Maximize force tempered with restraint and focus.
  • To take forward your love (remember Mars plays a very vital role)
  • If your Moon sign is Taurus or Libra, you will be doubly lucky because Saturn happens to be your yogakaraka. You can get a very good deal if you are planning to buy a property.
  • If your Moon sign is Aries or Scorpio, you should be more than happy as your birth Lord will be meeting 3rd and 4th Lord or 10th and 11th Lord, thereby improving your Leo, Mars is your yogakaraka and it will be meeting your 7th Lord, thereby brightening your marriage prospects (if you are unmarried) or bringing forth domestic happiness.
  • If you are a Gemini ascendant, you may get a chance to go abroad during this period.
  • If your Moon sign is Virgo or you are a Virgo ascendant, you will have speculative luck in the period of the conjunction.
  • If your Moon sign is Sagittarius, the period of conjunction can again bring in luck on the career front and also increase the inflow of money.
  • Capricorn or Aquarius natives will purchase immovable properties during this conjunction.
  • The people with beautiful eyes viz. Pisces born natives will see money flow in during the conjunction.

If you want to know how the Saturn-Mars conjunction would affect you, you can just ‘ask a question‘ on ganeshaspeaks.com

Jyothisha Ratna R.Sakuntala
Celebrity astrologer
The Ganeshaspeaks Team

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