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Jupiter transit through Taurus…how will it affect various Moon Signs?

Jupiter transit through Taurus…how will it affect various Moon Signs?

The transiting Jupiter will be in the zodiac sign Taurus from 18th May 2012 to 31st May 2013. As Taurus is an Earth sign, this transit shall boost practicality and craving for stability on various levels. The Bull (Taurus) is a family-oriented, stable zodiac sign. This zodiac sign also rules financial matters, so investments at national and international level will increase, and as a result people shall become more aware and concerned about such issues. People’s concern for their family and clique may undergo changes. There might be a rise in domestic issues needing quick redressal. At the international level, some major changes in the economy are foreseen.

Unlike their usual tendencies, Rams will take a keen interest in their family matters, and shall try their best to sort them out. An expansion in the family around this time can be foreseen by Ganesha. Financial progress is possible now. Aries can make the most of this time by making some smart investments, especially in banks or secure policies. Regular savings shall come handy too.

For the Taurus, a definitive advancement in life can be foreseen now.  Progress on the personal as well as professional fronts is very likely, says Ganesha. There will also be a motivation to do something new and extraordinary. Shunning something simply because it’s unconventional shall not be the right approach. Knowledge may come in any form. Taking care of diet and health is also important.

A Gemini doesn’t believe in looking back. Yet, this is just the time to do that, feels Ganesha. Thus, looking at the issues in the hind sight should be the best approach for the Twins. In retrospect, they shall be able to see their mistakes, put finger on them and initiate action in the present to set them right. Financially, things may not be rosy. Ones willing to travel abroad or to the distant places will be able to do so.

Social connections, whichever way they are a part of the Crab’s life, shall take prominence. For once, Crabs will need to shun their shells to expand their personal and professional networks. And, once they try, things shall fall in place quite easily for them. Groups and team activities are favoured, and so are sibling relations, says Ganesha. Younger friends and alliances shall be very important and resourceful.

Career takes the centre-stage for the regal Lions, as many of them become more ambitious and competitive, says Ganesha. New opportunities crop up, and laurels galore! With great position comes greater responsibility, and that’s what Leos shall need to understand and assimilate. As their rank  scalates, they may also come across many temptations. Making the most of this favourable time lies in their hands.

Luck favours the Virgos this Jupiter transit, says Ganesha. Those willing to travel for academic purpose have this transit in their favour. Interest in philosophy and metaphysics or even religion may escalate. However, there are strong chances of Virgins becoming overconfident, given the easy success that may come their way now. This is certainly a no-no situation! Take stock.

Financially, things may not sail as smoothly as Libras would like them to, says Ganesha. However, joint accounts/investments may be advantageous, and
this should be taken advantage of. Taking loans or financial help from someone is also a possibility. Interactions with in-laws and exptended family might increase. Matters related to inheritance may be sorted out amicably.

This is a good time to establish and forge new personal and professional unions. Marriage is on the cards for the willing, and so are the business partnerships, foresees Ganesha. The trade and business involving partnerships and cliques shall flourish, and entrepreneurs shall get a chance to take a puffed-up, self-satisfied bow. Scorpios ready to let go of their inhibitions shall benefit the most now, says Ganesha.

Financially good times are here for the Archers, says Ganesha. The debts shall be paid off, and the work shall become easier to endure. The Archers may
even find themselves enjoying it to the hilt, what with the supportive colleagues and an escalated bonhomie at the work place. Health and fitness will rightfully become important, and the usually laid-back Sagittarius may start dropping in regularly at the local gym. Kudos!

Creativity shall surge, and so shall the willingness to further hone such skills. It might be a change for the tangible details-oriented Goats, yet they will be full of energy and enthusiasm in all creative and innovative endeavours. Success at the academic as well as the personal front is foreseen. It’s also a good time to propose a beloved, to get married or to start a family, assures Ganesha.

Peace and optimism at home and in domestic matters shall be of great value to the Aquarius, given the effect of this Jupiter transit. The family life may take the centre-stage, and the Water Bearers won’t grudge this change in their lives and priorities, foresees Ganesha. Those willing to buy a new house, an office or a vehicle shall be favoured during this transit. It’s also a good time to relocate, if an opportunity comes buy.

The intellect shall gain a great deal from this transit, especially in case of the Fish. The intellectual capability of the Pisces will become more potent, and they shall be driven to apply logic and rationale in even mundane situations. Now, this may be unusual for the dreamy Fish, yet the natives will enjoy their new-found analytical dexterity. It is a good time for setting off to short journeys, adds Ganesha.

Good luck and may Lord Ganesha bless you.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Bhavesh N. Pattni
The GaneshaSpeaks Team