PCOS Ayurveda

PCOS is one of the most common issues amongst females. 20% of the women in their reproductive age are affected with PCOS affecting their primary and secondary fertility. PCOS is a complex and mosaic disorder with unknown causes. It has drastically increased in the last couple of years. Every 2 in 20 are affected with PCOS.

PCOS is a syndrome, disorder, or condition where ovaries produce more amount of androgens, especially testosterone, increasing luteinizing hormone which prevents follicles (small collections of fluid) to produce mature eggs leading to issues in menstruation such as irregular periods, periods for a longer duration, scanty periods.

Ovaries expand because of the excess secretion of androgen and estrogen. Hormones affect the growth of the eggs released by the ovary leading to anovulatory cycles and irregular menstruation.

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Symptoms of PCOS

  • Irregular, infrequent or absence of Period
  • Scanty bleeding or heavy bleeding
  • Weight gain, difficulty in losing weight
  • Hair loss due to masculinizing hormones
  • Hair growth on face, neck, chest
  • Weak Scalp
  • Acne
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

Secondary Disorders Developing Due to PCOS 

  • Obesity
  • High BP
  • Infertility and Miscarriage
  • Thyroid
  • Type 2 Diabetes

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Ayurvedic Medicine for PCOS

Ayurveda aids to treat PCOS with the use of herbs, and therapies, which helps stimulate menstruation. Normally, the tonics and ayurvedic medicines prescribed contain below herbs in common for PCOS. Treatment in ayurveda usually takes a little longer but is always effective eliminating the illnesses from their roots.


Turmeric has anti-cancer properties and anti-inflammatory properties because of the active ingredient curcumin present in it.


One of the reasons cited for PCOS is stress and Ashwagandha, also known as Indian ginseng, helps reduce stress.


Cinnamon is famous beyond banana cakes and oatmeals. This delicious spice helps with insulin resistance in PCOS and also helps to regulate menses.


Menstrual irregularities observed in PCOS can be decreased by Shatavari as it maintains the balance between target cells and hormones.


Stress, poor diet, hormonal balance can be the reason for scanty periods. The herb Jivanti helps with scanty periods and helps to treat infertility.

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Ayurvedic Diet For Pcos

Along with the Ayurvedic Herbs, it is also crucial to take care of the below things.

  • Avoid intake of sugar and artificial sweeteners completely.
  • Reduce intake of salt.
  • Increase the intake of fruits and vegetables.
  • Consume ample whole grains.

PCOS/PCOD Problem Treatment In Ayurveda

Unlike allopathy or modern medicine Ayurveda does not recommend going on contraceptive pills. It works in clearing the toxins first, and then taking up the tablets and pills containing Nasya, Shirodhara, Shatavari, Majuphal, Jivanti, Gainda, Ghitkurmari, Gokshar, Haridra, Methi, Amla are given.

Few things Ayurvedic treatments also focus on are

  • Weight Loss: Losing about 5-7 kgs of weight helps combat PCOS
  • Checks the nourishment required to treat scanty periods
  • Improving Fertility
  • Medicines are given to treat hair loss and skin issues.
  • Lowering insulin level balancing the hormones.

PCOS Problem Solution In Ayurveda- Lifestyle

Maintain hydration within the body, drink at least 2 litres of water every day. Manage stress and anxiety by meditation or Yoga as stress could invariably affect the hormones.

Ayurvedic Therapies for PCOS

Along with diet and lifestyles therapies, Ayurveda equally imposes on Yoga, as Yoga helps tone the reproductive system. The few yoga poses that are ideal for PCOS are

  • Dhanurasana
  • Supta Baddha Konasana
  • Uttanpadasana
  • Bharadvajasana
  • Badhakonasana
  • Chakki Chalanasana


These asanas are ideal for women to develop a regular and healthy menstrual cycle. Studies have shown that Yoga programs have helped reduce anxiety and depression in women suffering from PCOS.

Practising these asanas regularly ensures women maintain the hormones in balance, avoid obesity, and maintain the health of reproductive organs.

Weight Loss During PCOS

Losing weight during PCOS is excruciating. However, with the help of Ayurveda, weight loss is possible during PCOS and weight loss helps regularize the cycles.


Panchakarma helps in clearing the toxins from the body. When the toxins are removed, weight loss becomes easy, improves metabolism, and helps with digestion aiding in weight loss. Panchakarma also reverses the ill effects of PCOS.

Include More Fiber 

Fiber food helps stay full for a long time, which in turn reduces appetite leading to weight loss in women. High Fiber is linked to lower insulin resistance as well.

Gut Health

Gut Health plays an important role in weight loss and metabolism. However, the women suffering from PCOS have less gut-healthy bacteria. Hence, it is advised to eat fermented food, as fermented foods help increase the bacteria in your gut, a healthy gut is a healthy body

Reduce Inflammation 

Women with PCOS have higher inflammation, which is associated with obesity as well. Sugar and processed food contribute to inflammation. Hence, stay away from foods that are high in sugar. Instead, stick to a diet that is inclusive of more veggies and fruits.

Note:- Inflammation is our body’s natural response to injuries and wounds.


Exercise is one of the best ways to regulate hormones and increase mood-regulating hormones as well. Weight reduce-control training particularly has shown better results in women with PCOS.

Get Enough Sleep

Do not exert your body to the core, as that will only do more damage. Rest is as important as staying active. Make sure to get enough sleep. Ayurveda suggests the sleep duration as well as per your dosha. 

Be well rested and try to maintain a sleep pattern, follow that sleep pattern regularly. Netflix binging could wait!

Try to have a balanced meal, include more vegetables and fruits in your diet. Cut down on sugar, fried and refined food. Consider Jaggery instead of Sugar in your diet, as Jaggery helps with regulating hormones. Also, inculcate the ritual of doing asanas and meditation regularly.

Do not exert yourself, rest well both physically and mentally. Try to cut down on caffeine, instead opt for herbal teas. A few ingredients that are a good addition to your herbal tea is Funnel, Cumin, Fenugreek Seeds, Coriander seeds.

Last but not least, have a positive mindset!

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