Pitta Type Diet

Pitta is one of the energy forms within our body. It is represented with fire and water. It is known to govern the metabolism of the body.

Pitta dosha constitutes the heat energy of the body which is the factor for metabolism. When the food is broken in the stomach and intestine and when they are translated into enzymes releasing hormone into the bloodstream, pitta is always involved in this process.

Best Foods For Pitta Dosha

As per Ayurveda, herbs are considered extremely beneficial to reduce pitta or even control Pitta

  • Coriander has an array of benefits, and one of them is that it helps balance not only pitta but all the doshas.
  • Avoid spices that can heat up your body, instead opt for fennel seeds, cardamon, etc.
  • Drink infused water early in the morning as your morning drink.
  • Brahmi is again a super herb like coriander as it not only helps balance the pitta in the body but also promotes sleep and balances all three doshas.

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Pitta Type Diet

Individuals who have a Pitta body usually have a strong digestive system and can digest all kinds of food.

The food associated with Pitta should nullify the fire within the body. The taste should not be dominant in tastes like salty, sour, and pungent, as Pitta worsens with these flavours. Whereas, sweet, astringent, and bitter flavours reduce the dosha within the body.

These stimulate the gastric juices and the body’s inner fire and invigorate its cells with a heat-generating effect.

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Foods To Balance Pitta Dosha

Pitta within the body can be decreased by flavours such as sweet, bitter, and sharp. These flavours usually have a cooling impact which is important for Pitta individuals.

It is also mandatory to maintain equilibrium within the body by regular intake of food.

Subsequently, make sure you consume food in moderation. Just like Vatta body types should take care during winter, Pitta body types should take care during summers, as they should focus on cooling their body.

The summer season is said to be the season of pitta, which also has the characteristics of being hot, oily and when this is accumulated in excess within the body, you may experience

  • Excessive heat within the body like hot flushes
  • Gastric, Indigestion Issues
  • Swelling in the joints
  • Nausea, diarrhoea, or constipation
  • Anger Issues
  • Swelling in Joints
  • Bad breath, Bad odour, sweating excessively
  • Throat infection and sore throat
  • Excessive hunger and thirst
  • Impaired digestion
  • Headaches

Pitta Aggravating Foods

Food that is salty, deep-fried, or processed is the food that aggravates the pitta. Stress, spending too long in the sun is also known to aggravate pitta. Overconsumption of caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea can aggravate pitta. Also, make sure you complete 8 hours of sleep every day as lack of sleep can increase pitta in the body.

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Ayurvedic Diet For Pitta Dosha

A diet chart that Ayurveda suggests along with maintaining a healthy lifestyle includes more rice, oats, quinoa in your diet. Sweet apples, cabbage, cucumber, leafy greens, milk, ghee, plum, papaya should be included in the diet. Almonds, coconut, sunflower, and pumpkin seeds should be eaten. Also include lentils, soybeans, black and white beans.

Avoid heavy, greasy, and oily food as it is difficult to digest rather prefer boiled, steamed, shallowly fried, and food cooked with less oil.

Consume your fruits, and vegetables one hour before or after your meal. Drink plenty of water, if plain water is rather bland. Sip on infused water throughout the day.

Infused Water Recipe

  • Take 2 liters of water, add ginger, cucumber, mint, chia seeds and leave it overnight.
  • The infused water would be flavored and it has ingredients that reduce the heat in your body. All these ingredients help immensely with pitta.

Foods To Avoid In Pitta Dosha

Fruits and Vegetables that taste bitter should be dismissed immediately as these may increase dosha condition.

Grains to Avoid: Buckwheat, Bread, brown rice, corn, and millet.

Legumes to Avoid: Soy sauce, meat, and urad dal.

Dairy to Avoid: Salted buttermilk, butter, frozen, and fruit-flavoured yoghurt, sour cream, and hard cheese.

Nuts to Avoid: Cashew nuts, peanuts, almonds with skin, pistachios, tahini, walnuts.

Oils to avoid: Almond oil, corn oil, and sesame oil.

Spices to avoid: Asafoetida, mustard seeds, fenugreek seeds, rosemary, nutmeg, cloves, thyme.

Sweeteners to avoid: Honey, Jaggery, and white sugar

Pacifying Fruits For Pitta Dosha

Bananas, apples, pears, apricots, plums, cherries, figs, pomegranates, strawberries, cherries, coconut, mangos, figs, melons, pomegranate, grapes, watermelon

Pacifying Vegetables For Pitta Dosha

Avocado, leafy green vegetables broccoli, cauliflower, celery, courgettes, coriander, peas, lettuce, pumpkin, squash, radishes, cabbage, mushrooms, sweet potato, peas, spinach, lettuce, asparagus, okra, broccoli cucumber, celeriac, potatoes, green beans, and mushrooms among others.

Pacifying Grains For Pitta Dosha

Barley, cooked oat, quinoa, granola, rice, tapioca, wheat bran, pasta, amaranth

Pacifying legumes For Pitta Dosha

Black beans, black-eyed peas, kidney beans, soya beans, lentils, split peas, chickpeas,, tofu, and, mung dal

Pacifying Dairy Products For Pitta Dosha

Cottage Cheese, goat cheese, ghee, goat milk, and ice cream.

Pacifying Oils Products For Pitta Dosha

Sunflower oil, Walnut oil, Coconut oil, Flaxseed oil, Olive oil,

Pacifying Spices Products For Pitta Dosha

Fennel, mint, coriander, black pepper, orange peel, peppermint, saffron, vanilla, cinnamon, basil, cardamom, parsley

Home Remedies and Herbs for Pitta Dosha

Pitta dosha can be pacified at home with help of herbs and a few home remedies, and some of these remedies are also known to reduce pitta immediately.

  • Amala (Indian Gooseberries)helps to cleanse the pitta from the digestive system as well. It can be consumed as a fruit, or in sweet pickles.
  • Neem is one of the best home remedies to control pitta. It is bitter and can be taken in the form of tablets or herbs.
  • Triphala helps pacify pitta. It can be consumed in the form of capsules
  • Cow milk works wonders as a home remedy for pitta.
  • Kalyanaka Ghritham which contains Pomegranate, Triphala, and Indian madder is a medicated ghee for pitta
  • Drinking Jeera water does wonder to pitta. You can drink it before or after your meals.
  • Cardamom is a super herb for pitta, as it reduces body heat as well.

Types of Pitta Dosha

Though Pitta is one of the doshas and is considered as a single entity within the body. It is sub-categorized into 5 with each placed across different parts of your body.

Pachaka Pitta: Pitta which is found in stomach and Intestine

Ranjaka Pitta: Found in liver and speen

Sadhaka Pitta: Located in head or heart

Alochaka Pitta: Located in the eyes

Bhrajaka Pitta: Found on the skin

Among all the five pittas, Pachaka Pitta is the most dominant one as it is located in the digestive part and is said to be the strongest. Located in the intestine, it is known to control all the other subtypes of pitta with its heat and energy.

The balance, health, and functional activities of the other pitta are dominated with the help of Pachaka pitta. The main focus should be on keeping Pachaka pitta healthy and active as if it gets affected the functioning of the other sub pittas gets affected leading to diseases.

Though pachaka pitta is considered as the main, it is also important to maintain the functioning of the other pittas as they are interlinked with each other. Pittas also work in coordination with the other doshas such as Vata and Kapha to maintain a healthy body.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Pitta

Knowing the subtypes of pitta is considerably important while treating pitta dosha.

General treatment considering pitta as one would not be as effective as treating the subtypes and also understanding the relationship of these subtypes with the other doshas, tissues, and organs.


In the array of the discovery during human evolution and existence fire has been acclaimed and is considered as the most important one.

The fire was one of the solutions which solved a lot of the problems. Even today we are so dependent on fire in the form of electricity as most of our activities are dependent on it. Similarly, the heat externally is sunlight, whereas internally it is pitta.

The main functionalities of the human body are digestion, metabolism, the health of the intestine, anger, thought process, energy levels can all be accredited to the pitta dosha.

The absence of pitta within the body leads to the absence of heat which stops all these functions. Hence, it is very important to maintain and balance the pitta within the body. With the above remedies and diet, you can balance the pitta and always lead a disease-free and healthy life!

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