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What is Emotional Health? And How To Improve it?

Have you ever been given time to express your emotions? How do you cope when times get tough? How is your relationship with anger? What role does positivity play in your day? Is mental health and Emotional Health the same thing? What does it mean to be emotionally healthy?

This takes us to a subjective human emotional experiences journey which begins when we are born and ends when we perish. Life in the modern world may be challenging, as we are constantly pulled by family, cultural, and economic factors that can be overwhelming. That is where Emotional Health comes in, the ability to deal with stress healthily.

This emotional well-being is determined by how efficiently individuals cope with the entire spectrum. Some people are skilled at navigating the complex realm of human emotion, while others struggle to express their emotions healthily.

What Is Emotional Health?

A skill to embrace and manage emotions in the face of difficulties and change is characterized as emotional health. Emotional Health is thought to exist only when the subjective experience of feelings is acceptable across time. For someone who is emotionally stable, feelings can be digestible. Everyday annoyances present an opportunity to create responses rather than emotions, allowing emotional well-being to flourish. Overall well-being is influenced by physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual factors. Humans thrive when they are in a state of balance and harmony and each of these facets of life will influence the others. Emotional wellness includes both emotional competence and emotional regulation.

What Factors can Influence Emotional well-being and why is it Important?

Emotional well-being can affect relationships, work, and overall mental and physical health. Issues with emotional well-being can also affect physical health. It may lead to higher blood pressure, a weakened immune system, increased illnesses, along with problems in school/work/home, and in their ability to form relationships. A few factors that influence emotional well-being are:
• Challenges with work, school, relationships, or home life
• Changes in health
• Changes in relationships
• Retirement, which may affect social circles or sense of purpose
• Losing loved ones
• Moving away from family and friends
Being emotionally healthy is important because it does not exclude us from experiencing sadness, anger, or disappointment. Good Emotional Health is required for the development of resilience, self-awareness, and a general sense of well-being. Our mental health also has an impact on how well we interact with others, including how we accept and respond to feedback and criticism, how we offer direction, and how we observe and comprehend what others do and why.

Our mental wellness experts can equip you with quite a few skills to deal with day-to-day stressors.

What’s the Difference between Mental Health and Emotional Health?

Mental health encompasses considerably more than Emotional health. Like physical health, mental health is directly related to how effectively and readily we participate with our reality over time without causing ourselves any suffering. Emotional Health and emotional well-being are concerned with how effectively we manage our emotions and the influence they have on us and others around us.

One contrast between emotional and mental health is that someone might be in good emotional health yet still suffer from or face mental health problems.

Someone who loses their job, for example, may feel angry, betrayed, or worried. Someone who is suffering from low emotional health may respond to their feelings and behave aggressively. This could include lashing out at their boss or loved ones or becoming despondent and withdrawn.

This type of action sets in motion a negative cycle that can lead to even more challenging situations and unpleasant feelings. Someone in excellent emotional health may experience all of the above experiences. They may, however, recognize and appreciate these feelings while maintaining them in perspective so that they do not spiral out of control and worsen the situation. In both of these cases, the individual comprehended and processed the information, but had quite different emotional reactions.

Signs that you are Experiencing Difficulties in Emotional well-being/health

• You feel drained all the time or have less energy than usual.
• You’re either sleeping and eating too much or too little.
• Your performance at work is beginning to suffer.
• Taking care of your hygiene and personal health feels like too much.
• You’re often anxious or irritated with loved ones.
• You have physical symptoms of stress.
• Your confidence or self-esteem is affected.
• You get the Sunday scaries (feelings of intense anxiety and dread that routinely occur every Sunday) or the Monday blues more frequently.

Characteristics of an Emotionally Healthy Person

• Facing stress is a certainty for everyone, but emotionally healthy people tend to have successful strategies they can rely on to manage their stress levels.
• They live with purpose which often intertwines with the goals we set ourselves.
• Emotionally healthy individuals tend to have strong and healthy coping skills that help them in testing and trying circumstances.
• They are emotionally agile individuals who know how to draw insights from their feelings and use them to adapt, align, and perform at their best. Rather than ignore or repress their emotions, they accept them, “holding them loosely” and with an open mind.
• They’re self-aware and share their feelings wherein they perceive themselves accurately and understand how their behavior comes across to others.
• They are curious about their own mind is one way to start actively engaging with your own emotional health.

“Sometimes the emotion is gentle, like rain feeding the river to nourish life, but sometimes it explodes like a rainstorm whose floodwaters wipe out bridges and homes.”
― Dr. Deb Sandella

Never underestimate your emotional health. Our online therapist can help you regulate your emotions and increase your emotional quotient.