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Are websites for online psychologists really helpful for mental illness?

Ganeshaspeaks.com a virtual therapy website, helps people to deal with their mental issues. Now, they do not diagnose any psychological disorder or prescribe any medication. To deal with mental illness, it’s required to see a clinical psychiatrist or clinical psychologist. Are you sure if therapists on virtual counseling or therapy apps can help treat mental illness or not?

On ganeshaspeaks.com the consulted therapist needs to see if the patient needs any help that does not fall under her purview and if that appears to be the case we would refer you to some good clinical psychologists as our authorization to diagnose or prescribe medication which was really impressive. Our online therapists are best for their professionalism and honesty. you will also get to know that online therapists are restricted to some things and have limits.

If a person is generally going through some stressful situation or post-breakup sadness or some other issue that is disturbing their emotional and mental state and making them unhappy, then turning to seek the help of virtual mental health therapists can be a success but anything beyond that like a serious disorder can’t be treated over the phone or laptop, in our opinions. we do not think any good therapist would even recommend that. They are generally upfront with such things as I saw with my therapist at Ganeshaspeaks.com.

You should definitely seek a clinical psychologist if there is some sort of mental disorder as comorbidity is also an issue and only intensive psychological testing can determine the best course of treatment for the individual. I am hoping this answered the question you asked.

Our mental wellness experts can equip you with quite a few skills to deal with day-to-day stressors.