Which are the Types of Polyamorous Relationships?

Which are the Types of Polyamorous Relationships?

The word “polyamory” is derived from the Greek word “poly,” which means “many,” and the Latin word “amor,” which means “love.” As the name implies, polyamory is based on the idea that we can have romantic feelings for more than one person. People who are in polyamorous relationships identify as “poly.” Being receptive to several devoted relationships is a fundamental aspect of what it means to be poly. It goes against their nature to expect them to be monogamous. The practice of polyamory involves having or being open to numerous romantic relationships with everyone’s knowledge and consent. Being profoundly connected to people shouldn’t be limited to finding a single partner with whom we can explore emotional and physical intimate connections. We can confide in multiple people for the various needs that we have. Both polyamorous and monogamous relationships can be healthy and fulfilling. A kind of ethical polyamory emphasizes long-lasting, passionate relationships with multiple partners.

Polyamory is Not Cheating

People who are in polyamorous partnerships may share the open-loving concept intellectually, have a partner who identifies as poly or feel free to choose between monogamous and polyamorous love relationships as needed. Polyamory is built on honesty; it is not cheating. Each partner must understand the type of relationship they are committing to and wilfully desire to be a part of it. There are many wonderful mono/poly partnerships, and it does not mean that everyone in a polyamorous relationship must identify as polyamorous or be dating many partners. However, it does imply that lying when your partner you have been monogamous with since the beginning of your relationship has discovered you cheating with another person is not acceptable. Before the start of any romantic or sexual relationship with a person, it is important to put forth your viewpoint and preferences openly than starting untruthfully and indecisive.

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Types of Polyamorous Relationship

Different types of polyamorous relationships exist. Contrary to monogamy, which often entails dating, cohabitation, and marriage, polyamory can take many different forms for various individuals.

Following are nine typical kinds of polyamory:

  • First-Order Poly or Hierarchical Polyamory

A “primary” pair exists in a hierarchical polyamorous relationship that may live together, share finances, have children, or engage in other facets of a shared life. This couple establishes the conditions under which they are permitted to consider “secondary” relationships. They may experiment with relationships jointly or individually, they may have set limits on their partner’s access to sex or time spent with other partners, or they may have “veto power” that enables either party to discontinue their partner’s secondary relationships if they are unhappy with them.

  • Anchor Partners or Non-Hierarchical Polyamory

Instead of calling their union their primary relationship, some polyamorous couples refer to it as an “anchor” or “nesting” partnership. While acknowledging that shared life responsibilities like a home, finances, or children have a role in defining the relationship, these names suggest that there is no hierarchy and that all partners are treated equally.

  • Triad

In order to find a long-term partner with whom to form a “triad” or “throuple,” some polyamorous couples decide to date other singles together. Due to the rarity of single women and the difficulties in locating one, women who are open to dating couples together are frequently referred to as “unicorns.” Some men are referred to as “dragons” if they are open to dating couples together.

  • Quad

In an effort to achieve a committed partnership known as a “quad,” some polyamorous couples decide to date other couples together. In a quad, any combination of the four participants may be in a sexual and romantic relationship with one another. There are occasionally romantic partnerships without sexual activity, especially when an asexual or graysexual partner is involved.

  • Polyfidelity

Some polyamorous relationships over time become “close” and their participants “commit polyfidelity.” It is when everyone in a poly relationship gives consent to refrain from looking for romantic or sexual relationships outside of the existing relationship structure. When “polysaturation,” or the inability to add more partners because of time and energy restrictions, has been reached, polyfidelity frequently arises.

  • Vee

One individual who is dating two people who are not romantically or sexually involved with one another is said to be in a vee relationship. The two partners are “metamours” to one another. As an example, John and Lisa are not dating each other, but David is dating them both with each other’s consent. Thus, a V-shaped pattern would be formed if a line were drawn from John to David to Lisa.

  • Anarchy in Relationships

All participants are free to engage romantically and sexually with one another without being restricted by rules, labels, or hierarchies in relationship anarchy. Relationships between the parties involved develop naturally over time and are built on trust, open communication, and autonomy.

  • Solo Polyamorous

In solo polyamory, often known as sopo, your primary partner is you. When making decisions, solo polyamorist puts their own needs first and is not constrained by their companions. They might be prioritizing themselves in a situation where it’s challenging to prioritize relationships, such as when raising children or concentrating on their work, or they might desire to be a free agent for the rest of their lives.

  • Polycule

Everybody on the relationship map, including all of your lovers and metamours, whether they live together or not, is included in a polycule. There may be numerous meetings or conversations to examine choices that will affect everyone.


The above mentioned are a few simple illustrations of how a polyamorous relationship may appear. Polyamory has a wide range of complex alternatives. Relationships frequently change over time as a result of partners’ self-discovery, a habit of profoundly connecting, and open communication. The important thing to remember is that love is about being truthful without malice, just kindness.

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