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Free Janam Kundali : Birthchart Analysis

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You must have heard about a Janampatri at least once in your life. But do you know what powers the pages of Janampatri hold for you? It helps you to reveal your potential and what you can aim for. With the help of Janampatri, you can get a more detailed analysis of your past, present and future.

What is Janampatri/BirthChart?

Janampatri also known as Janampatrika or Kundli, represents the position of the planets at the time of your birth. It offers an in-depth analysis of your characteristics, personality, temperament, strengths, and weaknesses on the basis of the placement of signs and planets.

How Janampatri/BirthChart is useful?

BirthChart is important at the time of making important decisions in the various phases of life such as choosing an appropriate field in education , right career path , compatible life partner , etc. You can also use it to prepare for difficult time & optimise on an excellent time period for a specific area of life.

SO, Why Wait? Gain Useful Insight into Your Life by Creating Your Free Janampatri