Want To Take A Break? Try Shishuasana.

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We all want success overnight. We don’t like to wait anymore. As human civilisation is growing, the patience level is declining. We are setting the bar higher daily. But the toll of this success is borne by the body. The body needs rest. One tends to ignore the early warnings, but by the time we realize it is often late. Less sleep and more physical and mental work can make you feel tired, agitated, stressed and may eventually lead to many kinds of lifestyle disease. We are so occupied that we want a cure but do not think about preventive measure. Still thinking? Yoga can be one of the options.

There are several benefits of yoga. Yoga comes from an ancient Sanskrit term called “Yuj” meant to join or to unite. Yoga is not a mere exercise, but it is backed by science also for stress management and for the treatment of many other chronic diseases. As per ancient scriptures, regular practice of Yoga leads to the amalgamation of body and mind. This helps in attaining harmony between the human body and nature. There are several poses defined for different purposes. One of them is Shishuasana, also called balasana. Some call it a baby pose, while experts also call it the Child pose. Let us discuss a little about this Child pose.

Significance Of Child Pose

Balasana can be a contender for the most important resting posture. It is an easy way to stretch various parts of the body without taking too much of a load on the stretching parts. It is often called the reset pose. The body resets itself and stops doing other activities, reconnects the breath and sets the body to initiate forward movement. Yoga experts often recommend this pose as a break after several fast-paced sequences like the Vinyasa sequence. It is a counter pose for cobra and other back extensions. Know which yoga pose to use for your ailment from known yoga experts.

How To Perform A Balasana Yoga Pose?

There are many modifications for Balasana, but the generic form remains the same. Before performing this pose, one might have a question as to how long should you hold the Child pose? As mentioned earlier, it is a resting pose, so one can hold this pose from 30 seconds to a few minutes as per the convenience and level of yoga practitioners. Generally, 1 to 3 minutes should be enough. Doing a Child pose is Child play. Follow the instructions as mentioned below.

  1. Come on the mat with your hands and knees on the mat.
  2. The knees are spread apart. Spread as wide as one can. The big toes should touch each other, keeping the top of the feet on the floor.
    Rest the belly on top of the thighs and place the forehead on the floor.
  3. If one is not able to bend and touch the forehead on the floor, then elevate support in the form of a block and keep the head on it. The muscles of the shoulders, jaw and eyes should be relaxed. According to yoga, there is an energy point exactly at the centre of the forehead in between the two eyebrows. It sensitizes the vagus nerve and supports the rest and digest response. The major focus thus should be finding a perfect resting position for the forehead.
  4. There are many variants of arm flexion. One can stretch the arm straight in line with the head position. Extend the palm towards the floor. Another option is retracing the arm backwards in line with the thigh with the palm facing upwards. There are several other options for this arm flexion, but the former two options are most commonly used by people.
  5. Do whatever is comfortable to you. If the daily routine consists of a lot of shoulder work, then the second option is better.
  6. The duration of the pose varies with the comfort level. One advice is to breathe steadily during the pose.

Modifications And Variations

It is a resting position, so making modifications will not negate the effect of the pose. One can make several modifications till you attain the position of comfort. Do not overstretch your body and work within your own permissible limit. If anyone has medical concerns then take advice from a doctor before practising yoga.

  • If one is having problems with knees and difficulty in bending and resting the buttocks on heels, then one can put a tight pillow or blanket between the thigh and calf muscle.
  • Generic versions advise widespread use of the knees to the maximum. This will create a deep crevice stretch near the hips. Do not force this extension, and one can stretch the knees sideways till he feels comfortable.
  • If the surface is hard, then one can put a blanket or any soft mat below the feet.
  • If one is not able to bend the forehead on the floor or ground, then one can use stacks of pillows or blankets to elevate the rest.
  • Extension of the arm opens the shoulder and chest; this becomes an active phase. As this is a resting pose, one can lean support on the thighs.

Benefits Of Child Pose Yoga

Is Child pose good for the back? The answer is yes. It helps in releasing the tension of the back, shoulder and chest. It can also be used for other ailments like fatigue, dizziness. Balasana pose also helps in relieving stress and anxiety. It relaxes the body’s internal organs and keeps them loose, devoiding it of fatigue and stiffness. It helps in stretching the spine and provides tenacity to the boney frame.

It’s more of a stretching pose, so it will help in stretching hips, thighs, ankles and neck. This helps in relieving the tension in the respective muscles. It helps in steady breathing and normalises blood circulations. While there are several Child pose benefits, there are certain contraindications for not using this pose.

When Not To Use Balasana?

The pose relies on placing the forehead on the support and the belly on the thighs. One should avoid balasana if he is suffering from any knee ailment or recent surgery. During pregnancy, it is not advisable to put pressure on the belly. People with shoulder injury should keep the shoulder sideways with support. Diarrhoea is another contraindication where a Child pose should be avoided.

Yoga is not only an exercise but also a science. It is important to use any yoga pose wisely for maximum benefits. The same is the case with balasana. The mind should listen to the body. Let the body take the lead. The body needs changes daily, and keeping a sharp eye for any signals given by your body can tell which pose to select. This will help in deciding when to use child pose during an extensive yoga workout. Balasana is one of the several resting pose yoga can provide. It not only provides rest to the human body but also helps in relieving back and neck pain. However, do not become your own expert. This can lead to harm instead of a benefit to our body. Instead, ask an expert for a correct yoga pose.

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