Makarasana (Crocodile Position)

In this asana, a person’s lies face down with his or her hands crossed behind his or her head to execute this pranayama. The palms may be positioned under the chin, on the elbows, or straight on the floor. Legs should be stretched out as much as necessary, toes pointed upward. The entire body must be in a state of relaxation.

In English, Makarasana is often known as the crocodile position.


Makarasana is a reclining yoga asana which relieves the body while also stimulating the sacral chakra. It may also be used only for mindfulness or pranayama. The title is derived from the Sanskrit words makar, which means “crocodile,” and asana, which means “position.”

What Exactly Does Makarasana Imply?

The Crocodile Pose, or Makarasana, is a meditation asana. Makar – Crocodile, Asana – Pose in Sanskrit. MAH-kuhr-AWS-ah-nuh is the correct pronunciation.

Although the title Makara relates to a mythological sea beast, it comes from the Sanskrit term for crocodile. Makara is the carrier of Lord Varuna, the goddess of winds, and is connected with the astrological sign of Capricorn.

Makarasana is an important pose for overcoming tension and achieving a calm mental state. For meditators who struggle from exhaustion, elevated blood pressure, anxiety, as well as other medical issues, Makarasana may be extremely beneficial.

The svadhisthana (spleen on sacral) chakra is opened by makarasana in meditation experience. Kundalini power is free to glide more naturally into the chakra as a result of all this. Makarasana is suitable for joining deep meditation or extended periods of pranayama as it is a prone posture that requires minimal physical effort.

Makarasana: How Do I Do It?

Makarasana, also known as the Crocodile Pose, is a soothing practice model. It’s ideal for back and shoulder issues. The posture represents that of a crocodile resting in water, with its face and neck well above the surface of the water. Makarasana is the perfect way to finish a yoga session because it relieves the pressure created by certain yoga asanas.

Crocodile Pose (Makarasana) is a beginner meditation posture that helps alleviate discomfort from other yoga positions or exercises by relaxing the entire body. You will release tension in your lower back and loosen up your chest and shoulders by laying on your belly with your chest and shoulders resting. This is an excellent way to de-stress.

This yoga posture should be done at the conclusion of a practice or series to bring it to a close.

Instructions in a Step-by-Step Format

Crocodile Pose requires a smooth texture to be performed on. It’s good to sit on a carpeted board, a workout mat, or another soft surface. You won’t require any other supplies, however a meditation towel can be used at any point during the series.

  1. Start by forming Thunderbolt Pose by balancing on your knees (Vajrasana). Apply your limbs next to you so your palms are in contact with the yoga mat. Stretch your legs behind you to the point that the heels of your feet make contact with the yoga mat.
  2. Get the body as close to the floor as possible. To begin, drop your legs until the tops of your feet are on the pavement.
  3. Then, on to the floor, lower your hips, belly, chest, and shoulders. Keep your knees tucked in at your arms and your hands face down, you should really be lying down.
  4. Place your arms to the mat’s front. Fold your legs in front of you gradually to provide protection for your brow.
  5. Place your hands on the floor and press your face against the mat if you want to. To extend the legs and flatten the back, position the toes on the floor.
  6. Raise your upper body, equivalent to Upward Facing Dog, to question yourselves and extend your lower spine (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana). This would loosen the chest and relieve shoulder and back pain. It would also increase the lower back’s stability.
  7. Return to its original point to complete the posture. Drop the chest gradually if it has been raised. To prevent shoulder pain, turn the hands in a safe manner.

Variations and Modifications

While Crocodile Pose is a newcomer pose, it necessitates a lot more control and versatility in the back. Newcomers who want to finish their series should continue mostly with Corpse Pose (Savasana), which seems to be a relaxing pose.

Hang in a horizontal posture if you can’t raise your hands through your fingertips. By placing your arms at your shoulders and rising a centimetre at a moment, climb up to reaching your shoulders. If your balance improves, you can raise your arms high until you feel a strong stretching in the lower spine.

If You Want To Take On A Challenge?

For becoming more experienced or like a longer stretch in the lower spine, Crocodile Pose may be made even more difficult. When you’ve learned to raise the upper body to stretch your lower back, consider raising your feet at the same time. While your feet, chest, and forehead are raised, your belly, hips, and upper thighs may hit the floor.This necessitates back equilibrium and versatility. You’ll still depend on your heart for support.

It might be prepared for Cobra Pose once you’re prepared to move on to another demanding posture for relaxing and spine stretching (Bhujangasana). This newcomer pose is comparable to Crocodile Pose, but instead of lying look-down it leaps right into raising the upper body to extend the spine.

Bow Pose is a difficult pose to attempt after the last one (Dhanaruasana). Begin by settling down on your back on a yoga floor(mat). Bring the feet up to the middle by bending your legs. Return your hands to your sides and grab your ankles. Take your chest and legs off the yoga floor(mat) gradually. Like Crocodile Pose, you’ll notice this posture puts weight in the lower back, but it’ll also expose your chest and shoulders.

Precautions and Safety

Crocodile Pose is labeled a beginner-friendly yoga posture. Although it should bring relaxation, if you feel pain when doing this posture, activate it slowly and deliberately.

The whole posture must not be done by pregnant women because you have to fall on the belly. Crocodile Pose requires you to balance on your heart in more advanced models.

If you already have some post injuries or problems in your head, back, abdomen, or shoulders, consult a physician to see if this position is appropriate for you. Equally, if you’ve just had an operation, seek medical advice until attending to your fitness routine.


Crocodile Posture provides a number of advantages for different sections of the spine. The lower the posture is felt in the back, the longer the stretch. Even though we focus on our lower bodies for so many everyday tasks, like sitting up straight at a table, it can be soothing to focus on this area. Back pain sufferers, especially those who have lower back pain, can find some comfort.

The whole posture is often thought to be helpful for people who suffer from back problems. Crocodile Pose challenges the body by calming the backbone and releasing stress stored in that position, where several people hunch over due to bad posture or spinal problems.

Maintaining a correct posture often aligns the upper body with the hips. It might help to loosen up the joints to relieve hip pressure or irritation.

Crocodile Pose unlocks the chest and shoulders until the chest is raised off the surface. The stretch can even be felt in your arms and legs. This posture is particularly useful for people who may not often use or flex their upper body.

Wrapping Up:

With so many advantages, Makarasanas is one of the best asanas that can be practiced on a regular basis. Whether it is improving flexibility or enhancing your mental stability, it provides you with all the benefits. So, get started today!

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