Chaturanga Dandasana (Four Limbed Staff Pose)

Know how to accomplish your goals. Four-Limbed Staff Posture is a beginner’s pose that strengthens and stabilises the body while still preparing you for balancing and inversions.

Chaturanga means “four limbs,” “danda” means “staff,” and “asana” means “pose.”

Pose of the Four-Limbed Workers


Probably one of the best Ashtanga yoga postures is chaturanga, also recognized as chaturanga dandasana. The title comes from the Sanskrit words chatur that implies “four,” anga means “limb,” danda, known as “staff,” and asana, which indicates “pose.” As a result, chaturanga dandasana means “four-limbed workers posture.”

Chaturanga Dandasana – What Does it Means

While Chaturanga Dandasana has been one of yoga’s most difficult postures, it is often taught to newcomers with little guidance and little discussion of the dos and don’ts which can help avoid shoulder injury. It’s crucial to do Chaturanga correctly because it’s included in the Sun Salutation sequence and several vinyasa flows.

The person assumes kumbhakasana to join this asana (plank pose). You need to lower your body until your knees are in contact with your shoulders. When required, it can be adjusted by lowering the knees.

In English, chaturanga is also known as low plank.

Chaturanga is a transformation position around plank position and upward-facing dog that is often used in vinyasa yoga lessons, also known as flow yoga.

Chaturanga strengthens the muscles of the hands, shoulders, belly, and back. In order to tone the abdominal muscles, it strengthens and stretches the hands.

Chaturanga dandasana is a difficult position for newcomers because it necessitates stamina, the entire body alignment, and coordination. As a result, it can be a useful pose for educating people how to combine action and sacrifice in the pose. In essence, finding this equilibrium will educate dharana, or attention and emphasis.

People may use chaturanga dandasana to communicate with their internal power and energy. It can be difficult for those who lack self-respect, but by stimulating the manipura chakra, which encourages confidence and self-esteem, one may transcend such negative self-perceptions.

Chaturanga Dandasana – How To Do It

Start with certain simple stretching and relaxation on your mat. Chaturanga Dandasana is usually done as part of a longer series. Let’s concentrate here on Chaturanga and the positions that come before and after it.

Begin in a plank pose with your hands and feet as straight as possible. Your feet must be hip-distance separated, and the shoulders should be over your wrist. The heels are pushed aside, and the top of the head is pushed forward. Since the waist is neither hanging down nor trying to stick up, a line could be drawn through your heels to the top of your head.

To retain a straight body in this series, make sure your legs are strong and your heart is engaged (imagine pushing your belly button into your spine).

Step By Step Instruction

  • Move the plank forward, bringing your elbows in front of your wrists and your feet up into your tiptoes. A better Chaturanga needs a shifted-forward plank role.
  • Using your upper muscles, roll your hands back to open up your stomach. Your head and neck may gradually rise from the straight state as a result of this, and that they will remain in line with your spine.
  • Lower yourself to Chaturanga. Straighten your elbows and hug them against the side of your body when you go. In contrast to a conventional push-up, they do not spread out to the ends. Remember that since your shoulders are still in front of your wrist, your upper arms automatically assume a perpendicular stance to the surface.The upper hands should be parallel to the ground in the optimal variant of the posture. There’s no way you should go much lower than that.
  • Rather than approaching the change from plank to Upward-Facing Dog as a shortcut, stop and keep the posture at the foot (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana).
  • To complete, move to Upward Dog while maintaining a wide chest. Shoulders must be relaxed and just not hunched over between the heads.

Normal Errors

It can be challenging to have the Chaturanga role just right, particularly if you’re already doing it with less-than-ideal shape.

The shoulders may hover over the wrists if they don’t move forward through the plank until descending into Chaturanga. Pushing back with the feet often causes the shoulders to go backwards rather than upwards. As a result, the forearms will be on a diagonal as you lower back. The angled posture does not provide the necessary support for the shoulders.

Set up the hands and shoulders first, as those are the places most at risk, and then let the heels do their thing.

Skimming as low to the surface as possible can be avoided. You put too much weight on the shoulder and wrists if you just let your shoulders fall lower toward your elbows. When done again and again in the course of several sessions, this type of wear and tear creates accidents. Keeping the shoulder equal with or higher than just the elbow is better.

Unless you’re not positive how to place your muscles, exercise next to a mirror or get input from a mate. It can feel strange to quit generally if you’re used to dipping low, but it’s the safest choice for your shoulders every time.

Keep the simple alignment things in mind. If your hips are starting to sag, it’s time to lower the knees to the ground. To keep your plank stable throughout postures, you’ll need to strengthen your core.

Considering and taking care of the normal errors, let’s see what are the major benefits of Chaturanga dandasana

Benefits of Chaturanga Dandasana

  • Improves body awareness
  • Tones and strengthens wrists and arms
  • Strengthens abdominal muscles and lower back
  • Strengthens the muscles surrounding the spine
  • Enhances mental health
  • Improves body core
  • Relieves back pain
  • Increases flexibility

Variations And Modifications

The absence of upper-body power to fall gradually and hover is among the factors chaturangas seem to drop to the surface. If you’re still continuing to work on your strength, try a half Chaturanga, which involves putting your knees on the surface, exhaling, and moving your weight forward when your shoulders pass your wrists. As you extend your body, bring your hands near to your sides. When completely stretched, hover for a second before pressing the surface away from you to back to the starting point.

Once you’ve moved forward in plank, drop your knees to the ground as a transitional stage between any of these two positions. Take a second to extend your shoulders before lowering your upper body to a right angle with your sides. If you like to, you can take your feet off the concrete, but it’s also good to keep them there.

Since you’re gaining muscle or shoulder injuries in the past, it’s fine if your shoulders sit just above your elbows. Even lowering the torso a few centimeters from the plank is a true variant of the posture.

Precautions And Safety

As previously said, proper shape and alignment are important for avoiding shoulder problems. If you should really have a shoulder injury, speak with a specialist or physiotherapy about your treatment options. In the same way, whether you have wrist pain or a fracture, you need to change your routine.


Chaturanga asana comes with various benefits. It not only tones the wrists and arms but also strengthens abdominal muscles and lower back. Moreover, this yoga pose builds the body for the more challenging arm balances. So, why not try practising Chaturanga pose for your overall body toning.

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