Chakrasana - Urdhva Dhanurasana - Major Benefits and More

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Urdhva Dhanurasana is another name for Chakrasana, also recognized as the Wheel Pose (upward-facing Bow Pose). It’s a deep backbend that gives the spine stability and power. This posture should not be attempted until first warming up. To allow your body for this position, you may start with sukshma vyayam or gentle exercises.

Start up with asanas like Bhujangasana, Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, and Setu Bandha Sarvangasana after a few cycles of Surya Namaskar. Holding each pose for 15-30 seconds to make sure the back is fully prepared for deep backbends to decrease the probability of injury.


Chakrasana is a powerful yoga asana that bends the spine. It is a common yoga pose that is a part of the Ashtanga yoga coding sequences. In addition to becoming a backbend, chakrasana is a heart opening pose in yoga that is believed to focus on the heart chakra.

What is the Meaning of Chakrasana?

The word chakra means “wheel” in Sanskrit, and asana represents “posture” or “pose” in English. It gets its name from the fact that when you’re in this position, your body forms the design of a wheel. Chakrasana is also recognized as urdhva dhanurasana, which translates to “upward-facing bow posture” in Sanskrit.

Chakrasana is said to have a variety of health benefits. The heart opening impact of the pose is believed to help release internal problems as well as physical tightness in the spine and body. This impact has been described as unblocking pressure that has become trapped in the heart chakra by others. Others believe the pose has a more balancing impact on the heart chakra’s capacity.

In epic yogic scriptures, Chakrasana is stated very early. Lord Shiva had performed 84 asanas, and this was one of them.

Chakrasana: How to Do It

Chakrasana may be performed in either a standing or a sleeping posture. Begin from a sleeping pose if you’re a novice, and when your strength and spine endurance improve, and you can conquer fears, you will progress to a standing position.

Start by lying on your back with your legs folded and your feet firmly planted on the concrete. Place your hands in the opposite direction next to your ears or under your shoulders. Your fingertips should be pointed in the direction you want to go. When you inhale, press your hands and feet into the earth for stability, and straighten your hands and feet to raise your pelvis.

You can start by putting the top of your head down. Lift the whole body slowly to create an arch. Allowing your head to collapse softly behind you will help to relax your spine. Maintain an even distribution of weight across the joints.

  • On the board, lie flat on your back. Bend your legs so that the soles of your feet are on the floor and your cheeks are closer together. And sure the feet are at least hip width apart.
  • Your hands should be behind your shoulders, with your fingers open and pointing towards your shoulders.
  • Align your weight on your limbs until you’re relaxed in this place. Then raise your whole body off the mat by pressing your feet and palms together. Allow your head to dangle gently. You should have a long body.
  • Make sure you’re getting enough air. Slowly and deeply inhale and exhale.
  • Hold the pose for one minute, or as long as you feel like doing so. Then, slowly lower your back on the ground while bending your arms and legs. Before returning to daily life or continuing the exercise, lie down in Shavasana for a few minutes.

Precautions For Chakrasana

Chakrasana works nearly on all of the body’s muscles which, if not done correctly, can be a strenuous exercise. If you don’t exercise regularly on a daily basis, here are a few tips to hold in mind.

If you have a high blood pressure problem, you should avoid this asana.

Skip this one if you have wrist issues like tendonitis or shoulder problems because it places a lot of pressure on your wrist.

Ignore this yoga posture if you have fractured bones, torn ligaments, a slipped disc, a spine injury, or some other physical ailment.

Chakrasana’s Benefits

  • Flexibility and resilience of the spine – In addition to reinforcing the spine, it also lengthens and elongates the spinal cord. It’s widely known that when we get older, our skeletal structure begins to shrink; this asana aids in maintaining the stance and shape.
  • General exercise helps to tone the abdominal area and reduces obliques and abdominal fat.
  • Increases lung potential and makes it easier for oxygen to flow in the body by opening up the chest.
  • Stimulates the nervous and endocrine systems – As the thyroid and pituitary glands are stimulated by the pose, happy hormones are released. It energises and relaxes you.
  • This movement increases hip endurance when stretching the hip.
  • Enhances cardiovascular health – When the chest is thrust out, the vitality is stimulated and the cardiovascular health will improve.
  • Arms, elbows, and wrists are strengthened.

A Word of Warning

This posture can be avoided for those with glaucoma and/or elevated blood pressure. Even though Chakrasana places a strain on the hands, if you don’t have the stamina in your arms or wrists to raise yourself up, try performing it from a chair. If you have some disc compression, skip this position.

In the case of pregnancy, pregnant women should avoid doing Chakrasana. This position may be done from a chair by women who are menstruating.

Chakrasana Can be Avoided if You Have

  • Cardiac problems
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)
  • Headache or migraine conditions
  • Diarrhoea
  • Blood pressure that is out of whack
  • Injuries or chronic pain in the limbs, legs, knees, or back
  • Low blood pressure, vertigo
  • Some kind of wrist or neck injury

Tips and Variations

Lifting the heels off the ground and standing on the toes and palms will help to ease pain in the lower back. Instead of concentrating on arching the back, concentrate on retaining stability and relaxation in the position. Allowing yourself to let go of your preconceived notions of what a perfect posture might look like. If your body isn’t ready for Chakrasana, start with the preparatory pose, Ardha Chakrasana. For beginners, spread the feet apart to establish support in the position, then eventually bring the feet together to create a stronger arch in the spine.

The Final Position

Exhale by slowly bending your arms and thighs, bending your chin towards your stomach, and softly releasing your head, shoulders, waist, and buttocks to the surface. Place your whole back on the deck. Carry the palms of both hands away from the elbows and the limbs to the sides of the neck. Straighten your legs and return to a supine pose. Relax and take regular breaths.

Wrapping Up

Coming from the age of Shiva, Chakrasana is said to be an age-old yoga asana. Under the back end yoga positions, this wheel pose is one of them. Performing this pose, you can garner huge benefits along with enhancing your back strength as well as improving your vitality.

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