Simple Yoga Postures For Beginners

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Seeing all those yoga bodies surfacing around, you may have enrolled for your yoga class. However, as a beginner, you may feel intimidated and the process may feel daunting. But, RELAX!

As that is the first step of your yoga journey. Quite literally!

Yoga has many dimensions and is a subjective word. For some, it could be about looking and fitting a certain size, whereas for others it may be a journey to spirituality and seeking solace.

Journey of Yoga

Once you’re on the path of being a yogi, you first need to understand that “Rome was not built in a day.

Similarly, you may not be able to twist and turn like a snail the very first day. Yoga requires patience, persistence, and punctuality. These attributes are passed on to your life after you make it a regular practice, wanting you to never go back to your previous self or the form of exercise.

Yoga is not about competition, it is about your self-growth. Hence, hang on there and enjoy every pose. If you are not able to do it the first time, do not try to force it. As your body may not be ready yet. However, with regular practice, you will be able to do it. So, Hang on there!

Stay Hydrated:- Drink water 15-20 mins before you start with your Yoga. Likewise for your post Yoga session, do not drink water immediately after your session, and do not drink during the class.

Make sure you eat 4-5 hours before your yoga session. Doing Yoga on an empty stomach is also beneficial. As we mentioned earlier, consistency in yoga will take you poses! Yoga is for everyone!

Yoga is about centring our energies and keeping our calm even when a storm strikes, and the fab body is a plus point that comes along.

Beyond Beauty

Yoga has been practised since 5000 years ago and is composed of finding the deeper meaning of life, increasing our consciousness, questioning personal choices, and improving them.

Along with looking good, you will feel good as well. Your core, arms, legs will become stronger. You will get to explore the world that lies within you deep down, for you to realize it was never hollow as we anticipate it to be.

Disadvantages of Yoga

Yoga may seem harmless but with regular practice, you may notice that you have more energy, you are more conscious of what you’re feeding both your mind and body. You may notice you have more patience to handle your daily affairs and the panic button has disappeared from your life.

Yoga For Beginners


The word Yoga in Sanskrit means union, and it stands true to its name. As it is about the union of all your body parts. This means your thoughts are also part of the asanas that you perform. There is no separation between your thoughts and your yogic poses. It may take time to achieve 100% accuracy, but work in progress should be the status quo. It is about appreciating your body and being comfortable under your skin.


You may not become a pro initially, but each day when you make progress you will feel the sense of accomplishment and also the gratitude of taking steps towards being more flexible both in your mind and body, and as they say, when you practice gratitude you realize you have a lot.

Learning Stillness

Being still isn’t something that comes naturally to us. It is one of the easiest things, yet the most difficult. The days we decide to take an off, we either binge-watch shows or endlessly and mindlessly scroll through social media. However, Yoga teaches you to stay still, hang in there and enjoy the feeling of doing nothing. Since there is a lot of happiness that lies in doing nothing at all.

Once you feel you are ready for poses of Yoga after you are done with the basic stretching. Start with Yoga Poses For Beginners. Reiterating what we mentioned earlier, there is no need to rush into and do it all at once. Start with poses such as child’s pose, savasana, and the basic yoga poses which you can start on the beginners level.

Simple Yoga Poses for Beginners

    1. Standing Poses: Yoga sessions usually start from Standing poses to warm up and stretch the body.In Hatha Yoga, the poses are done by resting between both poses. Whereas, inflow styles standing poses come together in a stretch to make a long sequence.Sitting Poses: The seating poses focus on stretching the hips and the hamstrings. Placing a blanket under your butt is a good way to warm up and be comfortable in their posture.Poses For Balance:- Maintaining a balance is important to build the core strength and for more advanced postures. Balance may seem difficult at first. However, once you get hold of it, you may master the poses.Backbends: Backbends generally begin with gentle flexibility and spines extending gradually moving to deeper bends. Backbends help with spinal health.

      Resting Poses: Resting is equally important some Yoga gurus emphasize being in Shavasana state for an equal amount of time you did Yoga. Along with it, various other Yoga poses help relax. Child pose, back pending.

Starter Yoga Poses


Tadasana is the most basic asana, however, it is the base for all the other poses and inversion. This is an amazing asana to increase confidence and release anxiety.

How To Do It

Keep your heels a bit apart and make sure that the big toes are barely touching the mat.

Press all 4 corners of your feet. While you press all 4 corners, feel how it engages your legs.

Inhale and rotate your shoulders up and back, release them and see if the shoulder blades are resting and your neck is long.

Plank Pose

Plank Pose works all the muscles of the front part of our body.

How To Do It

Step1:-Put your hands flat on the floor, bend the knees as required.

Step2:-Now take one leg at a time, you should be in a high plank pose.

Step3:-Press your hands in and keep your legs parallel and engaged.

Step4:-Inhale and hold while the belly button sticks with your spine.

Step5:-Few deep breaths and work your core and arms.

Downward-Facing Dog

This pose helps to stretch the muscles for your legs, and it also elongates the spines. Downward Pose helps relieve headaches and stress.

How To Do It

Step1:- For Downward Facing Dog, take a plank pose, push into your hands and lift your hips and inhale.

Step2:-Make sure the shoulder is engaged and the spine is maintained neutral.

Step3:-Keep your legs straight and your heels towards the floor.

Child’s Pose

This is one of the best poses to reset your nervous system. It is a yoga pose that is used in many other workout forms as well such as strength training etc.

How To Do It

Step1:- Take Downward Dog pose, inhale, and on exhale release your knees to the floor, take your hips back to your heels, resting your forehead.

Step2:- Stretch your arms in front of you with your arms touching your ears.

Warrior I&II(Virabhadrasana I&II)

There are 6 warrior poses, however, the first and second one is considered as apt for beginners.

How to Do It (Warrior I)

Step1:- Take the Downward Dog pose and keep your right foot to the inside of your right hand.

Step2:- Bend right knee over the right ankle

Step3:-Keep your chest open with a bit of spine extension while you rise to stand

Step4:-Fold the Palms in a Namaste, it can touch the overhead or stay at shoulder apart

Step5:-While the shoulders slide down gaze at the namaste

Step6:-Hips should be properly aligned

Step7:-Keep right hip back and left forward as both are squared to the front of the mat.

How to Do It (Warrior II)

Step1:- For Warrior II, get into the downward-facing dog position and take your right foot inside the right hand.

Step2:- Bend the right knee in a manner that your thigh is parallel to the floor. The front heel should be lined up with the arch of your back.

Step3:- With this foot placement, inhale and settle your feet to lift the torso and arm.

Step4:-Both the palms should face down to the mat. Your gaze should be on the palm which is extended in front of you.

Step5:- Both the thighs will rotate outwards

Step6:-Take 2-3 breaths in this position, then back to your downward dog. Take a few breaths in this position before you move with the other leg.

Yoga Squat Pose (Malasana)

The malasana pose helps strengthen and stretch the lower back. It helps leave the tension from the hips and knees.

How to Do It

Step1:- Sit and spread your legs in front of you with palms pressed on the mat beside your hips.

Step2:- Now bend your legs one at a time, keep the knees pointed up and the calves should be near the back of the thighs.

Step3:- Raise your seat and lean head.

Step4:-Squat, and raise your heels.

Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaiasana)

Cat-Cow Pose is another sitting pose that helps improve posture and balance. It is done to strengthen the neck, arms, and abdomen.

How to Do It

Step1:- Press your toes on the mat.

Step2:- Push your pelvis back with your tailbone sticking out.

Step3:- When the belly drops down, keep your spine drawing the navel in.

Step4:-Lookup, gently without putting pressure on your neck.

Step5:- Stick your feet to the floor, and keep the spine round

Step6:-Keep the navel toward the spine

And look at the navel.

Legs up the Wall (Viparita Karani)

Insomnia can also be treated with Yoga, say bye to those sleepless nights with the savior asana Viparita Karani. It also helps relieve headaches and reduce BP.

How to Do It

Step1:- Lie flat on your back, raise your legs up

Step2:- Place the arms in a comfortable position

Step3:- Stay in this position for as much as you can

Step4:-Gently get your legs down and relax on your back

Step5:- Get your knees into your chest and roll on the right side.

Step6:- Slowly, steadily, and comfortably move into an upright position.

Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana)

Butterfly pose is one of the poses which is highly recommended during PCOS, PCOD.

How to Do It

Step1:- Take a seated position on the yoga mat, and get the soles of your feet together. Let the knees fall out of the sides.

Step2:-Lengthen your spine, and stay in this position for 7-10 breaths.

Chair Pose – Utkatasana

Utkatasana helps you strengthen your calves, back and gives you those toned legs to flaunt all summer. It also stimulates your heart and abdominal organs.

How to Do It

Step1:- Stand on your mat with your feet apart.

Step2:- Stretch your arms forward, with your palms facing downwards. Make sure not to bend your elbows.

Step3:-Bend your knees, push your pelvis in a manner that you are seated on an imaginary chair, while you do so keep your hands parallel to the floor.

Step4:-Hold the pose until you are comfortable.


The major tip for all Yoga beginners is to be patient and persistent. Patience is a virtue, so is consistency in the world of Yoga. Commit yourself to Yoga, and journal the changes you may notice on your body and mind!

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