Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)- Importance, Benefits, and Variations

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) is a standing yoga pose that requires energy, flexibility, and balance. In this, both arms and legs are stretched. In this position, one leg is bent at an angle of 90 degrees. In this, one hand is towards the ground and the other towards the sky, as the upper body part bends towards the front leg.

Meaning of Trikonasana

“Trikonasana” (Triangle Pose) is a Sanskrit term derived from the words “trikona” and “asana”, in which the word triangle refers to “triangle” and the word posture to “asana”. A triangle is formed in the pose of this asana, hence this asana is known as Trikonasana. This pose is very beneficial for fitness and health. This asana helps in stretching the muscles and improving biological processes. The way the body is stretched in this asana, it forms a triangle-like shape.

There are many variations of Trikonasana (Triangle Pose):

In this, one hand wraps around the lead leg and holds the wrist of the opposite arm at the back in Baddha Trikonasana (bound triangle pose).

In Parivrtta Trikonasana (Circling Triangle Pose), bend the upper part of the body at the waist and take the opposite arm towards the ground.

Trikonasana is a name given to a group of asanas, which are performed in a specific sequence.

Swadhishthana Chakra is believed to be inspired by Trikonasana, which provides inspiration, satisfaction and joy.

Method of Triangulation:

Make sure to warm up the whole body before doing asanas. Lean slowly in this asana so that you do not lose your balance.

Keep your back straight and keep the feet comfortably apart at a distance of three and a half to four feet.

Point your right foot out 90 degrees and your left foot 15 degrees in.

Line up the middle of the arch of your left foot with the center of your right heel.

Plant your feet firmly on the ground and distribute your body weight evenly between both feet.

Take a deep breath and while exhaling fold your upper body down from the hips, keeping the waist straight and raise your left hand in the air as your right hand will be towards the ground. Keep both the hands in a straight line.

Place your right hand on the outside of your right foot on your knee, ankle, or surface, looking as far as you can bend at the waist. Extend your left arm toward the ceiling, keeping the tops of your shoulders parallel. Keep the head position neutral or tilt it slightly to the left. Now look at your left palm.

Make sure the body is bent horizontally rather than backward or forward.

Stretch as far as possible and maintain a steady pace. Keep taking long and deep breaths. With each exhalation, relax the body as much as possible.

Straighten Posture Normalize your position.

Now proceed with the same process on the other side of the body

Forms and methods of doing the triangle posture:


Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) can be done in different ways. It’s easy to get into because your feet are already in the right place. It does not require you to widen or narrow your position.

• Place your right hand on your calf or ankle and lower it down. If you have more flexibility, bring your right hand inward on the floor or on the right foot. Choose the option that feels most natural to you.

• When you open your chest and stretch the fingers of your left hand toward the ceiling, keeping your left shoulder in its socket, the left shoulder will tuck up.

• Bend your back and look at the fingers of your left hand. If this causes pain in your neck, it is best to keep the head neutral.

• Continue to draw your right thigh muscles up, widening the crease of your right hip.

• To avoid hyperextension, flex your right knee slightly (this is called a microbend).

• Stay in this position for at least 5 deep breaths.

• Then repeat this posture by bringing the left leg forward.

Common errors - 5

Do not bend your right knee to bring your right hand to the floor. It is more important to keep your right leg straight. Also another option is to place a block on your floor. Avoid placing your hand directly on your knee, as this puts too much pressure on the joint. Make sure the angle of the left foot is aligned with the right heel.

Don’t give up if this yoga pose seems daunting at first. Modify the pose, consider it back to challenge and keep trying until you master it.

Do you need a change?

Doing this helps you to open your chest. For this, take your right hand above your leg, until it is directly on your knee. Started going

Benefits of doing the triangle pose:

  • Trikonasana is a yoga pose, which strengthens your feet, ankles and knees.
  • This asana is beneficial for your digestion.
  • Trikonasana helps to open your chest and shoulders.
  • It improves strength, balance and concentration.
  • This asana works to strengthen the muscles of the thighs and back.
  • It can be used to relieve stress.
  • This pose is recommended for people who are overweight or obese, as it helps burn fat.
  • It helps in improving balance and focus.
  • Trikonasana is a yoga pose, which improves mental and physical balance.

Precautions while doing the triangle pose:

• Avoid doing Trikonasana if you have migraine.

• If you have high blood pressure, don’t raise your arms.

• If you are suffering from diarrhea, do not do this asana at all.

• Avoid doing Trikonasana if you have a knee, back or neck injury.

• If you have neck pain, do not stretch your neck. Instead of looking up at the thumb, relax your neck by looking forward.

• Do not do this pose if you have had a recent or serious injury to your back, core, thighs or ankles.

Ending Note:

Do not do this asana if you have neck pain. If you are not confident in doing this asana, then it is better that you do these exercises under the guidance of a yoga teacher.

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