Khechari Mudra - Importance, Steps To Follow, Precautions And Benefits

Khechari Mudra – The Amazing Tongue-lock Yoga Practice

The Khechari Mudra is regarded as the most powerful of all gestures. It is a more sophisticated kind of yoga that allows yogis to achieve greater states of consciousness. Khechari mudra yoga is considered a technique to enjoy the happiness of nectar by Hatha Yoga Pradipika or Gheranda Samhita yogis. This is mostly a tongue and palatal sadhana. A lengthy tongue is quite important in this activity.

Khechari has two basic terms in Sanskrit: Kha and Chara. Khechara (Khe / Kha) is a word that signifies “space” (which is infinite). The word Chara means “to move.” Mudra refers to a gesture, a mark, a seal, or a posture.

You need to curl the tip of the tongue back into the mouth until it reaches the soft palate above, as well as the nasal cavity. As a result, it’s also known as the “tongue lock.” The tongue gets flexible and long enough to reach the nasal cavity with repeated practice (nasopharynx).

It is a very sophisticated technique that might take months or years to master. When a yogi achieves mastery, he will be able to taste Amrita or nectar. This nectar energises the body and aids in the suppression of thirst and hunger.

Khechari Mudra Steps

  • Place yourself in a comfortable position. Close your mouth and roll your tongue up to touch the roof of your mouth. See how far back you can go with it. It may initially make contact with the hard palate. Some people may be able to feel the soft palate on their first try. Keep your tongue in place for as long as you feel comfortable. It’s possible that you’ll only be able to hold it for less than a minute at first. When the tongue begins to hurt, release it and return it to its natural position. Allow some time to pass before attempting again. This method can be used even when you are sitting or walking and doing light activities.
  • If the aforesaid procedure is followed, one will be able to keep the tongue on the palate for an extended period of time.
  • The tongue will be able to go back further with practice. It will eventually come into contact with the uvula at the back of the throat. The tongue will be able to negotiate the uvula and go behind it with more practice.
  • The tongue next moves inside the nasal cavity. At the very least, one should be able to keep it there for a few minutes. During this time, one can breathe normally. The breathing rate will gradually decrease to 5–8 breaths per minute or even lower as you improve.
  • The tongue can stimulate particular nerve areas associated with the brain after it enters the nasal cavity. The continual spinning of the tongue is thought to produce a liquid that emerges through the cavity’s ceiling. The liquid has a variety of flavours. It could be salty at first, and you’ll have to spit it out. Later on, the juice becomes sweeter, and ‘Amrit,’ or nectar, is created. The yogi drinks this nectar, which nourishes the body.

Cutting the frenulum membrane is recommended for expert practitioners. The frenulum can be sliced bit by bit, according to the Gheranda Samhita. Butter or ghee is also used to draw out and lengthen the tongue. This is repeated until the tongue is long enough to reach the centre of the eyebrow. This necessitates the assistance of a skilled yogi skilled in the practice of Kechari Vidya. Do not try it on your own.

Kechari can be combined with other yoga techniques such as Ujjayi pranayama, Shambhavi mudra, and meditation techniques.

Khechari Mudra Benefits

  • It aids in the fight against thirst, hunger, and boredom.
  • There is no disease, deterioration, or death in the practitioner’s body.
  • It strengthens the immune system and transforms the body into something spiritual.
  • The yogi develops immunity to poison and snake bites, according to Gheranda Samhita and Hatha Yoga Pradipika.
  • Aids in the attainment of Samadhi, or a state of hyper-awareness, by the practitioner.
  • This mudra clears clogged salivary glands and alleviates the pain associated with salivary gland illnesses.
  • The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) is activated when the pituitary gland is stimulated by the Khechari mudra. Your body conserves energy by slowing down the heart rate – low breath rate (5 to 8 breaths per minute) and you feel comfortable when the PNS is activated.
  • In the case of hearing loss and amnesia, Khechari mudra with Bhramari Pranayama is a very helpful exercise.
  • The nectar secretions have an anti-ageing impact and are extremely useful to the body.
  • This gesture can be used by the yogi for astral travel. The gesture aids in detaching the astral body from the physical body and travelling on the astral regions.
  • Thyroid gland secretion is balanced through khechari mudra and ujjayi breathing. Thyroid gland secretion must be balanced in order to have a healthier metabolism, optimal body weight, growth, and development.
  • It activates all of the chakras and aids in the balancing of the body’s energetic pathways. The practitioner’s entire body will be revitalised when the nectar of the gods is unleashed and flows throughout the body from the third eye chakra.
  • It allows one to access numerous reserves of amrita in the skull and raise Kundalini energy.
  • It will catapult a yogi/devotee into a condition of universal God-knowledge.
  • It most likely stimulates the release of dopamine-like neurotransmitters. These are relaxing and comforting. The practitioner feels a deep sense of tranquilly and well-being as a result of this.
  • It allows you to control your speech.

Khechari Mudra Precautions

There are no known negative effects of khechari mudra, though blood may stick to the tip of the tongue as the tongue is manoeuvred to the end of the nasal cavity. There is nothing to be concerned about; yet, measures should be taken.

  • This mudra should not be performed without the assistance of an expert teacher.
  • While preparing for this mudra, a low-protein diet should be followed.
  • It’s not a good idea to practise all levels on the first day because mastering stage 1 and 2 alone can take 6 to 7 months of practice. Stage 1 should be practised until the beginner is comfortable with it.
  • Frenum cutting is done at a young age and is strongly advised to be done under the supervision of a Guru.
  • Do not jump into the practice of this mudra. With a slight mistake, the tongue can get injured. You may face other complications too.

Conclusion – Khechari Mudra

Because of its power to stimulate the body’s master gland, the Khechari mudra is known as the “King of Mudras.” Controlling one’s words with the Khechari mudra exercise.

Diseases, death, lassitude, sleep, hunger, thirst, or unconsciousness are not a problem for the person who masters the khechari mudra.

Hold your tongue against the soft palate whenever you sit for meditation and you will notice how easy it is to regulate your thoughts.

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