Benefits of Eating Amla Daily

You’ve probably heard the term “bitter is better” before. Isn’t this what our ancestors used to say? Amla is a translucent green fruit whose name comes from the Sanskrit word “Amlaki,” which means “nectar of life”, also known as “Indian Gooseberry”. Amla is well-known in India for its numerous health benefits and ability to treat a variety of ailments. According to Ayurveda, amla will balance the three doshas in our bodies, namely kapha, vata, and pitta, thus removing the root cause of many diseases.

The Indian gooseberry is a tree native to India, the Middle East, and parts of Southeast Asia. For thousands of years, Indian gooseberry has been used in Ayurvedic medicine. The fruit of the tree is still used to produce medicine today.

The most popular uses for Indian gooseberry are elevated cholesterol, excessive cholesterol or blood fat levels (dyslipidemia), and chronic heartburn. It’s also used to treat diarrhoea, nausea, and cancer, but there’s no solid clinical evidence to back up these claims.

How many Amla should be eaten in a day?

Gooseberry Nutrition Facts:

All of us know that Amla is good for your health, but the question is, what content of it makes this fruit so healthy? The nutrition facts of gooseberries vary from country to country, and in terms of India, here is what this sour and healthy fruit has to offer..

Sodium 1.5 mg
Potassium 297 mg
Total carbohydrates 15 mg
Total Fat 0.9 mg
Protein 1.3 grams
Dietary Fibre 6.5 grams

What happens if you eat Amla on a daily basis?

This bittersweet gooseberry has lot many benefits when consumed directed or in juice or candy form. Some of them are as follows:

  • The best way to consume amla is raw, or if you have a sweet tooth, keep some dried amla candy on hand to snack on whenever you’re hungry. This will help you get rid of the garbage in your life without sacrificing taste, and it’s also good for your eyes and brain.
  • Snacking on dried amla: This fruit’s luscious, tangy-sweet flavour makes it an ideal winter snack. It is a good source of Vitamin C and, unlike Vitamin C supplements, is easily absorbed by the body. To make dried amla even tastier, drizzle it with honey.
  • Amla powder for hair: Amla is one of the hair’s most nourishing herbs. It works as a natural conditioner for hair that is dry and dull. It also helps to slow down the ageing process. Amla promotes hair development by strengthening hair follicles and increasing blood circulation in the scalp. Apply amla oil or amla powder mixed with henna to your hair.
  • Amla for a radiant complexion: According to traditional Indian medicine, this wonder berry is the strongest anti-ageing fruit. Amla enhances eyesight, stimulates the immune system, and controls blood sugar and lipids. In addition, it provides a balanced and radiant complexion. Consume as murabba, pickles, or candies, but do so in moderation.
  • Amla has eight times the Vitamin C of an orange, twice the antioxidant power of an acai berry, and seventeen times the antioxidant power of a pomegranate. It’s no surprise that Amla is referred to as a superfood. Amla’s high Vitamin C content makes it a great way to boost your immunity and metabolism. It has been shown to effectively combat viral and bacterial infections, as well as reduce the effects of various health issues such as cancer and heart disease.
  • Amla powder benefits the body during viral and bacterial infections, as well as when battling the common cold since it is a great source for enhancing immunity. When taken three to four times a day, Amla Powder mixed with two teaspoons of honey offers relief from cough and cold. Amla can also help to clear sputum from the respiratory tract and soothe irritated airways. As a result, Amla is used to treat bronchitis, cough, and other respiratory ailments.
  • One of the many advantages of Indian gooseberry is that it contains Vitamin C, which strengthens and thickens blood vessels. Amla is a powerful antioxidant that effectively detoxifies the body. When taken regularly, amla powder mixed with a tablespoon of honey or jaggery can act as a natural blood purifier and increase haemoglobin.

What is the best time to eat Amla?

The Indian gooseberry, also known as amla, is a nutritious food that contains the most vitamin C of any fruit or vegetable. It also acts as a detoxifier and aids in the development of immunity. Amla is a storehouse of good health and one of the most essential foods in Ayurvedic medicine. It has almost twice the antioxidant strength of an acai berry and 17 times the antioxidant power of a pomegranate. This low-cost wonder fruit will help you stay healthy this winter. Indian gooseberry appears to function by lowering total cholesterol levels, including fatty acids called triglycerides, without affecting high-density lipoprotein levels, the “healthy cholesterol” (HDL).

  • Amla is high in Vitamin C, which helps to heal sore throats and colds. Combine 2 teaspoons amla powder and 2 teaspoons honey in a bowl. For immediate and successful performance, take it three to four times a day.
  • Amla relieves constipation: Amla’s high fibre content helps to alleviate constipation issues.
  • Amla aids in the healing of painful mouth ulcers and can also be used to treat mouth ulcers when taken as a liquid. Mix half a cup of amla juice with half a cup of water, gargle, and you’re good to go.
  • Helps with weight loss: Are you putting in a lot of effort to lose weight? Amla increases metabolism and helps digestion, so using it in your diet has a lot of advantages.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties of amla aid in the reduction of arthritis-related pain. Dried amla can be eaten as a snack or eaten fresh and raw. Both works wonders.

What are the side effects of Amla?

When eaten in the quantities contained in foods, Indian gooseberry is LIKELY SAFE for most people. When used as medicine in short-term doses of up to 1,000 mg daily, Indian gooseberry is POSSIBLY SAFE. Indian gooseberry has been related to liver damage in Ayurvedic formulations. However, it’s unclear if taking Indian gooseberry on its own will have the same impact.

Warnings and Special Precautions

There isn’t enough accurate information to know whether Indian gooseberry is safe to use as medication while pregnant or breastfeeding. To be on the safer side, limit your food intake.

Bleeding disorders: In some people, Indian gooseberry can increase the risk of bleeding or bruising. Use Indian gooseberry with caution if you have a bleeding condition.

Diabetes: Indian gooseberry has been shown to help lower blood sugar levels. Your healthcare provider may need to change your diabetes medications.

Theoretically, combining Indian gooseberry with ginger, Tinospora cordifolia, and Indian frankincense may exacerbate liver disease in people who already have it. However, it is unknown if taking Indian gooseberry alone will produce these results.

During and after surgery, Indian gooseberry can increase the risk of bleeding. At least two weeks before a scheduled surgery, stop taking Indian gooseberry.

Wrapping Up

Bundled with Vitamin C and other rich nutrients, Amla is, no doubt, a healthy ayurvedic item that can be consumed for numerous health benefits. Considering your health conditions and medical history, you can definitely chew on this Indian Gooseberry for optimal health.

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